Source code for populse_mia.utils.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module that contains multiple functions used across Mia.

        - PackagesInstall
        - check_python_version
        - check_value_type
        - launch_mia
        - message_already_exists
        - set_filters_directory_as_default
        - set_item_data
        - set_projects_directory_as_default
        - table_to_database
        - verCmp
        - verify_processes
        - verify_setup

# Populse_mia - Copyright (C) IRMaGe/CEA, 2018
# Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL license, as published by
# the CEA-CNRS-INRIA. Refer to the LICENSE file or to
# for details.

import ast
import copy
import inspect
import os
import pkgutil
import re
import sys
import traceback
from datetime import date, datetime, time
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path

# Capsul imports
import capsul.api as capsul_api  # noqa E402
import dateutil.parser
import yaml
from packaging import version

# Populse_db imports
from populse_db.database import (

# PyQt5 imports
from PyQt5.QtCore import QDate, QDateTime, QDir, QLockFile, Qt, QTime, QVariant
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (

# Soma-base imports
from soma.qt_gui.qtThread import QtThreadCall  # noqa E402

# Populse_mia imports
from populse_mia.data_manager.project import Project  # noqa E402
from populse_mia.data_manager.project_properties import (  # noqa E402
from populse_mia.user_interface.main_window import MainWindow

[docs] class PackagesInstall: """Help to make available a pipeline package in the Mia pipeline library, in a recursive way. :Contains: :Method: - __init__: constructor - add_package: provide recursive representation of a package """ _already_loaded = { # these classes should not appear # in available processes "mia_processes.process_matlab.ProcessMatlab", "populse_mia.user_interface.pipeline_manager.process_mia.ProcessMIA", "capsul.process.process.Process", "capsul.process.process.NipypeProcess", "capsul.process.process.FileCopyProcess", "capsul.pipeline.pipeline_nodes.ProcessNode", "capsul.pipeline.pipeline_nodes.PipelineNode", "capsul.pipeline.pipeline_nodes.Node", }
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initialise the packages instance attribute.""" self.packages = {}
[docs] def add_package(self, module_name, class_name=None): """Provide recursive representation of a package and its subpackages/modules, to construct the Mia's pipeline library. :param module_name: name of the module to add in the pipeline library :param class_name: only this pipeline will be added to the pipeline library (optional) :return: dictionary of dictionaries containing package/subpackages/pipelines status. ex: {package: {subpackage: {pipeline: 'process_enabled'}}} """ # (filter out test modules) if ( module_name and "test" not in module_name.split(".") and "tests" not in module_name.split(".") ): # reloading the package if module_name in sys.modules.keys(): del sys.modules[module_name] try: __import__(module_name) pkg = sys.modules[module_name] for k, v in sorted(list(pkg.__dict__.items())): if class_name and k != class_name: continue # checking each class in the package if inspect.isclass(v): if v in PackagesInstall._already_loaded: continue if hasattr(v, "__module__"): vname = "%s.%s" % (v.__module__, v.__name__) elif hasattr(v, "__package__"): vname = "%s.%s" % (v.__package__, v.__name__) else: print("no module nor package for", v) vname = v.__name__ if vname in PackagesInstall._already_loaded: continue PackagesInstall._already_loaded.add(vname) try: try: capsul_api.get_process_instance( "%s.%s" % (module_name, v.__name__) ) except Exception: if v is capsul_api.Node or not issubclass( v, capsul_api.Node ): raise # updating the tree's dictionary path_list = module_name.split(".") path_list.append(k) pkg_iter = self.packages for element in path_list: if element in pkg_iter.keys(): pkg_iter = pkg_iter[element] else: if element is path_list[-1]: pkg_iter[element] = "process_enabled" print("Detected brick: ", element) else: pkg_iter[element] = {} pkg_iter = pkg_iter[element] except Exception: pass # check if there are subpackages, in this case explore them path = getattr(pkg, "__path__", None) if ( path is None and hasattr(pkg, "__file__") and os.path.basename(pkg.__file__).startswith("__init__.") ): path = [os.path.dirname(pkg.__file__)] if path: for _, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(path): if modname == "__main__": continue # skip main print( "\nExploring subpackages of " "{0}: {1} ...".format( module_name, str(module_name + "." + modname) ) ) self.add_package( str(module_name + "." + modname), class_name ) except Exception as e: print( "\nWhen attempting to add a package ({}) or its " "modules to the package tree, the following exception " "was caught:".format(module_name) ) print("{0}".format(e)) return self.packages
[docs] def check_python_version(): """Check Python version used. Returns an AssertionError exception if the version is lower than 3.5. """ if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 9): raise AssertionError( "Mia is ensured to work only with Python " ">= 3.9 (the version of Python used is " "{}).".format(".".join((str(x) for x in sys.version_info[:2]))) )
[docs] def check_value_type(value, value_type, is_subvalue=False): """ Checks the type of new value in a table cell (QTableWidget). :param value: Value of the cell :param value_type: Type expected :param is_subvalue: To know if the value is a subvalue of a list :returns: True if the value is valid to replace the old one, False otherwise """ if (value_type == FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER) or ( value_type == FIELD_TYPE_LIST_INTEGER and is_subvalue ): try: int(value) return True except Exception: return False elif (value_type == FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT) or ( value_type == FIELD_TYPE_LIST_FLOAT and is_subvalue ): try: float(value) return True except Exception: return False elif (value_type == FIELD_TYPE_BOOLEAN) or ( value_type == FIELD_TYPE_LIST_BOOLEAN and is_subvalue ): return ( value == "True" or value is True or value == "False" or value is False ) elif (value_type == FIELD_TYPE_STRING) or ( value_type == FIELD_TYPE_LIST_STRING and is_subvalue ): try: str(value) return True except Exception: return False elif ( isinstance(value_type, str) and value_type.startswith("list_") and not is_subvalue ): if isinstance(value, str): value = ast.literal_eval(value) is_valid_value = True for subvalue in value: if not check_value_type(subvalue, value_type, True): is_valid_value = False break return is_valid_value elif (value_type == FIELD_TYPE_DATE) or ( value_type == FIELD_TYPE_LIST_DATE and is_subvalue ): if isinstance(value, QDate): return True elif isinstance(value, str): try: format = "%d/%m/%Y" datetime.strptime(value, format).date() return True except Exception: return False elif (value_type == FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME) or ( value_type == FIELD_TYPE_LIST_DATETIME and is_subvalue ): if isinstance(value, QDateTime): return True elif isinstance(value, str): try: format = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S.%f" datetime.strptime(value, format) return True except Exception: return False elif (value_type == FIELD_TYPE_TIME) or ( value_type == FIELD_TYPE_LIST_TIME and is_subvalue ): if isinstance(value, QTime): return True elif isinstance(value, str): try: format = "%H:%M:%S.%f" datetime.strptime(value, format).time() return True except Exception: return False
[docs] def launch_mia(app): """Actual launch of the Mia software. Overload the sys.excepthook handler with the _my_excepthook private function. Check if the software is already opened in another instance. If not, the list of opened projects is cleared. Checks if saved projects known in the Mia software still exist, and updates if necessary. Instantiates a 'project' object that handles projects and their associated database and finally launch of the Mia's GUI. :Contains: :Private function: - _my_excepthook: log all uncaught exceptions in non-interactive mode - _verify_saved_projects: checks if the projects are still existing """ # import Config only here to prevent circular import issue from populse_mia.software_properties import Config def _my_excepthook(etype, evalue, tback): """Log all uncaught exceptions in non-interactive mode. All python exceptions are handled by function, stored in sys.excepthook. By overloading the sys.excepthook handler with _my_excepthook function, this last function is called whenever there is an unhandled exception (so one that exits the interpreter). We take advantage of it to clean up mia software before closing. :param etype: exception class :param evalue: exception instance :param tback: traceback object :Contains: :Private function: - _clean_up(): cleans up the mia software during "normal" closing. """ def _clean_up(): """Cleans up Mia software during "normal" closing. Make a cleanup of the opened projects just before exiting mia. """ global main_window config = Config() opened_projects = config.get_opened_projects() try: opened_projects.remove(main_window.project.folder) config.set_opened_projects(opened_projects) main_window.remove_raw_files_useless() except AttributeError: opened_projects = [] config.set_opened_projects(opened_projects) print("\nClean up before closing mia done ...\n") # log the exception here print("\nException hooking in progress ...") _clean_up() # then call the default handler sys.__excepthook__(etype, evalue, tback) # there was some issue/error/problem, so exiting sys.exit(1) def _verify_saved_projects(): """Verify if the projects saved in saved_projects.yml file are still on the disk. :return: the list of the deleted projects """ saved_projects_object = SavedProjects() saved_projects_list = copy.deepcopy(saved_projects_object.pathsList) deleted_projects = [] for saved_project in saved_projects_list: if not os.path.isdir(saved_project): deleted_projects.append(os.path.abspath(saved_project)) saved_projects_object.removeSavedProject(saved_project) return deleted_projects global main_window # useful for WebEngine try: # QtWebEngineWidgets need to be imported before QCoreApplication # instance is created (used later) from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import QtWebEngineWidgets # noqa: F401 except ImportError: pass # QtWebEngineWidgets is not installed sys.excepthook = _my_excepthook # working from the scripts directory # os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) lock_file = QLockFile( QDir.temp().absoluteFilePath("lock_file_populse_mia.lock") ) if not lock_file.tryLock(100): # software already opened in another instance pass else: # no instances of the software is opened, the list of opened projects # can be cleared config = Config() config.set_opened_projects([]) deleted_projects = _verify_saved_projects() project = Project(None, True) main_window = MainWindow(project, deleted_projects=deleted_projects) main_window.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose | Qt.WA_QuitOnClose) # make sure to instantiate the QtThreadCall singleton from the main thread QtThreadCall() app.exec()
[docs] def message_already_exists(): """ Displays a message box to tell that a project name already exists. """ msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msg.setText("This name already exists in this parent folder") msg.setWindowTitle("Warning") msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.buttonClicked.connect(msg.close) msg.exec()
[docs] def set_filters_directory_as_default(dialog): """ Sets the filters directory as default (Json files) :param dialog: current file dialog """ if not ( os.path.exists( os.path.join( os.path.join(os.path.relpath(os.curdir), "..", ".."), "filters" ) ) ): os.makedirs( os.path.join( os.path.join(os.path.relpath(os.curdir), "..", ".."), "filters" ) ) dialog.setDirectory( os.path.expanduser( os.path.join( os.path.join(os.path.relpath(os.curdir), "..", ".."), "filters" ) ) )
[docs] def set_item_data(item, value, value_type): """ Sets the item data in the data browser. :param item: item to set :param value: new item value :param value_type: new value type """ if value_type.startswith("list_"): if isinstance(value, str): value = ast.literal_eval(value) if value_type == FIELD_TYPE_LIST_DATE: new_list = [] for subvalue in value: new_list.append(subvalue.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")) value = new_list elif value_type == FIELD_TYPE_LIST_DATETIME: new_list = [] for subvalue in value: new_list.append(subvalue.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S.%f")) value = new_list elif value_type == FIELD_TYPE_LIST_TIME: new_list = [] for subvalue in value: new_list.append(subvalue.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")) value = new_list value_prepared = str(value) item.setData(Qt.EditRole, QVariant(value_prepared)) elif value_type == FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME: if isinstance(value, datetime): value_prepared = QDateTime(value) elif isinstance(value, QDateTime): value_prepared = value elif isinstance(value, str): format = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S.%f" value_prepared = QDateTime(datetime.strptime(value, format)) item.setData(Qt.EditRole, QVariant(value_prepared)) elif value_type == FIELD_TYPE_DATE: if isinstance(value, date): value_prepared = QDate(value) elif isinstance(value, QDate): value_prepared = value elif isinstance(value, str): format = "%d/%m/%Y" value_prepared = QDate(datetime.strptime(value, format).date()) item.setData(Qt.EditRole, QVariant(value_prepared)) elif value_type == FIELD_TYPE_TIME: if isinstance(value, time): value_prepared = QTime(value) elif isinstance(value, QTime): value_prepared = value elif isinstance(value, str): format = "%H:%M:%S.%f" value_prepared = QTime(datetime.strptime(value, format).time()) item.setData(Qt.EditRole, QVariant(value_prepared)) elif value_type == FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT: value_prepared = float(value) item.setData(Qt.EditRole, QVariant(value_prepared)) elif value_type == FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER: value_prepared = int(value) item.setData(Qt.EditRole, QVariant(value_prepared)) elif value_type == FIELD_TYPE_BOOLEAN: value_prepared = value item.setData(Qt.EditRole, QVariant(value_prepared)) elif value_type == FIELD_TYPE_STRING: value_prepared = str(value) item.setData(Qt.EditRole, QVariant(value_prepared))
[docs] def set_projects_directory_as_default(dialog): """ Sets the projects directory as default. :param dialog: current file dialog """ # import Config only here to prevent circular import issue from populse_mia.software_properties import Config config = Config() projects_directory = config.get_projects_save_path() if not os.path.exists(projects_directory): os.makedirs(projects_directory) dialog.setDirectory(projects_directory)
[docs] def table_to_database(value, value_type): """ Prepares the value to the database. :param value: Value to convert :param value_type: Value type :return: The value converted for the database """ if value_type == FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT: return float(value) elif value_type == FIELD_TYPE_STRING: return str(value) elif value_type == FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER: return int(value) elif value_type == FIELD_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if value == "True" or value is True: return True elif value == "False" or value is False: return False elif value_type == FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME: if isinstance(value, QDateTime): return value.toPyDateTime() elif isinstance(value, str): try: format = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S.%f" date_typed = datetime.strptime(value, format) except Exception: date_typed = dateutil.parser.parse(value) return date_typed elif value_type == FIELD_TYPE_DATE: if isinstance(value, QDate): return value.toPyDate() elif isinstance(value, str): format = "%d/%m/%Y" return datetime.strptime(value, format).date() elif value_type == FIELD_TYPE_TIME: if isinstance(value, QTime): return value.toPyTime() elif isinstance(value, str): format = "%H:%M:%S.%f" return datetime.strptime(value, format).time() elif value_type.startswith("list_"): old_list = ast.literal_eval(value) list_to_return = [] for old_element in old_list: list_to_return.append( table_to_database(old_element, value_type.replace("list_", "")) ) return list_to_return
[docs] def verCmp(first_ver, sec_ver, comp): """Version comparator. The verCmp() function returns a boolean value to indicate whether its first argument (first_ver) is equal to, less or equal to, or greater or equal to its second argument (sec_ver), as follows: - if third argument (comp) is 'eq': when the first argument is equal to the second argument, return True (False if not). - if third argument (comp) is 'sup': when the first argument is greater than the second argument, return True (False if not). - if third argument (comp) is 'inf': when the first argument is less than the second argument, return True (False if not). :param first_ver: the version of a package (a string; ex. '0.13.0') :param sec_ver: the version of a package (a string; ex. '0.13.0') :param comp: comparator argument (accepted values: 'sup', 'inf' and 'eq' ) :return: False or True :Contains: :Private function: - normalise: transform a version of a package to a corresponding list of integer """ def normalise(v): """Transform a version of a package to a corresponding list of integer. :param v: version of a package (ex. 5.4.1) :return: a list of integer (ex. [0, 13, 0]) """ v = re.sub(r"[^0-9\.]", "", v) return [int(x) for x in re.sub(r"(\.0+)*$", "", v).split(".")] if comp == "eq": if normalise(first_ver) == normalise(sec_ver): return True else: return False elif comp == "sup": if (normalise(first_ver) > normalise(sec_ver)) or ( verCmp(first_ver, sec_ver, "eq") ): return True else: return False elif comp == "inf": if (normalise(first_ver) < normalise(sec_ver)) or ( verCmp(first_ver, sec_ver, "eq") ): return True else: return False
[docs] def verify_processes(nipypeVer, miaProcVer, capsulVer): """Install or update to the last version available on the station, for nipype, capsul and mia_processes processes libraries. :param nipypeVer: nipype version currently installed (str). :param miaProcVer: mia_processes version currently installed (str). :param capsulVer: capsul version currently installed (str). By default, Mia provides three process libraries in the pipeline library (available in Pipeline Manager tab). The nipype, given as it is because it is developed by another team (, and mia_processes, capsul which are developed under the umbrella of populse ( When installing Mia in user mode, these three libraries are automatically installed on the station. The idea is to use the versioning available with pypi ( Thus, it is sufficient for the user to change the version of the library installed on the station (pip install...) to also change the version available in Mia. Indeed, when starting Mia, the verify_processes function will update the nipype, capsul and mia_processes libraries in the pipeline library accordingly. Currently, it is mandatory to have nipype, capsul and mia_processes installed in the station. All this information, as well as the installed versions and package paths are saved in the properties_path/properties/process_config.yml file. When an upgrade or downgrade is performed for a package, the last configuration used by the user is kept (if a pipeline was visible, it remains so and vice versa). However, if a new pipeline is available in the new version it is automatically marked as visible in the library. :Contains: :Private function: - _deepCompDic: keep the previous config existing before packages update """ # import Config only here to prevent circular import issue from populse_mia.software_properties import Config def _deepCompDic(old_dic, new_dic): """Try to keep the previous configuration existing before the update of the packages. Recursive comparison of the old_dic and new _dic dictionary. If all keys are recursively identical, the final value at the end of the whole tree in old_dic is kept in the new _dic. To sum up, this function is used to keep up the user display preferences in the processes' library of the Pipeline Manager Editor. :param old_dic: the dic representation of the previous package configuration :param new_dic: the dic representation of the new package configuration :return: True if the current level is a pipeline that existed in the old configuration, False if the package/subpackage/pipeline did not exist """ if isinstance(old_dic, str): return True for key in old_dic: if key not in new_dic: pass # keep the same configuration for the pipeline in new and old dic elif _deepCompDic(old_dic[str(key)], new_dic[str(key)]): new_dic[str(key)] = old_dic[str(key)] othPckg = None # othPckg: a list containing all packages, other than nipype, mia_processes # and capsul, used during the previous launch of mia. pack2install = [] # pack2install: a list containing the package (nipype and/or # mia_processes and/or capsul) to install proc_content = None # proc_content: python dictionary object corresponding to the # process_config.yml property file config = Config() proc_config = os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "properties", "process_config.yml" ) print( "\nChecking the installed version for nipype, " "mia_processes and capsul ..." ) if os.path.isfile(proc_config): with open(proc_config, "r") as stream: if version.parse(yaml.__version__) > version.parse("5.1"): proc_content = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) else: proc_content = yaml.load(stream) if (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Packages" in proc_content): othPckg = [ f for f in proc_content["Packages"] if f not in ["mia_processes", "nipype", "capsul"] ] # Checking that the packages used during the previous launch # of mia are still available if othPckg: for pckg in othPckg: try: __import__(pckg) except ImportError as e: # Try to update the sys.path for the processes/ directory # currently used if not ( os.path.join(config.get_properties_path(), "processes") in sys.path ): sys.path.append( os.path.join(config.get_properties_path(), "processes") ) try: __import__(pckg) # update the Paths parameter (processes/ directory # currently used) saved later in the # properties_path/properties/process_config.yml file if ("Paths" in proc_content) and ( isinstance(proc_content["Paths"], list) ): if ( not os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "processes" ) in proc_content["Paths"] ): proc_content["Paths"].append( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "processes", ) ) else: proc_content["Paths"] = [ os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "processes" ) ] with open(proc_config, "w", encoding="utf8") as stream: yaml.dump( proc_content, stream, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True, ) # Finally, the processes' directory currently used is # removed from the sys.path because this directory is # now added to the Paths parameter in the # properties_path/properties/process_config.yml file sys.path.remove( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "processes" ) ) # If an exception is raised, ask the user to remove the # package from the pipeline library or reload it except ImportError as e: print("\n{0}".format(e)) msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msg.setWindowTitle( "populse_mia - warning: {0}".format(e) ) msg.setText( ( "At least, {0} has not been found in {1}." "\nTo prevent mia crash when using it, " "please remove (see File > Package " "library manager) or load again (see More" " > Install processes) the corresponding " "process library." ).format( e.msg.split()[-1], os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "processes", pckg, ), ) ) msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.buttonClicked.connect(msg.close) msg.exec() sys.path.remove( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "processes" ) ) # The processes/ directory being already in the sys.path, the # package is certainly not properly installed in the processes # directory else: print("No module named '{0}'".format(pckg)) msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msg.setWindowTitle("populse_mia - warning: {0}".format(e)) msg.setText( ( "At least, {0} has not been found in {1}." "\nTo prevent mia crash when using it, " "please remove (see File > Package " "library manager) or load again (see More" " > Install processes) the corresponding " "process library." ).format( e.msg.split()[-1], os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "processes" ), ) ) msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.buttonClicked.connect(msg.close) msg.exec() except SyntaxError as e: print( "\nA problem is detected with the '{0}' " "package...\nTraceback:".format(pckg) ) print("".join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__)), end="") print("{0}: {1}\n".format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) txt = ( "A problem is detected with the '{0}' package...\n\n" "Traceback:\n{1} {2} \n{3}\n\nThis may lead to a later " "crash of Mia ...\nDo you want Mia tries to fix " "this issue automatically?\nBe careful, risk of " "destruction of the '{4}' module!".format( pckg, "".join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__)), e.__class__.__name__, e, e.filename, ) ) lineCnt = txt.count("\n") msg = QMessageBox() msg.setWindowTitle("populse_mia - warning: {}".format(e)) if lineCnt > 15: scroll = QScrollArea() scroll.setWidgetResizable(1) content = QWidget() scroll.setWidget(content) layout = QVBoxLayout(content) tmpLabel = QLabel(txt) tmpLabel.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextSelectableByMouse) layout.addWidget(tmpLabel) msg.layout().addWidget( scroll, 0, 0, 1, msg.layout().columnCount() ) msg.setStyleSheet( "QScrollArea{min-width:550 px; min-height: 300px}" ) else: msg.setText(txt) msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) ok_button = msg.addButton(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.addButton(QMessageBox.No) msg.exec() if msg.clickedButton() == ok_button: with open(e.filename, "r") as file: filedata = filedata = filedata.replace( "<undefined>", "'<undefined>'" ) with open(e.filename, "w") as file: file.write(filedata) except ValueError as e: print( "\nA problem is detected with the '{0}' " "package...\nTraceback:".format(pckg) ) print("".join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__)), end="") print("{0}: {1}\n".format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) txt = ( "A problem is detected with the '{0}' package...\n\n" "Traceback:\n{1} {2} \n{3}\n\nThis may lead to a later " "crash of Mia ...\nPlease, try to fix it !...".format( pckg, "".join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__)), e.__class__.__name__, e, ) ) msg = QMessageBox() msg.setWindowTitle("populse_mia - warning: {0}".format(e)) msg.setText(txt) msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.buttonClicked.connect(msg.close) msg.exec() if ( (not isinstance(proc_content, dict)) or ( (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Packages" not in proc_content) ) or ( (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Versions" not in proc_content) ) ): # The process_config.yml fle is corrupted or no pipeline/process # was available during the previous use of mia or their versions # are not known pack2install = [ "nipype.interfaces", "mia_processes", "capsul.pipeline", ] old_nipypeVer = None old_miaProcVer = None old_capsulVer = None else: # During the previous use of mia, nipype was not available or its # version was not known or its version was different from the one # currently available on the station if ( (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Packages" in proc_content) and ("nipype" not in proc_content["Packages"]) ): old_nipypeVer = None pack2install.append("nipype.interfaces") if ( (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Versions" in proc_content) and ("nipype" in proc_content["Versions"]) ): print( "\nThe process_config.yml file seems to be corrupted! " "Let's try to fix it by installing the current nipype " "processes library again in mia ..." ) else: if ( (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Versions" in proc_content) and (proc_content["Versions"] is None) ) or ( (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Versions" in proc_content) and ("nipype" in proc_content["Versions"]) and (proc_content["Versions"]["nipype"] is None) ): old_nipypeVer = None pack2install.append("nipype.interfaces") print( "\nThe process_config.yml file seems to be corrupted! " "Let's try to fix it by installing the nipype processes " "library again in mia ..." ) elif ( (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Versions" in proc_content) and ("nipype" in proc_content["Versions"]) and (proc_content["Versions"]["nipype"] != nipypeVer) ): old_nipypeVer = proc_content["Versions"]["nipype"] pack2install.append("nipype.interfaces") # During the previous use of mia, mia_processes was not available or # its version was not known or its version was different from the one # currently available on the station if ( (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Packages" in proc_content) and ("mia_processes" not in proc_content["Packages"]) ): old_miaProcVer = None pack2install.append("mia_processes") if ( (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Versions" in proc_content) and ("mia_processes" in proc_content["Versions"]) ): print( "\nThe process_config.yml file seems to be corrupted! " "Let's try to fix it by installing the mia_processes " "processes library again in mia ..." ) else: if ( (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Versions" in proc_content) and (proc_content["Versions"] is None) ) or ( (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Versions" in proc_content) and ("mia_processes" in proc_content["Versions"]) and (proc_content["Versions"]["mia_processes"] is None) ): old_miaProcVer = None pack2install.append("mia_processes") print( "\nThe process_config.yml file seems to be corrupted! " "Let's try to fix it by installing the mia_processes " "processes library again in mia ..." ) elif ( (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Versions" in proc_content) and ("mia_processes" in proc_content["Versions"]) and (proc_content["Versions"]["mia_processes"] != miaProcVer) ): old_miaProcVer = proc_content["Versions"]["mia_processes"] pack2install.append("mia_processes") # During the previous use of mia, capsul was not available or # its version was not known or its version was different from the one # currently available on the station if ( (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Packages" in proc_content) and ("capsul" not in proc_content["Packages"]) ): old_capsulVer = None pack2install.append("capsul.pipeline") if ( (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Versions" in proc_content) and ("capsul" in proc_content["Versions"]) ): print( "\nThe process_config.yml file seems to be corrupted! " "Let's try to fix it by installing the capsul " "processes library again in mia ..." ) else: if ( (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Versions" in proc_content) and (proc_content["Versions"] is None) ) or ( (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Versions" in proc_content) and ("capsul" in proc_content["Versions"]) and (proc_content["Versions"]["capsul"] is None) ): old_capsulVer = None pack2install.append("capsul.pipeline") print( "\nThe process_config.yml file seems to be corrupted! " "Let's try to fix it by installing the capsul " "processes library again in mia ..." ) elif ( (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Versions" in proc_content) and ("capsul" in proc_content["Versions"]) and (proc_content["Versions"]["capsul"] != capsulVer) ): old_capsulVer = proc_content["Versions"]["capsul"] pack2install.append("capsul.pipeline") final_pckgs = dict() # final_pckgs: the final dic of dic with the final_pckgs["Packages"] = {} # information about the installed packages, final_pckgs["Versions"] = {} # their versions, and the path to access them for pckg in pack2install: package = PackagesInstall() if "nipype" in pckg: # Save the packages version final_pckgs["Versions"]["nipype"] = nipypeVer if old_nipypeVer is None: print( "\n\n** Installation in mia of the {0} processes " "library, {1} version ...".format(pckg, nipypeVer) ) else: print( "\n\n** Upgrading of the {0} processes library, " "from {1} to {2} version ...".format( pckg, old_nipypeVer, nipypeVer ) ) if "mia_processes" in pckg: final_pckgs["Versions"]["mia_processes"] = miaProcVer if old_miaProcVer is None: print( "\n\n** Installation in mia of the {0} processes " "library, {1} version ...".format(pckg, miaProcVer) ) else: print( "\n\n** Upgrading of the {0} processes library, " "from {1} to {2} version ...".format( pckg, old_miaProcVer, miaProcVer ) ) if "capsul" in pckg: final_pckgs["Versions"]["capsul"] = capsulVer if old_capsulVer is None: print( "\n\n** Installation in mia of the {0} processes " "library, {1} version ...".format(pckg, capsulVer) ) else: print( "\n\n** Upgrading of the {0} processes library, " "from {1} to {2} version ...".format( pckg, old_capsulVer, capsulVer ) ) print("\nExploring {0} ...".format(pckg)) pckg_dic = package.add_package(pckg) # pckg_dic: a dic of dic representation of a package and its # subpackages/modules # Ex. {package: {subpackage: {pipeline:'process_enabled'}}} for item in pckg_dic: final_pckgs["Packages"][item] = pckg_dic[item] if pack2install: if len(pack2install) == 2: if not any("nipype" in s for s in pack2install): print( "\n** The nipype processes library in mia is " "already using the current installed version ({0}) " "for this station\n".format(nipypeVer) ) elif not any("mia_processes" in s for s in pack2install): print( "\n** The mia_processes library in mia is " "already using the current installed version ({0}) " "for this station\n".format(miaProcVer) ) elif not any("capsul" in s for s in pack2install): print( "\n** The capsul library in mia is " "already using the current installed version ({0}) " "for this station\n".format(capsulVer) ) elif len(pack2install) == 1: if any("nipype" in s for s in pack2install): print( "\n** The mia_processes and capsul processes " "libraries are already using in mia the current " "installed version ({0} and {1} respectively) for " "this station\n".format(miaProcVer, capsulVer) ) elif any("mia_processes" in s for s in pack2install): print( "\n** The nipype and capsul processes " "libraries are already using in mia the current " "installed version ({0} and {1} respectively) for " "this station\n".format(nipypeVer, capsulVer) ) elif any("capsul" in s for s in pack2install): print( "\n** The mia_processes and nipype processes " "libraries are already using in mia the current " "installed version ({0} and {1} respectively) for " "this station\n".format(miaProcVer, nipypeVer) ) if (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Paths" in proc_content): # Save the path to the packages final_pckgs["Paths"] = proc_content["Paths"] if (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Versions" in proc_content): if proc_content["Versions"] is None: for k in ("nipype", "mia_processes", "capsul"): if k not in final_pckgs["Versions"]: final_pckgs["Versions"][k] = None else: for item in proc_content["Versions"]: if item not in final_pckgs["Versions"]: final_pckgs["Versions"][item] = proc_content[ "Versions" ][item] # Try to keep the previous configuration before the update # of the packages if (isinstance(proc_content, dict)) and ("Packages" in proc_content): _deepCompDic(proc_content["Packages"], final_pckgs["Packages"]) for item in proc_content["Packages"]: if item not in final_pckgs["Packages"]: final_pckgs["Packages"][item] = proc_content["Packages"][ item ] with open(proc_config, "w", encoding="utf8") as stream: yaml.dump( final_pckgs, stream, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True, ) else: print( "\n** mia is already using the current installed version of " "nipype, mia_processes and capsul for this station ({0}, {1} " "and {2}, respectively)\n".format(nipypeVer, miaProcVer, capsulVer) )
[docs] def verify_setup( dev_mode, pypath=[], dot_mia_config=os.path.join( os.path.expanduser("~"), ".populse_mia", "configuration_path.yml" ), ): """check whether the configuration is valid and try to correct it if it is not. :param dev_mode: the current developer mode (bool). (if True: dev, if False: user) :param pypath: a list of path for the capsul config (list) :dot_mia_config: the path to the configuration_path.yml file :Contains: :Private function: - _browse_properties_path: the user define the properties_path parameter - _cancel_clicked: exit form Mia - _make_default_config: make default configuration - _save_yml_file: save data in a YAML file - _verify_miaConfig: check the config and try to fix if necessary """ # import Config only here to prevent circular import issue from populse_mia.software_properties import Config def _browse_properties_path(dialog): """The user define the properties_path parameter. This method, used only if the mia configuration parameters are not accessible, goes with the _verify_miaConfig function, which will use the value of the properties_path parameter, defined here. :param dialog: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QDialog object ('msg' in the main function) """ dname = None options = QFileDialog.Options() options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog options |= QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly options |= QFileDialog.ReadOnly caption = ( "Please select a root directory for configuration, {} mode." ).format("dev" if dev_mode is True else "user") existDir = QFileDialog(dialog, caption) existDir.setFileMode(QFileDialog.DirectoryOnly) existDir.setFilter( existDir.filter() | QDir.AllEntries | QDir.Hidden | QDir.NoDotAndDotDot ) existDir.setOptions(options) existDir.setDirectory( os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".populse_mia") ) if existDir.exec(): dname = existDir.selectedFiles()[0] dialog.file_line_edit.setText(dname) def _cancel_clicked(dialog): """Cancel the config check. :param dialog: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QDialog object ('msg' in the main function) """ dialog.close() print( "\nNo configuration has been detected. " "Mia is shutting down...\n" ) sys.exit(0) def _make_default_config(dialog): """Make default configuration. Default directories (properties_path/properties, properties_path/processes/User_processes), configuration files (properties_path/properties/saved_projects.yml, properties_path/properties/config.yml) and properties_path/processes/ are created only if they do not exist (they are not overwritten if they already exist). :param dialog: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QDialog object ('msg' in the main function) """ properties_path = dialog.file_line_edit.text() if properties_path.endswith(os.sep): properties_path = properties_path[:-1] dialog.file_line_edit.setText(properties_path) if dev_mode is True: if not os.path.split(properties_path)[-1] == "dev": properties_path = os.path.join(properties_path, "dev") else: dialog.file_line_edit.setText(os.path.dirname(properties_path)) else: if not os.path.split(properties_path)[-1] == "usr": properties_path = os.path.join(properties_path, "usr") else: dialog.file_line_edit.setText(os.path.dirname(properties_path)) # properties folder management / initialisation: properties_dir = os.path.join(properties_path, "properties") if not os.path.exists(properties_dir): os.makedirs(properties_dir, exist_ok=True) print("\nThe {0} directory is created...".format(properties_dir)) if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(properties_dir, "saved_projects.yml") ): _save_yml_file( {"paths": []}, os.path.join(properties_dir, "saved_projects.yml"), ) print( "\nThe {0} file is created...".format( os.path.join(properties_dir, "saved_projects.yml") ) ) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(properties_dir, "config.yml")): _save_yml_file( "gAAAAABd79UO5tVZSRNqnM5zzbl0KDd7Y98KCSKCNizp9aDq" "ADs9dAQHJFbmOEX2QL_jJUHOTBfFFqa3OdfwpNLbvWNU_rR0" "VuT1ZdlmTYv4wwRjhlyPiir7afubLrLK4Jfk84OoOeVtR0a5" "a0k0WqPlZl-y8_Wu4osHeQCfeWFKW5EWYF776rWgJZsjn3fx" "Z-V2g5aHo-Q5aqYi2V1Kc-kQ9ZwjFBFbXNa1g9nHKZeyd3ve" "6p3RUSELfUmEhS0eOWn8i-7GW1UGa4zEKCsoY6T19vrimiuR" "Vy-DTmmgzbbjGkgmNxB5MvEzs0BF2bAcina_lKR-yeICuIqp" "TSOBfgkTDcB0LVPBoQmogUVVTeCrjYH9_llFTJQ3ZtKZLdeS" "tFR5Y2I2ZkQETi6m-0wmUDKf-KRzmk6sLRK_oz6GmuTAN8A5" "1au2v1M=", os.path.join(properties_dir, "config.yml"), ) print( "\nThe {0} file is created...".format( os.path.join(properties_dir, "config.yml") ) ) # processes/User_processes folder management / initialisation: user_processes_dir = os.path.join( properties_path, "processes", "User_processes" ) if not os.path.exists(user_processes_dir): os.makedirs(user_processes_dir, exist_ok=True) print( "\nThe {0} directory is created...".format( user_processes_dir ) ) if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(user_processes_dir, "") ): Path( os.path.join( user_processes_dir, "", ) ).touch() print( "\nThe {0} file is created...".format( os.path.join(properties_dir, "config.yml") ) ) print("\nDefault configuration checked.\n") def _save_yml_file(a_dic, a_file): """Save data in a YAML file. :param a_dic: a python object :param a_file: a .yml file path """ with open(a_file, "w", encoding="utf8") as configfile: yaml.dump( a_dic, configfile, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True, ) def _verify_miaConfig(dialog=None): """Check the config is not corrupted and try to fix if necessary. The purpose of this method is twofold. First, it allows to update the obsolete values for some parameters of the properties_path/properties/config.yml file. Secondly, it allows to correct the value of the properties_user_path / properties_dev_path parameter in the ~/.populse_mia/configuration_path.yml file. This method goes with the _browse_properties_path() function, the latter having allowed the definition of the properties_path parameter, the objective here is to check if the value of this parameter is valid. The properties_path parameters are saved in the ~/.populse_mia/configuration_path.yml file (the properties_user_path or the properties_dev_path parameter is mandatory). Then the data in the properties/config.yml file are checked. If an exception is raised during the _verify_miaConfig function, the "Properties path selection" window is not closed and the user is again prompted to set the properties_path parameter. :param dialog: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QDialog object ('msg' in the main function) """ save_flag = False config = None if dialog is not None: if not dialog.file_line_edit.text(): # FIXME: Shouldn't we carry out a more thorough invalidity # check (we're only checking the empty # string here)? print("Warning: configuration root directory is invalid...") msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msg.setWindowTitle("Mia configuration Error") msg.setText("No configuration path found...") msg.exec() return with open(dot_mia_config, "r") as stream: try: if verCmp(yaml.__version__, "5.1", "sup"): mia_home_properties_path = yaml.load( stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader ) else: mia_home_properties_path = yaml.load(stream) if mia_home_properties_path is None or not isinstance( mia_home_properties_path, dict ): raise yaml.YAMLError( "\nThe '{}' file seems to be " "corrupted...\n".format(dot_mia_config) ) except yaml.YAMLError: print( "\n {} cannot be read, the path to the properties has " "not been found...".format(dot_mia_config) ) mia_home_properties_path = dict() mia_home_properties_path_new = dict() try: _make_default_config(dialog) except Exception as e: print( "\nAutomatic configuration fails: {0} ...".format( e, ) ) msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msg.setWindowTitle("Mia configuration Error") msg.setText("Automatic configuration fails...") msg.exec() return if dev_mode: mia_home_properties_path_new["properties_dev_path"] = ( dialog.file_line_edit.text() ) else: mia_home_properties_path_new["properties_user_path"] = ( dialog.file_line_edit.text() ) mia_home_properties_path = { **mia_home_properties_path, **mia_home_properties_path_new, } key_to_del = [ k for k, v in mia_home_properties_path.items() if k not in ("properties_dev_path", "properties_user_path") ] for k in key_to_del: del mia_home_properties_path[k] print("\nNew values in {}: ".format(dot_mia_config)) for key, value in mia_home_properties_path_new.items(): print("- {0}: {1}".format(key, value)) print() _save_yml_file(mia_home_properties_path, dot_mia_config) try: config = Config() # Check properties/config.yml by checking if # key == 'name' / value == 'MIA': if config.config["name"] != "MIA": raise yaml.YAMLError( "\nThe '{}' file seems to be " "corrupted...\n".format(dot_mia_config) ) if not config.get_admin_hash(): config.set_admin_hash( "60cfd1916033576b0f2368603fe612fb" "78b8c20e4f5ad9cf39c9cf7e912dd282" ) except Exception as e: print( "\nCould not fetch the " "properties/config.yml file: {0} ...".format( e, ) ) msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msg.setWindowTitle("Mia configuration Error") msg.setText("No configuration path found...") msg.exec() return else: dialog.close() else: config = Config() # Check properties/config.yml by checking if # key == 'name' / value == 'MIA': if config.config["name"] != "MIA": raise yaml.YAMLError( "\nThe '{}' file seems to be " "corrupted...\n".format(dot_mia_config) ) if not config.get_admin_hash(): config.set_admin_hash( "60cfd1916033576b0f2368603fe612fb" "78b8c20e4f5ad9cf39c9cf7e912dd282" ) if config is not None: for key, value in config.config.items(): # Patch for obsolete values if value == "no": save_flag = True config.config[key] = False if value == "yes": save_flag = True config.config[key] = True if save_flag is True: config.saveConfig() # The directory in which the configuration is located must be # declared in ~/.populse_mia/configuration_path.yml # dot_mia_config = os.path.join( # os.path.expanduser("~"), ".populse_mia", "configuration_path.yml" # ) # ~/.populse_mia/configuration_path.yml management/initialisation if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dot_mia_config)): os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(dot_mia_config)) print( "\nThe {0} directory is created " "...".format(os.path.dirname(dot_mia_config)) ) Path(os.path.join(dot_mia_config)).touch() if not os.path.exists(dot_mia_config): Path(os.path.join(dot_mia_config)).touch() try: # Just to check if dot_mia_config file is well readable/writeable with open(dot_mia_config, "r") as stream: if version.parse(yaml.__version__) > version.parse("5.1"): mia_home_properties_path = yaml.load( stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader ) else: mia_home_properties_path = yaml.load(stream) if mia_home_properties_path is None: raise yaml.YAMLError( "\nThe '{}' file seems to be " "corrupted or the configuration has never " "been initialized...\n".format(dot_mia_config) ) if dev_mode and "properties_dev_path" not in mia_home_properties_path: raise yaml.YAMLError( "\nNo properties path found in {}...\n".format(dot_mia_config) ) elif ( not dev_mode and "properties_user_path" not in mia_home_properties_path ): raise yaml.YAMLError( "\nNo properties path found in {}...\n".format(dot_mia_config) ) _save_yml_file(mia_home_properties_path, dot_mia_config) _verify_miaConfig() except Exception as e: # the ~/.populse_mia/configuration_path.yml or the # properties/config.yml file does not exist or has not been # correctly read... # FIXME: We may be need a more precise Exception class to catch ? print( "\nAn issue has been detected when opening" " the {0} file or with the parameters returned " "from this file:{1}\n".format(dot_mia_config, e) ) # open popup, we choose the properties path dir msg = QDialog() msg.setWindowTitle("populse_mia - properties path selection") vbox_layout = QVBoxLayout() hbox_layout = QHBoxLayout() file_label = QLabel( "No configuration parameters found. Please select a root directory" " for configuration." ) msg.file_line_edit = QLineEdit() msg.file_line_edit.setText(os.path.dirname(dot_mia_config)) msg.file_line_edit.setFixedWidth(400) file_button = QPushButton("Browse") file_button.clicked.connect(partial(_browse_properties_path, msg)) vbox_layout.addWidget(file_label) hbox_layout.addWidget(msg.file_line_edit) hbox_layout.addWidget(file_button) vbox_layout.addLayout(hbox_layout) hbox_layout = QHBoxLayout() msg.ok_button = QPushButton("Ok") msg.ok_button.clicked.connect(partial(_verify_miaConfig, msg)) msg.cancel_button = QPushButton("Cancel") msg.cancel_button.clicked.connect(partial(_cancel_clicked, msg)) hbox_layout.addWidget(msg.cancel_button) hbox_layout.addWidget(msg.ok_button) vbox_layout.addLayout(hbox_layout) msg.setLayout(vbox_layout) msg.exec() # Adding personal libraries User_processes (and others if any) to sys.path # and to pypath. config = Config() properties_path = config.get_properties_path() user_proc = os.path.join(properties_path, "processes") if os.path.isdir(user_proc): user_proc_dir = os.listdir(user_proc) if user_proc_dir: sys.path.append(user_proc) pypath.append(user_proc) for elt in user_proc_dir: print( " . Using {0} package from {1}...".format(elt, user_proc) ) del user_proc_dir try: del elt except NameError: # There's nothing in the "processes" directory! Let's try to fix # it and put at least one valid directory User_processes os.mkdir(os.path.join(user_proc, "User_processes")) Path( os.path.join(user_proc, "User_processes", "") ).touch() if pypath: config.get_capsul_engine() c = config.get_capsul_config() pc = ( c.setdefault("engine", {}) .setdefault("global", {}) .setdefault("capsul.engine.module.python", {}) .setdefault("python", {}) ) pc["executable"] = sys.executable pc["config_id"] = "python" pc["config_environment"] = "global" if "path" in pc: matches = [ "capsul", "mia_processes", "populse_mia", os.path.join("populse_db", "python"), os.path.join("soma-base", "python"), os.path.join("soma-workflow", "python"), os.path.join("populse_mia", "processes"), ] for i in pc["path"]: if i not in pypath and not any(x in i for x in matches): pypath.append(i) pc["path"] = pypath print("\nChanged python conf:", pc) config.update_capsul_config() config.saveConfig()