Source code for capsul.in_context.spm

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Specific subprocess-like functions to call SPM taking into account
configuration stored in ExecutionContext. To functions and class in
this module it is mandatory to activate an ExecutionContext (using a
with statement). For instance::

   from capsul.engine import capsul_engine
   from capsul.in_context.spm import spm_check_call

   ce = capsul_engine()
   with ce:

For calling SPM command with this module, the first argument of
command line must be the SPM batch file to execute with Matlab.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import glob
import os
import os.path as osp

import soma.subprocess

def spm_command(spm_batch_filename):
    if os.environ.get('SPM_STANDALONE') == 'yes':
        if spm_batch_filename is not None:
            # Check that batch file exists and raise appropriate error if
            # not
        spm_directory = os.environ.get('SPM_DIRECTORY', '')
        mcr_dir = os.environ.get('MCR_HOME')
        if mcr_dir is None:
            mcr_glob = osp.join(spm_directory, 'mcr', 'v*')
            mcr_dir = glob.glob(mcr_glob)
            if not mcr_dir:
                raise ValueError('Cannot find Matlab MCR dir: %s' % mcr_glob)
            mcr_dir = mcr_dir[0]
        if spm_batch_filename is not None:
            print('---- BATCH SMP ----')
        cmd = [osp.join(spm_directory,
                        '' % os.environ.get('SPM_VERSION',
        if spm_batch_filename is not None:
            cmd += ['batch', spm_batch_filename]
        raise NotImplementedError('Running SPM with matlab is not '
                                  'implemented yet')
    return cmd

[docs] class SPMPopen(soma.subprocess.Popen): ''' Equivalent to Python subprocess.Popen for SPM batch ''' def __init__(self, spm_batch_filename, **kwargs): cmd = spm_command(spm_batch_filename) super(SPMPopen, self).__init__(cmd, **kwargs)
[docs] def spm_call(spm_batch_filename, **kwargs): ''' Equivalent to Python for SPM batch ''' cmd = spm_command(spm_batch_filename) return, **kwargs)
[docs] def spm_check_call(spm_batch_filename, **kwargs): ''' Equivalent to Python subprocess.check_call for SPM batch ''' cmd = spm_command(spm_batch_filename) return soma.subprocess.check_call(cmd, **kwargs)
[docs] def spm_check_output(spm_batch_filename, **kwargs): ''' Equivalent to Python subprocess.check_output for SPM batch ''' cmd = spm_command(spm_batch_filename) return soma.subprocess.check_output(cmd, **kwargs)
if __name__ == '__main__': from capsul.api import capsul_engine import tempfile ce = capsul_engine() = '/casa/spm12_standalone' with ce: batch = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.m') batch.write("fprintf(1, '%s', spm('dir'));") batch.flush() spm_call(