Source code for soma.controller.controller

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SOMA - Copyright (C) CEA, 2015
# Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license, as published by
# the CEA-CNRS-INRIA. Refer to the LICENSE file or to
# for details.

# System import
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
import six
import sys

# Define the logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Trait import
from traits.api import HasTraits, Event, CTrait, Instance, Undefined, \
    TraitType, TraitError, Any, Set, TraitInstance, TraitCoerceType, Tuple, \
import traits.api as traits
# Soma import
from soma.sorted_dictionary import SortedDictionary, OrderedDict
from soma.controller.trait_utils import _type_to_trait_id

[docs]class Controller(HasTraits): """ A Controller contains some traits: attributes typing and observer (callback) pattern. The class provides some methods to add/remove/inspect user defined traits. Attributes ---------- `user_traits_changed` : Event single event that can be sent when several traits changes. This event has to be triggered explicitely to take into account changes due to call(s) to add_trait or remove_trait. Methods ------- user_traits is_user_trait add_trait remove_trait _clone_trait """ # This event is necessary because there is no event when a trait is # removed with remove_trait and because it is sometimes better to send # a single event when several traits changes are done (especially # when GUI is updated on real time). This event have to be triggered # explicitely to take into account changes due to call(s) to # add_trait or remove_trait. user_traits_changed = Event def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initilaize the Controller class. During the class initialization create a class attribute '_user_traits' that contains all the class traits and instance traits defined by user (i.e. the traits that are not automatically defined by HasTraits or Controller). We can access this class parameter with the 'user_traits' method. If user trait parameters are defined directly on derived class, this procedure call the 'add_trait' method in order to not share user traits between instances. """ # Inheritance super(Controller, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Create a sorted dictionnary with user parameters # The dictionary order correspond to the definition order self._user_traits = SortedDictionary() # Get all the class traits class_traits = self.class_traits() # If some traits are defined on the controller, create a list # with definition ordered trait name. These names will correspond # to user trait sorted dictionary keys if class_traits: sorted_names = [] for name, trait in six.iteritems(class_traits): if self.is_user_trait(trait): if getattr(trait, 'order', None): # Only if trait.order exists AND trait.order is no None sorted_names.append((getattr(trait, 'order'), name)) else: sorted_names.append((-1, name)) sorted_names = [sorted_name[1] for sorted_name in sorted(sorted_names)] # Go through all trait names that have been ordered for name in sorted_names: # If the trait is defined on the class, need to clone # the class trait and add the cloned trait to the instance. # This step avoids us to share trait objects between # instances. if name in self.__base_traits__: logger.debug("Add class parameter '{0}'.".format(name)) trait = class_traits[name] self.add_trait(name, self._clone_trait(trait)) # If the trait is defined on the instance, just # add the user parameter to the '_user_traits' instance # parameter else: logger.debug("Add instance parameter '{0}'.".format(name)) self._user_traits[name] = class_traits[name] # # Private methods #
[docs] def _clone_trait(self, clone, metadata=None): """ Creates a clone of a specific trait (ie. the same trait type but different ids). Parameters ---------- clone: CTrait (mandatory) the input trait to clone. metadata: dict (opional, default None) some metadata than can be added to the trait __dict__. Returns ------- trait: CTrait the cloned input trait. """ # Create an empty trait trait = CTrait(0) # we need a CTrait, not a TraitType if isinstance(clone, TraitType): clone = clone.as_ctrait() # Clone the input trait in the empty trait structure trait.clone(clone) # Set the input trait __dict__ elements to the cloned trait # __dict__ if clone.__dict__ is not None: trait.__dict__ = clone.__dict__.copy() # Update the cloned trait __dict__ if necessary if metadata is not None: trait.__dict__.update(metadata) return trait
def _propagate_optional_parameter(self, trait, optional=None): """ """ # Get the trait class name if hasattr(trait, 'handler'): handler = trait.handler or trait else: handler = trait # hope it is already a handler main_id = handler.__class__.__name__ if main_id == "TraitCoerceType": real_id = _type_to_trait_id.get(handler.aType) if real_id: main_id = real_id # Debug message logger.debug("Propagation optional parameter of trait with main id %s", main_id) # Get the optional parameter and set the default value if necessary if optional is not None: trait.optional = optional else: optional = trait.optional if optional is None: optional = False trait.optional = optional # Either case if main_id in ["Either", "TraitCompound"]: # Debug message logger.debug("A coumpound trait has been found %s", repr( handler.handlers)) # Update each trait compound optional parameter for sub_trait in handler.handlers: if not isinstance(sub_trait, (TraitInstance, TraitCoerceType, TraitHandler)): sub_trait = sub_trait() self._propagate_optional_parameter(sub_trait, optional) # Default case else: # FIXME may recurse indefinitely if the trait is recursive for inner_trait in handler.inner_traits(): self._propagate_optional_parameter(inner_trait, optional) # # Public methods #
[docs] def user_traits(self): """ Method to access the user parameters. Returns ------- out: dict a dictionnary containing class traits and instance traits defined by user (i.e. the traits that are not automatically defined by HasTraits or Controller). Returned values are sorted according to the 'order' trait meta-attribute. """ return self._user_traits
[docs] def is_user_trait(self, trait): """ Method that evaluate if a trait is a user parameter (i.e. not an Event). Returns ------- out: bool True if the trait is a user trait, False otherwise. """ return not isinstance(trait.handler, Event)
[docs] @staticmethod def checked_trait(trait): """ Check the trait and build a new one if needed. This function mainly checks the default value of the given trait, and tests in some ways whether it is valid ot not. If not, a new trait is created to replace it. For now it just checks that lists with a non-null minlen will actually get a default value which is a list with this minimum size. Otherwise it causes exceptions in the traits notification system at some point. Parameters ---------- trait: Trait instance to be checked Returns ------- new_trait: Trait instance the returned trait may be the input one (trait), or a new one if it had to be modified. """ ut = getattr(trait, 'trait_type', trait) if isinstance(ut, traits.List): if ut.minlen != 0 and (not isinstance(ut.default, list) or len(ut.default) < ut.minlen): # default value is not OK, we have to build another one if isinstance(ut.default, list): default = list(ut.default) else: default = [] default += [ut.item_trait.default] * (ut.minlen - len(default)) trait = traits.List(ut.item_trait, default, minlen = ut.minlen, maxlen=ut.maxlen) return trait
[docs] def add_trait(self, name, *trait): """ Add a new trait. Parameters ---------- name: str (mandatory) the trait name. trait: traits.api (mandatory) a valid trait. """ # Debug message logger.debug("Adding trait '{0}'...".format(name)) # check trait default value inconsistencies trait = (self.checked_trait(trait[0]), ) + trait[1:] # Inheritance: create the instance trait attribute super(Controller, self).add_trait(name, *trait) # Get the trait instance and if it is a user trait load the traits # to get it direcly from the instance (as a property) and add it # to the class '_user_traits' attributes trait_instance = self.trait(name) if self.is_user_trait(trait_instance): #trait_instance.defaultvalue = trait_instance.default #try: #self.get(name) #except TraitError: ## default value is invalid #try: #setattr(self, name, Undefined) #except TraitError: ## Undefined is invalid, too... #pass self._user_traits[name] = trait_instance # Update/set the optional trait parameter self._propagate_optional_parameter(trait_instance) # validate default value, or try to set another one new_trait = self.trait(name) if not isinstance(new_trait.trait_type, traits.Event): try: values = (getattr(self, name), traits.Undefined, None, '', 0) except TraitError: values = (traits.Undefined, None, '', 0) for value in values: try: # validate() doesn't accept Undefined values when the # "real" trait does. so we must really setattr() #new_trait.validate(self, name, value) setattr(self, name, value) break # OK except (traits.TraitError, TypeError) as e: pass #else: ## should it be silent ? #print('value %s is invalid for %s.%s' #% (repr(values[0]), repr(self), name), file=sys.stderr) self.user_traits_changed = True
[docs] def remove_trait(self, name): """ Remove a trait from its name. Parameters ---------- name: str (mandatory) the trait name to remove. """ # Debug message logger.debug("Removing trait '{0}'...".format(name)) # Call the Traits remove_trait method super(Controller, self).remove_trait(name) # Remove name from the '_user_traits' without error if it # is not present self._user_traits.pop(name, None) self.user_traits_changed = True
[docs] def export_to_dict(self, exclude_undefined=False, exclude_transient=False, exclude_none=False, exclude_empty=False, dict_class=OrderedDict): """ return the controller state to a dictionary, replacing controller values in sub-trees to dicts also. Parameters ---------- exclude_undefined: bool (optional) if set, do not export Undefined values exclude_transient: bool (optional) if set, do not export values whose trait is marked "transcient" exclude_none: bool (optional) if set, do not export None values exclude_empty: bool (optional) if set, do not export empty lists/dicts values dict_class: class type (optional, default: soma.sorted_dictionary.OrderedDict) use this type of mapping type to represent controllers. It should follow the mapping protocol API. """ return controller_to_dict(self, exclude_undefined=exclude_undefined, exclude_transient=exclude_transient, exclude_none=exclude_none, exclude_empty=exclude_empty, dict_class=dict_class)
[docs] def import_from_dict(self, state_dict, clear=False): """ Set Controller variables from a dictionary. When setting values on Controller instances (in the Controller sub-tree), replace dictionaries by Controller instances appropriately. Parameters ---------- state_dict: dict, sorted_dictionary or OrderedDict dict containing the variables to set clear: bool (optional, default: False) if True, older values (in keys not listed in state_dict) will be cleared, otherwise they are left in place. """ if clear: for trait_name in self.user_traits(): if trait_name not in state_dict: delattr(self, trait_name) for trait_name, value in six.iteritems(state_dict): trait = self.trait(trait_name) if trait_name == 'protected_parameters' and trait is None: HasTraits.add_trait(self, 'protected_parameters', traits.List(traits.Str(), default=[], hidden=True)) trait = self.trait('protected_parameters') if trait is None and not isinstance(self, OpenKeyController): raise KeyError( "item %s is not a trait in the Controller" % trait_name) if isinstance(trait.trait_type, Instance) \ and issubclass(trait.trait_type.klass, Controller): controller = trait.trait_type.create_default_value( trait.trait_type.klass) controller.import_from_dict(value) else: if value in (None, Undefined): # None / Undefined may be an acceptable value for many # traits types setattr(self, trait_name, value) else: # check trait type for conversions tr = self.trait(trait_name) if tr and isinstance(tr.trait_type, Set): setattr(self, trait_name, set(value)) elif tr and isinstance(tr.trait_type, Tuple): setattr(self, trait_name, tuple(value)) else: setattr(self, trait_name, value)
[docs] def copy(self, with_values=True): """ Copy traits definitions to a new Controller object Parameters ---------- with_values: bool (optional, default: False) if True, traits values will be copied, otherwise the defaut trait value will be left in the copy. Returns ------- copied: Controller instance the returned copy will have the same class as the copied object (which may be a derived class from Controller). Traits definitions will be copied. Traits values will only be copied if with_values is True. """ import copy initargs = () if hasattr(self, '__getinitargs__'): # if the Controller class is subclassed and needs init parameters initargs = self.__getinitargs__() copied = self.__class__(*initargs) for name, trait in six.iteritems(self.user_traits()): copied.add_trait(name, self._clone_trait(trait)) if with_values: setattr(copied, name, getattr(self, name)) if self.trait('protected_parameters'): trait = self.trait('protected_parameters') HasTraits.add_trait(copied, 'protected_parameters', self._clone_trait(trait)) if with_values: setattr(copied, 'protected_parameters', getattr(self, 'protected_parameters')) return copied
[docs] def reorder_traits(self, traits_list): """ Reorder traits in the controller according to a new ordered list. If the new list does not contain all user traits, the remaining ones will be appended at the end. Parameters ---------- traits_list: list New list of trait names. This list order will be kept. """ former_traits = set(self._user_traits.sortedKeys) for t in traits_list: if t not in former_traits: raise ValueError("parameter %s is not in Controller traits." % t) new_traits = list(traits_list) done = set(new_traits) for t in self._user_traits.sortedKeys: if t not in done: new_traits.append(t) self._user_traits.sortedKeys = new_traits
[docs] def protect_parameter(self, param, state=True): """ Protect the named parameter. Protecting is not a real lock, it just marks the parameter a list of "protected" parameters. This is typically used to mark values that have been set manually by the user (using the ControllerWidget for instance) and that should not be later modified by automatic parameters tweaking (such as completion systems). Protected parameters are listed in an additional trait, "protected_parameters". If the "state" parameter is False, then we will unprotect it (calling unprotect_parameter()) """ if not state: return self.unprotect_parameter(param) if not self.trait('protected_parameters'): # add a 'protected_parameters' trait bypassing the # Controller.add_trait mechanism (it will not be a "user_trait") HasTraits.add_trait(self, 'protected_parameters', traits.List(traits.Str(), default=[], hidden=True)) #self.locked_parameters = [] protected = set(self.protected_parameters) protected.update([param]) self.protected_parameters = sorted(protected)
[docs] def unprotect_parameter(self, param): """ Unprotect the named parameter """ if self.trait('protected_parameters'): try: self.protected_parameters.remove(param) except ValueError: pass # it was not protected.
[docs] def is_parameter_protected(self, param): """ Tells whether the given parameter is protected or not """ if not self.trait('protected_parameters'): return False return param in self.protected_parameters
[docs]class OpenKeyController(Controller): """ A dictionary-like controller, with "open keys": items may be added on the fly, traits are created upon assignation. A value trait type should be specified to build the items. Usage: >>> dict_controller = OpenKeyController(value_trait=traits.Str()) >>> print(dict_controller.user_traits().keys()) [] >>> dict_controller.my_item = 'bubulle' >>> print(dict_controller.user_traits().keys()) ['my_item'] >>> print(dict_controller.export_to_dict()) {'my_item': 'bubulle'} >>> del dict_controller.my_item >>> print(dict_controller.export_to_dict()) {} """ _reserved_names = set(['trait_added']) def __init__(self, value_trait=Any(), *args, **kwargs): """ Build an OpenKeyController controller. Parameters ---------- value_trait: Trait instance (optional, default: Any()) trait type to be used when creating traits on the fly """ super(OpenKeyController, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) super(OpenKeyController, self).__setattr__('_value_trait', value_trait) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if not name.startswith('_') and name not in self.__dict__ \ and name not in self.traits() \ and not name in OpenKeyController._reserved_names: cloned_trait = self._clone_trait(self._value_trait) self.add_trait(name, cloned_trait) super(OpenKeyController, self).__setattr__(name, value) def __delattr__(self, name): if self.trait(name): self.remove_trait(name) else: super(OpenKeyController, self).__delattr__(name) def __getinitargs__(self): return (self._value_trait, )
# this specialization does not do anything more than the base class does. #def copy(self, with_values=True): #""" Copy traits definitions to a new Controller object #Parameters #---------- #with_values: bool (optional, default: False) #if True, traits values will be copied, otherwise the defaut trait #value will be left in the copy. #Returns #------- #copied: Controller instance #the returned copy will have the same class as the copied object #(which may be a derived class from Controller). Traits definitions #will be copied. Traits values will only be copied if with_values is #True. #""" #copied = super(OpenKeyController, self).copy(with_values=with_values) #super(OpenKeyController, copied).__setattr__('_value_trait', #self._value_trait) #return copied
[docs]class ControllerTrait(TraitType): """ A specialized trait type for Controller values. """ def __init__(self, controller, inner_trait=None, **kwargs): """ Build a Controller valued trait. Contrarily to Instance(Controller), it ensures better validation when assigning values. It has the ability to convert values from dictionaries, so the trait value can be assigned with a dict, whereas it is actually a Controller. This works recursively if the controller contains traits which are also controllers. Parameters ---------- controller: Controller instance (mandatory) default value for trait, and placeholder for allowed traits inner_trait: Trait instance (optional) if provided, the controller is assumed to be an "open key" type, new keys/traits can be added on the fly like in a dictionary, and this inner_trait is the trait type used to instantiate new traits when new keys are encountered while setting values. If inner_trait is not provided, we will look if the controller instance is an OpenKeyController, and in such case, take its value trait. """ super(ControllerTrait, self).__init__(None, **kwargs) self.controller = controller self.default_value = controller if inner_trait is None and hasattr(controller, '_value_trait'): inner_trait = controller._value_trait self.inner_trait = inner_trait self.handler = self def validate(self, object, name, value): if isinstance(value, Controller): sup_inst = super(ControllerTrait, self) if hasattr(sup_inst, 'validate'): return sup_inst.validate(value) else: return value if not hasattr(value, 'items'): raise TraitError('trait must be a Controller or a mapping type') new_value = getattr(object, name).copy(with_values=False) if self.inner_trait: for key in new_value.user_traits(): if key not in value: new_value.remove_trait(key) for key in value: if not self.controller.trait(key): new_value.add_trait(key, self.inner_trait) new_value.import_from_dict(value) return new_value
[docs] def inner_traits(self): if self.inner_trait: return (self.inner_trait, ) return ()
[docs]def controller_to_dict(item, exclude_undefined=False, exclude_transient=False, exclude_none=False, exclude_empty=False, dict_class=OrderedDict): """ Convert an item to a Python value where controllers had been converted to dictionary. It can recursively convert the values contained in a Controller instances or a dict instances. All other items are returned untouched. Parameters ---------- exclude_undefined: bool (optional) if set, do not export Undefined values exclude_transient: bool (optional) if set, do not export values whose trait is marked "transcient" exclude_none: bool (optional) if set, do not export None values exclude_empty: bool (optional) if set, do not export empty lists/dicts values dict_class: class type (optional, default: soma.sorted_dictionary.OrderedDict) use this type of mapping type to represent controllers. It should follow the mapping protocol API. """ if isinstance(item, Controller): result = dict_class() for name, trait in six.iteritems(item.user_traits()): if exclude_transient and trait.transient: continue value = getattr(item, name) if (exclude_undefined and value is Undefined) \ or (exclude_none and value is None): continue if exclude_empty and (value == [] or value == {}): continue value = controller_to_dict(value, exclude_undefined=exclude_undefined, exclude_transient=exclude_transient, exclude_none=exclude_none, exclude_empty=exclude_empty, dict_class=dict_class) result[name] = value if item.trait('protected_parameters'): result['protected_parameters'] = item.protected_parameters elif isinstance(item, dict): result = dict_class() for name, value in six.iteritems(item): if (exclude_undefined and value is Undefined) \ or (exclude_none and value is None): continue if exclude_empty and (value == [] or value == {}): continue value = controller_to_dict(value, exclude_undefined=exclude_undefined, exclude_transient=exclude_transient, exclude_none=exclude_none, exclude_empty=exclude_empty, dict_class=dict_class) result[name] = value else: result = item return result
try: import json
[docs] class JsonControllerEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
[docs] def default(self, obj): if obj is Undefined: return {'__class__': '<undefined>'} if isinstance(obj, traits.TraitSetObject): return list(obj) # {'__class__': 'traits.TraitSetObject', #'items': list(obj)} if not isinstance(obj, Controller): return super(JsonControllerEncoder, self).default(obj) d = obj.export_to_dict(exclude_undefined=True, exclude_transient=True, exclude_none=True, exclude_empty=True, dict_class=OrderedDict) d['__class__'] = obj.__class__.__name__ return d
[docs] class JsonControllerDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # install a new object_hoook. self._old_object_hook = None if 'object_hook' in kwargs: self._old_object_hook = kwargs['object_hook'] kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k != 'object_hook'} super(JsonControllerDecoder, self).__init__( *args, object_hook=self.obj_hook, **kwargs) def obj_hook(self, obj): if self._old_object_hook is not None: obj = self._old_object_hook(obj) if isinstance(obj, dict) and '__class__' in obj: c = obj['__class__'] if c == '<undefined>': return Undefined # Controller objects are decoded as dicts, without the # __class__ item, because we cannot rebuild their traits in # the general case. They should be converted later by # import_from_dict() d = {k: v for k, v in obj.items() if k != '__class__'} return d #controller = Controller() ## FIXME instantiate __Class__ #controller.import_from_dict(d) #return controller return obj
if type(json._default_encoder) is json.JSONEncoder \ or json._default_encoder.__class__.__name__ \ == 'JsonControllerEncoder': json._default_encoder = JsonControllerEncoder() if type(json._default_decoder) is json.JSONDecoder \ or json._default_decoder.__class__.__name__ \ == 'JsonControllerDecoder': json._default_decoder = JsonControllerDecoder() except ImportError: pass