Source code for capsul.study_config.config_modules.nipype_config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
NiPype configuration module


from __future__ import absolute_import

import glob
import os

# TRAITS import
from traits.api import Bool, Undefined, List, Directory

# NIPYPE import
    import nipype.interfaces.matlab as matlab
    from nipype.interfaces import spm
    has_nipype = True
except ImportError:
    has_nipype = False

# CAPSUL import
from capsul.study_config.study_config import StudyConfigModule
import capsul.engine.module.nipype as ce_nipype

[docs] class NipypeConfig(StudyConfigModule): """ Nipype configuration. In order to use nipype spm, fsl and freesurfer interfaces, we need to configure the nipype module. """ dependencies = [] def __init__(self, study_config, configuration): """ Initialize the NipypeConfig class. """ super(NipypeConfig, self).__init__(study_config, configuration) study_config.add_trait("use_nipype", Bool( Undefined, desc="If True, Nipype configuration is set up on startup.", groups=['nipype'])) study_config.add_trait("add_to_default_matlab_path", List( Directory, default=[], desc="Paths that are added to Matlab default path.", groups=['nipype'])) self.has_nipype = has_nipype
[docs] def initialize_module(self): """ Set up Nipype environment variables according to current configuration. """ if 'capsul.engine.module.nipype' \ not in self.study_config.engine._loaded_modules: self.study_config.engine.load_module( 'capsul.engine.module.nipype') ce_nipype.ensure_config_exists(self.study_config.engine) if not self.has_nipype: self.study_config.use_nipype = False return if self.study_config.use_nipype is False: # Configuration is explicitly asking not to use Nipype return elif self.study_config.use_nipype is True: # If use_nipype is True configuration must be valid otherwise # an EnvironmentError is raised force_configuration = True else: # If use_nipype is not defined, Nipype configuration will # be done if possible but there will be no error if it cannot be # done. force_configuration = False # Configure matlab for nipype if self.study_config.use_matlab: matlab.MatlabCommand.set_default_matlab_cmd( self.study_config.matlab_exec + " -nodesktop -nosplash") # Configure spm for nipype if self.study_config.use_spm is True: # Standalone spm version if self.study_config.spm_standalone is True: spm.SPMCommand.set_mlab_paths( matlab_cmd=self.study_config.spm_exec + " " \ + glob.glob(os.path.join( self.study_config.spm_directory, 'mcr', 'v*'))[0] \ + " script", use_mcr=True) # Matlab spm version else: matlab.MatlabCommand.set_default_paths( [self.study_config.spm_directory] + self.study_config.add_to_default_matlab_path) spm.SPMCommand.set_mlab_paths(matlab_cmd="", use_mcr=False) self.study_config.use_nipype = True
[docs] def initialize_callbacks(self): """ When the 'use_nipype' trait changes, configure nipype with the new setting. """ self.study_config.on_trait_change(self.initialize_module, "use_nipype")