Populse_MIA’s user documentation¶
This page is a user guide for Populse_Mia.
A minimal data set (in BIDS format) can be downloaded here to allow users to quickly start using and testing Mia.
Software presentation¶
- Populse_MIA is composed of three main tabs:
- The Data Browser tab
Provides an overview of the data (image or non-image) available in the current analysis project (raw data and derived data)
- The Data Viewer tab
An advanced viewer of up to 5-dimensional data, mostly but not exclusively MRI data, spectra, plots linked to image and non-image data
- The Pipeline Manager tab
An advanced graphical tool for building process pipelines (see a complete example here)
Populse_MIA uses a Populse third party software called MRI File Manager) to import MRI data and convert them to Nifti/JSON format.
Remote parallel computing: see the remote computing documentation.