Source code for soma.importer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

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Utility classes and functions for Python import and sip namespace renaming.

* author: Yann Cointepas
* organization: NeuroSpin
* license: `CeCILL B <>`_
from __future__ import absolute_import
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

import sys
import imp
import types
import six
import importlib

from soma.functiontools import partial
from soma.singleton import Singleton

# list of namespace objects that should not be patched to avoid a side effect
# in sip imported namespaces: we must not access their attributes during
# imports.
__namespaces__ = ['soma', 'aims', 'carto', 'anatomist']

[docs]class ExtendedImporter(Singleton): ''' ExtendedImporter is used to import external modules in a module managing rules that allow ro rename and delete or do anything else on the imported package. As imported packages could modify each others, all the registered rules are applied after each import using this ExtendedImporter. ''' extendedModules = dict()
[docs] def importInModule(self, moduleName, globals, locals, importedModuleName, namespacesList=[], handlersList=None, *args, **kwargs): ''' This method is used to import a module applying rules (rename rule, delete rule, ...) . Parameters ---------- moduleName: string name of the module to import into (destination, not where to find it). globals: dict globals dictionary of the module to import into. locals: dict locals dictionary of the module to import into. importedModuleName: string name of the imported module. Normally relative to the current calling module package. namespacesList: list a list of rules concerned namespaces for the imported module. handlersList: list a list of handlers to apply during the import of the module. ''' if (handlersList is None): # Add default handler handlersList = [GenericHandlers.moveChildren] if not moduleName: moduleName = locals['__name__'] elif moduleName.startswith('.'): moduleName = locals['__name__'] + moduleName package = locals['__package__'] or locals['__name__'] # Import the module # Note : Pyro overloads __import__ method and usual keyword 'level' of # __builtin__.__import__ is not supported importedModule = importlib.import_module('.' + importedModuleName, package) sys.modules[importedModuleName.split('.')[-1]] = importedModule # Add the extended module to the list if not already exists if moduleName not in self.extendedModules: extendedModule = ExtendedModule(moduleName, globals, locals) self.extendedModules[moduleName] = extendedModule else: extendedModule = self.extendedModules[moduleName] if len(namespacesList) == 0: extendedModule.addHandlerRules( importedModule, handlersList, importedModuleName, *args, **kwargs) else: for namespace in namespacesList: extendedModule.addHandlerRules( importedModule, handlersList, namespace, *args, **kwargs) self.applyRules()
[docs] def applyRules(self): ''' This method apply rules for each extended module. ''' for extendedModule in self.extendedModules.values(): extendedModule.applyRules()
[docs]class ExtendedModule(object): ''' Register a series of rules to apply during the import process of the extended module. An extended module is able to refer to other modules and to apply rules to these other modules. The extended module manages the globals and locals variables declared for the module. Each rule contains the module to which it refers, and the handlers to call for the rule to apply. The calling order is the registering order. ''' def __init__(self, moduleName, globals, locals): self.rules = dict() self.__name__ = moduleName self.globals = globals self.locals = locals
[docs] def addHandlerRules(self, module, handlersList=[], *args, **kwargs): ''' This method is used to add handler rules (renaming rule, deleting rule, ...) . Parameters ---------- module: module module object to apply rules to. handlersList: list a list of handlers to the module. ''' for handler in handlersList: self.addPartialRules( module, [partial(handler, *args, **kwargs)])
[docs] def addPartialRules(self, module, partialsList=[]): ''' This method is used to add handler rules (renaming rule, deleting rule, ...) . Parameters ---------- module: module module object to apply rules to. partialsList: list a list of :func:`functools.partial` objects that will be called during the import of the module. ''' key = module if key not in self.rules: self.rules[key] = list() for handler in partialsList: if handler not in self.rules[key]: self.rules[key].append(handler)
[docs] def applyRules(self): ''' Apply the :func:`functools.partial` handler rules (renaming rule, deleting rule, ...) for the :class:`ExtendedModule`. ''' for referedModule, partialsList in self.rules.items(): for handler in partialsList: # Call the handlers list for the found object handler.__call__(self, referedModule)
[docs]class GenericHandlers(object): ''' Static generic handlers used as import rules. '''
[docs] @staticmethod def moveChildren(namespace, extendedModule, referedModule): ''' This static method is used to move child objects of a refered module to the extended module. Parameters ---------- namespace: string namespace of the referedModule to get objects to move from. extendedModule: ExtendedModule :class:`ExtendedModule` object into which move objects. referedModule: module refered module object to get objects to move from. ''' # during this whole function we should avoid tu use # getattr(mobject, something) (directly or indirectly) because it # breaks things in sip imports later. # Get module names newName = extendedModule.__name__ # Get extended module locals declaration locals = extendedModule.locals # Get the old object in module mobject = ExtendedImporterHelper.getModuleObject( referedModule, namespace) if mobject is not None: # Changes child objects locals declaration for childName \ in object.__getattribute__(mobject, '__dict__').keys(): # in sip >= 4.8, obj.__dict__[key] and getattr(obj, key) # do *not* return the same thing for functions ! childObject = object.__getattribute__(mobject, childName) if not childName.startswith("__"): locals[childName] = childObject # Changes child objects module, recursively and avoiding loops stack = [] done = [] for (childName, childObject) in six.iteritems(locals): if not childName.startswith("__"): try: mod = object.__getattribute__(childObject, '__module__') if mod == referedModule.__name__: stack.append(childObject) except AttributeError: pass # set new module on objects while stack: childObject = stack.pop(0) done.append(childObject) try: name = object.__getattribute__(childObject, '__name__') mod = object.__getattribute__(childObject, '__module__') except AttributeError: continue try: # skip namespace objects if name not in __namespaces__: childObject.__module__ = newName except Exception as e: pass try: d = object.__getattribute__(childObject, '__dict__') except AttributeError: continue for x in d.keys(): try: y = object.__getattribute__(childObject, x) if not x.startswith( '__' ) \ and y not in stack and y not in done: stack.append(y) except AttributeError: pass
# Declare a function to delete non generics Reader/Writer objects
[docs] @staticmethod def removeChildren(namespace, prefixes, extendedModule, referedModule): ''' This static method is used to remove children from the extended module. Parameters ---------- namespace: string namespace of the referedModule. prefixes: list list of prefixes of objects to remove. extendedModule: ExtendedModule :class:`ExtendedModule` object to remove objects from. referedModule: module refered module object. ''' locals = extendedModule.locals # Remove Reader and Writer classes because a generic class # to manage it exists to_remove = [] for key in locals.keys(): if not key.startswith('__'): for prefix in prefixes: if key.startswith(prefix): to_remove.append(key) for key in to_remove: del locals[key]
[docs]class ExtendedImporterHelper(object): ''' Static methods declared to help extended import process. '''
[docs] @staticmethod def getModuleObject(module, name): ''' This static method is used to get an object contained in the namespace of a module. Parameters ---------- name: string complete name including namespace of the object to get. module: module module object to get objects from. Returns ------- object: Object found in the module or None if no object was found. ''' # Split the name of the object # but keep the 1st element unsplit like the module name # if needed. if name == '': return module names = name.split('.') if not hasattr(module, names[0]) and module.__name__.split('.')[-1] == names[0]: names = names[1:] obj = module while names: mname = names.pop(0) if not hasattr(obj, mname): return None obj = getattr(obj, mname) return obj
[docs]def execfile(filename, globals=None, locals=None): ''' Replacement for python2 execfile() six.exec_() needs an open file, hence this wrapper for convenience. Files are open with UTF-8 encoding on python3. ''' fopts = {} if six.PY2 else {'encoding': 'utf-8'} with open(filename, **fopts) as f: six.exec_(f, globals, locals)