Source code for soma.bufferandfile
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This software and supporting documentation are distributed by
# Institut Federatif de Recherche 49
# CEA/NeuroSpin, Batiment 145,
# 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex
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:py:class:`BufferAndFile` instances are used to read data from a file (for
instance for identification) and "put back" the data on the file.
- author: Yann Cointepas
- organization: NeuroSpin
- license: `CeCILL B <>`_
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
[docs]class BufferAndFile(object):
This class is a read only file-like object that allows to read ahead and
push data back into the stream. All pushed back data are stored in a buffer
that is "read" by all subsequent read acces until it is empty. When the
buffer is empty, reading is done directly on the attached file object.
from soma.bufferandfile import BufferAndFile
# Open a file with a buffer
f =
# Check that the file content is XML
start =
# Put back the read characters
f.unread( start )
if start == '<?xml':
# Use the file in an XML parser
elif start == '&HDF':
# Use the file in an HDF5 parser
def __init__(self, file_object):
Create a file-like object that adds an :py:meth:`unread` method to an
opened ``file_object``.
super(BufferAndFile, self).__init__()
self.__buffer = ''
self.__file = file_object = getattr(file_object, 'name', '<unknown>')
[docs] def unread(self, string_value):
Adds data at the begining of the internal buffer. Data in the internal
buffer will be returned by all subsequent read acces until the buffer is empty.
self.__buffer = string_value + self.__buffer
[docs] def change_file(self, file_object):
Change the internal file object (keeps the internal buffer untouched).
self.__file = file_object
[docs] def clone(self):
Return a new L{BufferAndFile} instance with the same internale buffer and
the same internal file object as C{self}.
result = BufferAndFile(self.__file)
result.__buffer = self.__buffer
return result
[docs] def read(self, size=None):
Read the file
if size is None:
result = self.__buffer +
buffer_size = len(self.__buffer)
if buffer_size >= size:
result = self.__buffer[:size]
self.__buffer = self.__buffer[size:]
result = self.__buffer + - buffer_size)
self.__buffer = ''
return result
[docs] def readline(self, size=None):
Read one text line
buffer_eol = self.__buffer.find('\n')
if size is None:
if buffer_eol < 0:
result = self.__buffer + self.__file.readline()
self.__buffer = ''
buffer_eol += 1
result = self.__buffer[:buffer_eol]
self.__buffer = self.__buffer[buffer_eol:]
if buffer_eol < 0:
buffer_size = len(self.__buffer)
if buffer_size >= size:
result = self.__buffer[:size]
self.__buffer = self.__buffer[size:]
result = self.__buffer + \
self.__file.readline(size - buffer_size)
self.__buffer = ''
size = min(size, buffer_eol + 1)
result = self.__buffer[:size]
self.__buffer = self.__buffer[size:]
return result
def __iter__(self):
Iteration protocol
return self
[docs] def next(self):
Iteration protocol
line = self.readline()
if not line:
raise StopIteration
return line
[docs] def tell(self):
Position in file
return self.__file.tell() - len(self.__buffer)
[docs] def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
If ``whence`` is 0 or 2 (absolute seek positioning) or if offset is
negative, internal buffer is cleared and seek is done directly on the
internal file object. Otherwise (relative seek with a positive offset),
internal buffer is taken into account.
if whence == 2 or whence == 0 or offset < 0:
self.__buffer = ''
return, whence)
buflen = len(self.__buffer)
if offset > buflen:
self.__buffer = ''
return - buflen, whence)
self.__buffer = self.__buffer[offset:]
[docs] def open(*args, **kwargs):
Open a file with built-in :py:func:`python:open` and create a
:py:class:`BufferAndFile` instance.
return BufferAndFile(open(*args, **kwargs))
open = staticmethod(open)