# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Soma-base - Copyright (C) CEA, 2013
# Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license, as published by
# the CEA-CNRS-INRIA. Refer to the LICENSE file or to
# http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html
# for details.
'''Compatibility module for PyQt and PySide. Currently supports PyQt4,
PySide, and PyQt5.
This modules handles differences between PyQt and PySide APIs and behaviours,
and offers a few functions to make it easier to build neutral GUI code, which
can run using either backend.
The main funcion here is set_qt_backend() which must be called to initialize
the appropriate backend. Most functions of this module assume set_qt_backend()
has been called first to setup internal variables.
Note that such compatibility generally requires to use PyQt4 with SIP API
version 2, ie do not use QString, QVariant, QDate and similar classes, but
directly convert to/from python types, which is also PySide behaviour. The
qt_backend module switches to this API level 2, but this only works before the
PyQt modules are imported, thus it may fail if PyQt has already be imported
without such settings.
Qt submodules can be imported in two ways:
>>> from soma.qt_gui import qt_backend
>>> qt_backend.import_qt_submodule('QtWebKit')
or using the import statement:
>>> from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import QtWebKit
in the latter case, set_qt_backend() will be called automatically to setup the
appropriate Qt backend, so that the use of the backend selection is more
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
import sys
import os
import imp
import six
# make qt_backend a fake module package, with Qt modules as sub-modules
__package__ = __name__
__path__ = [os.path.dirname(__file__)]
# internal variable to avoid warning several times
_sip_api_set = False
qt_backend = None
make_compatible_qt5 = False
class QtImporter(object):
def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
modsplit = fullname.split('.')
modpath = '.'.join(modsplit[:-1])
module_name = modsplit[-1]
if modpath != __name__ or module_name == 'sip':
return None
qt_backend = get_qt_backend()
qt_module = get_qt_module()
if make_compatible_qt5 and qt_backend in ('PyQt4', 'PySide'):
if module_name == 'QtWidgets':
module_name = 'QtGui'
elif module_name == 'QtWebKitWidgets':
module_name = 'QtWebKit'
if qt_backend == 'PySide' and module_name == 'Qt':
module_name = 'QtGui'
found = imp.find_module(module_name, qt_module.__path__)
return self
def load_module(self, name):
qt_backend = get_qt_backend()
module_name = name.split('.')[-1]
imp_module_name = module_name
if make_compatible_qt5:
if module_name == 'QtWidgets':
imp_module_name = 'QtGui'
elif module_name == 'QtWebKitWidgets':
imp_module_name = 'QtWebKit'
if imp_module_name == 'Qt' and qt_backend == 'PySide':
# PySide doesn't define the aggregating Qt module
psmods = []
base = name.split('.')[:-1]
for mod in ('QtCore', 'QtGui', 'phonon', 'QtNetwork', 'QtSvg',
'QtOpenGL', 'QtTest', 'QtDeclarative', 'QtScript',
'QtUiTools', 'QtScriptTools', 'QtWebKit', 'QtHelp',
'QtSql', 'QtXml'):
psmods.append(self.load_module('.'.join(base + [mod])))
except ImportError:
return sys.modules['.'.join([qt_backend, 'Qt'])]
__import__('.'.join([qt_backend, imp_module_name]))
module = sys.modules['.'.join([qt_backend, imp_module_name])]
# fixes: #13432 - Ubuntu 14.04 LTS: Importing some modules
# of scikit learn from
# brainvisa process raises segfault
# ref: https://bioproj.extra.cea.fr/redmine/issues/13432
if module_name == 'uic' and qt_backend == 'PyQt4':
def _safe_load_plugin(plugin, plugin_globals, plugin_locals):
def _safe_getFilter():
import sys, DLFCN
res = plugin_locals['getFilter_orig']()
return res
import os
__import__('.'.join(['PyQt4', 'uic', 'objcreator']))
uic = sys.modules['.'.join([qt_backend, module_name])]
res = uic.objcreator.load_plugin_orig(plugin,
# It seems that this function is sometimes called with a first
# argument of type File, sometimes of type str. Both cases
# should be handled by this switch.
if hasattr(plugin, "name"):
filename = plugin.name
filename = plugin
if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] == 'kde4':
# Replaces kde4 getFilter function
if ('getFilter_orig' not in plugin_locals):
plugin_locals['getFilter_orig'] \
= plugin_locals['getFilter']
plugin_locals['getFilter'] = _safe_getFilter
return res
__import__('.'.join([qt_backend, module_name, 'objcreator']))
uic = sys.modules['.'.join([qt_backend, module_name])]
# Replaces the load_plugin function in objcreator
#uic.port_v2.load_plugin.load_plugin_orig \
#= uic.port_v2.load_plugin.load_plugin
#uic.port_v2.load_plugin.load_plugin = _safe_load_plugin
if not hasattr(uic.objcreator, 'load_plugin_orig'):
uic.objcreator.load_plugin_orig \
= uic.objcreator.load_plugin
uic.objcreator.load_plugin = _safe_load_plugin
sys.modules[name] = module
if make_compatible_qt5:
if imp_module_name == 'QtGui':
from . import QtCore
if qt_backend in ('PyQt4', 'PySide'):
sys.modules['.'.join([qt_backend, 'QtWidgets'])] = module
patch_qt4_modules(QtCore, module)
elif qt_backend == 'PyQt5':
__import__('.'.join([qt_backend, 'QtWidgets']))
qtwidgets = sys.modules['.'.join([qt_backend,
patch_qt5_modules(QtCore, module, qtwidgets)
if module_name == 'QtWidgets':
module = qtwidgets
elif imp_module_name == 'QtWebKit':
if qt_backend in ('PyQt4', 'PySide'):
sys.modules['.'.join([qt_backend, 'QtWebKitWidgets'])] \
= module
elif qt_backend == 'PyQt5':
__import__('.'.join([qt_backend, 'QtWebKitWidgets']))
qtwebkitwidgets = sys.modules[
patch_qt5_webkit_modules(module, qtwebkitwidgets)
if module_name == 'QtWebKitWidgets':
module = qtwebkitwidgets
return module
# tune the import statement to get Qt submodules in this one
[docs]def get_qt_backend():
'''get currently setup or loaded Qt backend name: "PyQt4" or "PySide"'''
global qt_backend
if qt_backend is None:
pyside = sys.modules.get('PySide')
if pyside is not None:
qt_backend = 'PySide'
pyqt = sys.modules.get('PyQt5')
if pyqt is not None:
qt_backend = 'PyQt5'
pyqt = sys.modules.get('PyQt4')
if pyqt is not None:
qt_backend = 'PyQt4'
return qt_backend
[docs]def set_qt_backend(backend=None, pyqt_api=1, compatible_qt5=None):
'''set the Qt backend.
If a different backend has already setup or loaded, a warning is issued.
If no backend is specified, try to guess which one is already loaded.
If no backend is loaded yet, try to behave like IPython does.
See: https://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/interactive/reference.html#pyqt-and-pyside
More precisely this means:
* If QT_API environement variable is not set, use PyQt4, with PyQt API v1
* if QT_API is set to "pyqt" or "pyqt4", use PyQt4, with PyQt API v2
* if QT_API is set to "pyside", use PySide
* if QT_API is set to "pyqt5", use PyQt5
Moreover if using PyQt4, QtCore is patched to duplicate QtCore.pyqtSignal
and QtCore.pyqtSlot as QtCore.Signal and QtCore.Slot. This is meant to ease
code portability between both worlds.
if compatible_qt5 is set to True, modules QtGui and QtWidgets will be
exposed and completed to contain the same content, with both Qt4 and Qt5.
backend: str (default: None)
name of the backend to use
pyqt_api: int (default: 1)
PyQt API version: 1 or 2, only useful for PyQt4
compatible_qt5: bool (default: None)
expose QtGui and QtWidgets with the same content.
If None (default), do not change the current setting.
If True, in Qt5, when QtGui or QtWidgets is loaded, the other module
(QtWidgets or QtGui) is also loaded, and the QtGui module is modified
to contain also the contents of QtWidgets, so as to have more or less
the same elements as in Qt4. It is a bit dirty and crappy but allows
the same code to work with both versions of Qt.
In Qt4, when QtGui is loaded, the module is also registered as
QtWidgets, so QtGui and QtWidgets are the same module. Loading
QtWidgets will also bring QtGui.
>>> from soma.qt_gui import qt_backend
>>> qt_backend.set_qt_backend('PySide')
>>> qt_backend.import_qt_submodule('QtCore')
<module 'PySide.QtCore' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PySide/QtCore.so'>
global qt_backend
global make_compatible_qt5
qt5_compat_changed = False
if compatible_qt5 is not None:
make_compatible_qt5 = compatible_qt5
qt5_compat_changed = True
if backend is None:
if qt_backend is None:
# try to get from the environment variable QT_API, complying to
# ETS 4
# see
# https://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/interactive/reference.html#pyqt-and-pyside
qt_api = os.getenv('QT_API')
if qt_api == 'pyqt5':
backend = 'PyQt5'
elif qt_api in ('pyqt', 'pyqt4'):
backend = 'PyQt4'
pyqt_api = 2
elif qt_api == 'pyside':
backend = 'PySide'
backend = 'PyQt4'
pyqt_api = 1
backend = qt_backend
if qt_backend is not None and qt_backend != backend:
logging.warn('set_qt_backend: a different backend, %s, has already '
'be set, and %s is now requested' % (qt_backend, backend))
if backend == 'PyQt4': # and sys.modules.get('PyQt4') is None:
import sip
if pyqt_api == 2:
sip_classes = ['QString', 'QVariant', 'QDate', 'QDateTime',
'QTextStream', 'QTime', 'QUrl']
global _sip_api_set
for sip_class in sip_classes:
sip.setapi(sip_class, pyqt_api)
except ValueError as e:
if not _sip_api_set:
_sip_api_set = True
qt_module = __import__(backend)
__import__(backend + '.QtCore')
#__import__(backend + '.QtGui')
qt_backend = backend
if make_compatible_qt5 and qt5_compat_changed:
if backend in('PyQt4', 'PyQt5'):
qt_module.QtCore.Signal = qt_module.QtCore.pyqtSignal
qt_module.QtCore.Slot = qt_module.QtCore.pyqtSlot
def patch_qt5_modules(QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets):
# copy QtWidgets contents into QtGui
for key in QtWidgets.__dict__:
if not key.startswith('__') and key not in QtGui.__dict__:
setattr(QtGui, key, getattr(QtWidgets, key))
# more hacks
QtGui.QSortFilterProxyModel = QtCore.QSortFilterProxyModel
QtGui.QItemSelectionModel = QtCore.QItemSelectionModel
def patch_qt5_webkit_modules(QtWebKit, QtWebKitWidgets):
# copy QtWebKitWidgets contents into QtWebKit
for key in QtWebKitWidgets.__dict__:
if not key.startswith('__') and key not in QtWebKit.__dict__:
setattr(QtWebKit, key, getattr(QtWebKitWidgets, key))
def patch_qt4_modules(QtCore, QtGui):
QtCore.QSortFilterProxyModel = QtGui.QSortFilterProxyModel
QtCore.QItemSelectionModel = QtGui.QItemSelectionModel
def patch_pyside_modules(modules):
if 'PySide.Qt' in sys.modules:
Qt = sys.modules['PySide.Qt']
Qt = imp.new_module('PySide.Qt')
sys.modules['PySide.Qt'] = Qt
for mod in modules:
for key, item in six.iteritems(mod.__dict__):
if not key.startswith('__') and key not in Qt.__dict__:
setattr(Qt, key, item)
def ensure_compatible_qt5():
if not make_compatible_qt5:
qt_backend = get_qt_backend()
if qt_backend == 'PyQt5':
qtgui = None
qtwidgets = None
qtwebkit = None
qtwebkitwidgets = None
if 'PyQt5.QtGui' in sys.modules:
qtgui = sys.modules['PyQt5.QtGui']
if 'PyQt5.QtWidgets' in sys.modules:
qtwidgets = sys.modules['PyQt5.QtWidgets']
if 'PyQt5.QtWebKit' in sys.modules:
qtwebkit = sys.modules['PyQt5.QtWebKit']
if 'PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets' in sys.modules:
qtwebkitwidgets = sys.modules['PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets']
if qtgui and qtwidgets is None:
from . import QtWidgets
qtwidgets = sys.modules['PyQt5.QtWidgets']
elif qtwidgets and qtgui is None:
from . import QtGui
qtgui = sys.modules['PyQt5.QtGui']
elif qtgui and qtwidgets:
from . import QtCore
patch_qt5_modules(QtCore, qtgui, qtwidgets)
if qtwebkit and qtwebkitwidgets is None:
from . import QtWebKitWidgets
qtwebkitwidgets = sys.modules['PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets']
elif qtwebkitwidgets and qtwebkit is None:
from . import QtWebKit
elif qtwebkit and qtwebkitwidgets:
patch_qt5_webkit_modules(qtwebkit, qtwebkitwidgets)
if '%s.QtGui' % qt_backend in sys.modules:
from . import QtWidgets
from . import QtCore, QtGui
patch_qt4_modules(QtCore, QtGui)
if qt_backend in('PyQt4', 'PyQt5'):
from . import QtCore
QtCore.Signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal
QtCore.Slot = QtCore.pyqtSlot
[docs]def get_qt_module():
'''Get the main Qt module (PyQt4 or PySide)'''
global qt_backend
return sys.modules.get(qt_backend)
[docs]def import_qt_submodule(submodule):
'''Import a specified Qt submodule.
An alternative to the standard statement:
>>> from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import <submodule>
The main differences is that it forces loading the module from the
appropriate backend, whereas the import statement will reuse the already
loaded one. Moreover it returns the module.
For instance,
>>> from soma.qt_gui import qt_backend
>>> qt_backend.set_qt_backend('PyQt4')
>>> from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import QtWebKit
>>> QtWebKit
<module 'PyQt4.QtWebKit' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PyQt4/QtWebKit.so'>
>>> qt_backend.set_qt_backend('PySide') # changing backend
WARNING:root:set_qt_backend: a different backend, PyQt4, has already be set, and PySide is now requested
>>> from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import QtWebKit
>>> QtWebKit
<module 'PyQt4.QtWebKit' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PyQt4/QtWebKit.so'>
In the above example, we are still using the QtWebKit from PyQt4.
>>> QtWebKit = qt_backend.import_qt_submodule('QtWebKit')
>>> QtWebKit
<module 'PySide.QtWebKit' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PySide/QtWebKit.so'>
We are now actually using PySide.
Note that it is generally a bad idea to mix both...
submodule: str (mandatory)
submodule name, ex: QtWebKit
the loaded submodule
__import__(qt_backend + '.' + submodule)
mod = sys.modules[qt_backend + '.' + submodule]
return mod
def _iconset(self, prop):
from . import QtGui
return QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(self._basedirectory,
prop.text).replace("\\", "\\\\"))
def _pixmap(self, prop):
from . import QtGui
return QtGui.QPixmap(os.path.join(self._basedirectory,
prop.text).replace("\\", "\\\\"))
[docs]def loadUi(ui_file, *args, **kwargs):
'''Load a ``.ui`` file and returns the widget instance.
This function is a replacement of PyQt4.uic.loadUi. The only difference is
that relative icon or pixmap file names that are stored in the ``*.ui``
file are considered to be relative to the directory containing the ui file.
With PyQt4.uic.loadUi, relative file names are considered relative to the
current working directory therefore if this directory is not the one
containing the ui file, icons cannot be loaded.
from . import QtGui
if get_qt_backend() in ('PyQt4', 'PyQt5'):
# the problem is corrected in version > 4.7.2,
from . import QtCore
if QtCore.PYQT_VERSION > 0x040702:
from . import uic
return uic.loadUi(ui_file, *args, **kwargs)
# needed import and def
from .uic.Loader import loader
if not hasattr(globals(), 'partial'):
from soma.functiontools import partial
def _iconset(self, prop):
return QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(self._basedirectory, prop.text).replace("\\", "\\\\"))
def _pixmap(self, prop):
return QtGui.QPixmap(os.path.join(self._basedirectory, prop.text).replace("\\", "\\\\"))
uiLoader = loader.DynamicUILoader()
uiLoader.wprops._basedirectory = os.path.dirname(
uiLoader.wprops._iconset = partial(_iconset, uiLoader.wprops)
uiLoader.wprops._pixmap = partial(_pixmap, uiLoader.wprops)
return uiLoader.loadUi(ui_file, *args, **kwargs)
from PySide.QtUiTools import QUiLoader
return QUiLoader().load(ui_file) # , *args, **kwargs )
[docs]def loadUiType(uifile, from_imports=False):
'''PyQt4 / PySide abstraction to uic.loadUiType.
Not implemented for PySide, actually, because PySide does not have this
if get_qt_backend() == 'PyQt5':
from PyQt5 import uic
return uic.loadUiType(uifile, from_imports=from_imports)
if get_qt_backend() == 'PyQt4':
# the parameter from_imports doesn't exist in our version of PyQt
from PyQt4 import uic
return uic.loadUiType(uifile)
raise NotImplementedError('loadUiType does not work with PySide')
# ui = loadUi(uifile)
# return ui.__class__, QtGui.QWidget # FIXME
[docs]def getOpenFileName(parent=None, caption='', directory='', filter='',
selectedFilter=None, options=0):
'''PyQt4 / PySide compatible call to QFileDialog.getOpenFileName'''
from . import QtGui
if get_qt_backend() in('PyQt4', 'PyQt5'):
kwargs = {}
# kwargs are used because passing None or '' as selectedFilter
# does not work, at least in PyQt 4.10
# On the other side I don't know if this kwargs works with older
# sip/PyQt versions.
if selectedFilter:
kwargs['selectedFilter'] = selectedFilter
if options:
kwargs['options'] = QtGui.QFileDialog.Options(options)
filename = get_qt_module().QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
parent, caption, directory, filter, **kwargs)
if get_qt_backend() == 'PyQt4':
return filename
return filename[0] # PyQt5 returns (filaname, filter)
return get_qt_module().QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
parent, caption, directory, filter, selectedFilter,
[docs]def getSaveFileName(parent=None, caption='', directory='', filter='',
selectedFilter=None, options=0):
'''PyQt4 / PySide compatible call to QFileDialog.getSaveFileName'''
from . import QtGui
if get_qt_backend() in ('PyQt4', 'PyQt5'):
kwargs = {}
# kwargs are used because passing None or '' as selectedFilter
# does not work, at least in PyQt 4.10
# On the other side I don't know if this kwargs works with older
# sip/PyQt versions.
if selectedFilter:
kwargs['selectedFilter'] = selectedFilter
if options:
kwargs['options'] = QtGui.QFileDialog.Options(options)
filename = get_qt_module().QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(
parent, caption, directory, filter, **kwargs)
if get_qt_backend() == 'PyQt4':
return filename
return filename[0] # PyQt5 returns (filaname, filter)
return get_qt_module().QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(
parent, caption, directory, filter, selectedFilter, options)[0]
[docs]def getExistingDirectory(parent=None, caption='', directory='', options=None):
'''PyQt4 / PySide compatible call to QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory'''
from . import QtGui
if get_qt_backend() in ('PyQt4', 'PyQt5'):
kwargs = {}
if options is not None:
kwargs['options'] = QtGui.QFileDialog.Options(options)
return get_qt_module().QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(
parent, caption, directory, **kwargs)
if options is not None:
return get_qt_module().QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(
parent, caption, directory,
return get_qt_module().QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(
parent, caption, directory)[0]
[docs]def init_matplotlib_backend(force=True):
'''Initialize Matplotlib to use Qt, and the appropriate Qt/Python binding
(PySide or PyQt) according to the configured/loaded toolkit.
Moreover, the appropriate FigureCanvas type is set in the current module,
and returned by this function.
force: bool
if False, if the backend is already initialized with a different value,
then raise an exception. If True (the default), force the new
backend in matplotlib. If matplotlib does not support the force
parameter, then the backend will not be forced.
import inspect
import matplotlib
except ImportError:
# if matplotlib cannot be found, don't do anything.
mpl_ver = [int(x) for x in matplotlib.__version__.split('.')[:2]]
qt_backend = get_qt_backend()
if qt_backend == 'PyQt5':
guiBackend = 'Qt5Agg'
mpl_backend_mod = 'matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg'
guiBackend = 'Qt4Agg'
mpl_backend_mod = 'matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg'
if 'matplotlib.backends' not in sys.modules or force:
if six.PY3:
argspec =inspect.getfullargspec(matplotlib.use)
if 'force' in argspec.args or 'force' in argspec.kwonlyargs:
matplotlib.use(guiBackend, force=force)
if 'force' in inspect.getargspec(matplotlib.use).args:
matplotlib.use(guiBackend, force=force)
elif matplotlib.get_backend() != guiBackend:
raise RuntimeError(
'Mismatch between Qt version and matplotlib backend: '
'matplotlib uses ' + matplotlib.get_backend() + ' but '
+ guiBackend + ' is required.')
if qt_backend == 'PySide':
if 'backend.qt4' in list(matplotlib.rcParams.keys()):
# some versions (>=1.1, <3) of matplotlib have this rcParams setting
matplotlib.rcParams['backend.qt4'] = 'PySide'
if qt_backend == 'PyQt5':
rc_key = 'backend.qt5'
rc_key = 'backend.qt4'
if rc_key in list(matplotlib.rcParams.keys()):
# some versions (>=1.1, <3) of matplotlib have this rcParams setting
matplotlib.rcParams[rc_key] = qt_backend
backend_mod = sys.modules[mpl_backend_mod]
FigureCanvas = backend_mod.FigureCanvasQTAgg
sys.modules[__name__].FigureCanvas = FigureCanvas
return mpl_backend_mod
traits_ui_handler_initialized = False
[docs]def init_traitsui_handler():
''' Setup handler for traits notification in Qt GUI.
This function needs to be called before using traits notification which
trigger GUI modification from non-principal threads.
**WARNING**: depending on the Qt bindings (PyQt or PySide), this function
may instantiate a QApplication. It seems that when using PyQt4,
QApplication is not instantiated, whereas when using PySide, it is.
This means that after this function has been called, one must check if
the application has been created before recreating it:
app = QtGui.QApplication.instance()
if not app:
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
This behaviour is triggered somewhere in the traitsui.qt4.toolkit module,
we cannot change it easily.
global traits_ui_handler_initialized
from . import QtCore, QtGui
if traits_ui_handler_initialized:
return # already done
if get_qt_backend() in ('PyQt4', 'PySide'):
from traitsui.qt4 import toolkit
# if using Qt5 we must not import traitsui.qt4, which would cause
# a crash. Then use the code taken from traitsui.qt4.toolkit
# in a qt-independent manner
raise ImportError('traitsui doesn\'t provide a PyQt5 backend')
except Exception:
# copy of the code from traitsui.qt4.toolkit
from traits.trait_notifiers import set_ui_handler
# Handles UI notification handler requests that occur on a thread other than
# the UI thread:
_QT_TRAITS_EVENT = QtCore.QEvent.Type(QtCore.QEvent.registerEventType())
class _CallAfter(QtCore.QObject):
""" This class dispatches a handler so that it executes in the main GUI
thread (similar to the wx function).
# The list of pending calls.
_calls = []
# The mutex around the list of pending calls.
_calls_mutex = QtCore.QMutex()
def __init__(self, handler, *args, **kwds):
""" Initialise the call.
# Save the details of the call.
self._handler = handler
self._args = args
self._kwds = kwds
# Add this to the list.
# Move to the main GUI thread.
# Post an event to be dispatched on the main GUI thread. Note that
# we do not call QTimer.singleShot, which would be simpler, because
# that only works on QThreads. We want regular Python threads to work.
event = QtCore.QEvent(_QT_TRAITS_EVENT)
QtGui.QApplication.instance().postEvent(self, event)
def event(self, event):
""" QObject event handler.
if event.type() == _QT_TRAITS_EVENT:
# Invoke the handler
self._handler(*self._args, **self._kwds)
# We cannot remove from self._calls here. QObjects don't like being
# garbage collected during event handlers (there are tracebacks,
# plus maybe a memory leak, I think).
QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, self._finished)
return True
return QtCore.QObject.event(self, event)
def _finished(self):
""" Remove the call from the list, so it can be garbage collected.
del self._calls[self._calls.index(self)]
def ui_handler ( handler, *args, **kwds ):
""" Handles UI notification handler requests that occur on a thread other
than the UI thread.
_CallAfter(handler, *args, **kwds)
# Tell the traits notification handlers to use this UI handler
set_ui_handler( ui_handler )
[docs]def qimage_to_np(qimage):
Utility function to transorm a Qt QImage into a numpy array suitable
for matplotlib imshow() for instance.
import numpy as np
from . import Qt
w, h = qimage.width(), qimage.height()
if isinstance(qimage, Qt.QPixmap):
qimage = qimage.toImage()
# sip.voidptr (qimage.bits()) asarray method is only available
# in sip >= 4.15
#aim = aim = np.array(qimage.bits().asarray(w * h * 4)).reshape((h, w, 4))
b = qimage.bits()
b.setsize(w * h * 4)
aim = np.array(b).reshape((h, w, 4))
# TODO: handle different pixel formats
aim[:,:,0:3] = np.flip(aim[:,:,0:3], axis=2)
return aim