Source code for populse_mia.user_interface.pipeline_manager.process_library

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module that contains class and methods to process the different libraries of
the project.

        - DictionaryTreeModel
        - InstallProcesses
        - Node
        - PackageLibrary
        - PackageLibraryDialog
        - ProcessHelp
        - ProcessLibrary
        - ProcessLibraryWidget

        - import_file
        - node_structure_from_dict


# Populse_mia - Copyright (C) IRMaGe/CEA, 2018
# Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL license, as published by
# the CEA-CNRS-INRIA. Refer to the LICENSE file or to
# for details.

# Other import
import distutils.dir_util
import glob
import inspect
import os
import pkgutil
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import traceback
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial
from zipfile import ZipFile, is_zipfile

import yaml

# capsul import
from capsul.api import get_process_instance

# PyQt5 import
from PyQt5 import QtCore

# QAbstractItemView is not available from soma (see in PackageLibraryDialog)
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QAbstractItemView

# PyQt / PySide import, via soma
from soma.qt_gui import qt_backend
from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import QtGui
from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend.Qt import (
from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend.QtCore import (
from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend.QtWidgets import QGroupBox, QListWidget, QMenu

# Populse_MIA import
from populse_mia.software_properties import Config

[docs] class DictionaryTreeModel(QAbstractItemModel): """Data model providing a tree of an arbitrary dictionary. .. Methods: - columnCount: return always 1 - data: return the data requested by the view - flags: everything is enabled and selectable, only the leaves can be dragged. - getNode: return a Node() from given index - headerData: return the name of the requested column - index: return an index from given row, column and parent - insertRows: insert rows from starting position and number given by rows - mimeData: used when the widget is dragged by the user - mimeTypes: return a constant - parent: return the parent from given index - removeRows: remove the rows from position to position+rows - rowCount: the number of rows is the number of children - setData: method called when the user changes data - to_dict: return the root node as a dictionary """
[docs] def __init__(self, root, parent=None): """Initialization of the DictionaryTreeModel class.""" super(DictionaryTreeModel, self).__init__(parent) self._rootNode = root
[docs] def columnCount(self, parent): """Number of columns is always 1.""" return 1
[docs] def data(self, index, role): """Return the data requested by the view.""" if not index.isValid(): return None node = index.internalPointer() if role == Qt.DisplayRole or role == Qt.EditRole: return
[docs] def flags(self, index): """Everything is enabled and selectable. Only the leaves can be dragged. """ node = index.internalPointer() if node.childCount() > 0: return Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable else: return ( Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled )
[docs] def getNode(self, index): """Return a Node() from given index.""" if index.isValid(): node = index.internalPointer() if node: return node return self._rootNode
[docs] def headerData(self, section, orientation, role): """Return the name of the requested column.""" if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if section == 0: return "Packages" if section == 1: return "Value"
[docs] def index(self, row, column, parent): """Return an index from given row, column and parent.""" parentNode = self.getNode(parent) childItem = parentNode.child(row) if childItem: return self.createIndex(row, column, childItem) else: return QModelIndex()
[docs] def insertRows(self, position, rows, parent=QModelIndex()): """Insert rows from starting position and number given by rows.""" parentNode = self.getNode(parent) self.beginInsertRows(parent, position, position + rows - 1) for row in range(rows): childCount = parentNode.childCount() childNode = Node("untitled" + str(childCount)) success = parentNode.insertChild(position, childNode) self.endInsertRows() return success
[docs] def mimeData(self, idxs): """Used when the widget is dragged by the user. :param idxs: mouse event :return: QMimeData object """ mimedata = QMimeData() for idx in idxs: if idx.isValid(): node = idx.internalPointer() txt = mimedata.setData("component/name", QByteArray(txt.encode())) return mimedata
[docs] def mimeTypes(self): """Return a constant.""" return ["component/name"]
[docs] def parent(self, index): """Return the parent from given index. :param index: index """ node = self.getNode(index) parentNode = node.parent() if parentNode == self._rootNode: return QModelIndex() return self.createIndex(parentNode.row(), 0, parentNode)
[docs] def removeRows(self, position, rows, parent=QModelIndex()): """Remove the rows from position to position+rows. :param position: the position of the node :param rows: the row of the tnode :param parent: the parent node """ parentNode = self.getNode(parent) self.beginRemoveRows(parent, position, position + rows - 1) for row in range(rows): success = parentNode.removeChild(position) self.endRemoveRows() return success
[docs] def rowCount(self, parent): """The number of rows is the number of children. :param parent: the parent of the node """ if not parent.isValid(): parentNode = self._rootNode else: parentNode = parent.internalPointer() return parentNode.childCount()
[docs] def setData(self, index, value, role=Qt.EditRole): """This method gets called when the user changes data. :param index: index :param value: value :param role: Qt role :return: boolean """ if index.isValid(): if role == Qt.EditRole: node = index.internalPointer() node.setData(index.column(), value) return True return False
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return the root node as a dictionary. :return: dictionary """ return self._rootNode.to_dict()
[docs] class InstallProcesses(QDialog): """A widget that allows to browse a Python package or a zip file to install the processes that it is containing. :param main_window: current main window :param folder: boolean, True if folder, False if zip .. Methods: - get_filename: opens a file dialog to get the folder or zip file to install - install: installs the selected file/folder on Populse_MIA **Contains: Private function:** - _add_package: Add a package and its modules to the package tree - _change_pattern_in_folder: Changing all 'old_pattern' pattern to 'new_pattern' in the 'path' folder """ process_installed = Signal()
[docs] def __init__(self, main_window, folder): """Initialize the InstallProcesses class. :param main_window: current main window :param folder: boolean, True if folder, False if zip """ super(InstallProcesses, self).__init__(parent=main_window) self.main_window = main_window self.setWindowTitle("Install processes") v_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(v_layout) if folder is False: label_text = "Choose zip file containing Python packages" elif folder is True: label_text = "Choose folder containing Python packages" v_layout.addWidget(QLabel(label_text)) edit_layout = QHBoxLayout() v_layout.addLayout(edit_layout) self.path_edit = QLineEdit() edit_layout.addWidget(self.path_edit) self.browser_button = QPushButton("Browse") edit_layout.addWidget(self.browser_button) bottom_layout = QHBoxLayout() v_layout.addLayout(bottom_layout) install_button = QPushButton("Install package") bottom_layout.addWidget(install_button) quit_button = QPushButton("Quit") bottom_layout.addWidget(quit_button) install_button.clicked.connect(self.install) quit_button.clicked.connect(self.close) self.browser_button.clicked.connect( lambda: self.get_filename(folder=folder) )
[docs] def get_filename(self, folder): """Open a file dialog to get the folder or zip file to install. :param folder: True if the dialog installs from folder, False if from zip file """ if folder is True: filename = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( self, caption="Select a directory", directory=os.path.expanduser("~"), options=QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly, ) elif folder is False: filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( caption="Select a zip file", directory=os.path.expanduser("~"), filter="Compatible files (*.zip)", ) if filename and isinstance(filename, str): self.path_edit.setText(filename) elif filename and isinstance(filename, tuple): self.path_edit.setText(filename[0])
[docs] def install(self): """Install a package from a zip file or a folder. **Contains: Private function:** - _add_package: Add a package and its modules to the package tree - _change_pattern_in_folder: Changing all 'old_pattern' pattern to 'new_pattern' in the 'path' folder """ # import verCmp only here to prevent circular import issue from populse_mia.utils import verCmp def _add_package(proc_dic, module_name): """Add a package and its modules to the package tree. :param proc_dic: the process tree-dictionary :param module_name: name of the module :return: proc_dic: the modified process tree-dictionary """ if module_name: # Reloading the package if module_name in sys.modules.keys(): del sys.modules[module_name] try: __import__(module_name) except ImportError as er: msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setText( ( "During the installation of {0}, " "the following exception was raised:" "\n{1}: {2}.\nThis exception maybe " "prevented the installation ..." ).format(module_name, er.__class__, er) ) msg.setWindowTitle("Warning") msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.buttonClicked.connect(msg.close) msg.exec() self.result_add_package = False raise ImportError( "The {0} brick may not been installed".format( module_name ) ) pkg = sys.modules[module_name] # Checking if there are subpackages for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules( pkg.__path__ ): if ispkg: _add_package( proc_dic, str(module_name + "." + modname) ) for k, v in sorted(list(pkg.__dict__.items())): # Checking each class of in the package if inspect.isclass(v): try: print( "\nInstalling %s.%s ..." % (module_name, v.__name__) ) get_process_instance( "%s.%s" % (module_name, v.__name__) ) # Updating the tree's dictionnary path_list = module_name.split(".") path_list.append(k) pkg_iter = proc_dic for element in path_list: if element in pkg_iter.keys(): pkg_iter = pkg_iter[element] else: if element is path_list[-1]: pkg_iter[element] = "process_enabled" else: pkg_iter[element] = {} pkg_iter = pkg_iter[element] except Exception as e: print( '\nError during installation of the "{0}" ' "module ...!\nTraceback:".format(module_name) ) print( "".join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__)), end="", ) print("{0}: {1}\n".format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) self.result_add_package = False return proc_dic def _change_pattern_in_folder(path, old_pattern, new_pattern): """Changing all "old_pattern" pattern to "new_pattern" in the 'path' folder. :param path: path of the extracted or copied processes :param old_pattern: old pattern :param new_pattern: new pattern """ for dname, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for fname in files: # Modifying only .py files (pipelines are saved with # this extension) if fname[-2:] == "py": fpath = os.path.join(dname, fname) with open(fpath) as f: s = s = s.replace(old_pattern + ".", new_pattern + ".") with open(fpath, "w") as f: f.write(s) try: self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage( "Package installation, please wait ..." ) QApplication.processEvents() except AttributeError: self.main_window.status_label.setText( "Package installation, please wait ..." ) self.result_add_package = True filename = self.path_edit.text() config = Config() if not os.path.isdir(filename): if not os.path.isfile(filename): msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setText("The specified file cannot be found") msg.setWindowTitle("Warning") msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.buttonClicked.connect(msg.close) msg.exec() return if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] != ".zip": msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setText("The specified file has to be a .zip file") msg.setWindowTitle("Warning") msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.buttonClicked.connect(msg.close) msg.exec() return try: if ( os.path.join(config.get_properties_path(), "processes") not in sys.path ): sys.path.append( os.path.join(config.get_properties_path(), "processes") ) # Process config update if not os.path.isfile( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "properties", "process_config.yml", ) ): open( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "properties", "process_config.yml", ), "a", ).close() with open( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "properties", "process_config.yml", ), "r", ) as stream: try: if verCmp(yaml.__version__, "5.1", "sup"): process_dic = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) else: process_dic = yaml.load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: process_dic = {} print(exc) if process_dic is None: process_dic = {} # Copying the original process tree process_dic_orig = copy(process_dic) try: packages = process_dic["Packages"] except (KeyError, TypeError): packages = {} try: paths = process_dic["Paths"] except (KeyError, TypeError): paths = [] # Saving all the install packages names and checking if # the MIA_processes are updated package_names = [] mia_processes_not_found = True # packages_already: packages already installed in populse_ # mia (populse_mia/processes) packages_already = [ dire for dire in os.listdir( os.path.join(config.get_properties_path(), "processes") ) if not os.path.isfile( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "processes", dire ) ) ] if is_zipfile(filename): # Extraction of the zipped content with ZipFile(filename, "r") as zip_ref: packages_name = [ member.split("/")[0] for member in zip_ref.namelist() if ( len(member.split("/")) == 2 and not member.split("/")[-1] ) ] elif os.path.isdir(filename): # !!! careful: if filename is not a zip file, # filename must be a directory # that contains only the package(s) to install!!! packages_name = [os.path.basename(filename)] for package_name in packages_name: # package_name: package(s) in the zip file or in folder if (package_name not in packages_already) or ( package_name == "mia_processes" ): # Copy MIA_processes in a temporary folder if mia_processes_not_found: if (package_name == "mia_processes") and ( os.path.exists( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "processes", "mia_processes", ) ) ): mia_processes_not_found = False tmp_folder4MIA = tempfile.mkdtemp() shutil.copytree( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "processes", "mia_processes", ), os.path.join(tmp_folder4MIA, "MIA_processes"), ) if is_zipfile(filename): with ZipFile(filename, "r") as zip_ref: members_to_extract = [ member for member in zip_ref.namelist() if member.startswith(package_name) ] zip_ref.extractall( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "processes" ), members_to_extract, ) elif os.path.isdir(filename): # distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(os.path.join(filename), # os.path.join( # config.get_properties_path(), # 'processes', # package_name)) shutil.copytree( os.path.join(filename), os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "processes", package_name, ), ) else: date ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") if is_zipfile(filename): with ZipFile(filename, "r") as zip_ref: temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() members_to_extract = [ member for member in zip_ref.namelist() if member.startswith(package_name) ] zip_ref.extractall(temp_dir, members_to_extract) shutil.move( os.path.join(temp_dir, package_name), os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "processes", package_name + "_" + date, ), ) elif os.path.isdir(filename): shutil.copytree( os.path.join(filename), os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "processes", package_name + "_" + date, ), ) original_package_name = package_name package_name = package_name + "_" + date # Replacing the original package name pattern in # all the extracted files by the package name # with the date _change_pattern_in_folder( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "processes", package_name, ), original_package_name, package_name, ) package_names.append(package_name) # package_names contains all the extracted packages final_package_dic = _add_package(packages, package_name) if ( not os.path.join(config.get_properties_path(), "processes") in paths ): paths.append( os.path.join(config.get_properties_path(), "processes") ) process_dic["Packages"] = final_package_dic process_dic["Paths"] = paths # Idea: Should we encrypt the path ? with open( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "properties", "process_config.yml", ), "w", encoding="utf8", ) as stream: yaml.dump( process_dic, stream, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True, ) self.process_installed.emit() # Cleaning the temporary folder if "tmp_folder4MIA" in locals(): shutil.rmtree(tmp_folder4MIA) if "temp_dir" in locals(): shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) except Exception as e: print( '\nError during installation of the "{0}" library ' "...!\nTraceback:".format(package_name) ) print("".join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__)), end="") print("{0}: {1}\n".format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) self.result_add_package = False messg = ('Installation of the "{0}" library ' "aborted!").format( package_name ) try: self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(messg) QApplication.processEvents() except AttributeError: self.main_window.status_label.setText(messg) msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setText( 'Installation of the "{0}" library aborted ... !\nPlease see ' "the standard output screen for more " "details.".format(package_name) ) msg.setWindowTitle("Warning") msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.buttonClicked.connect(msg.close) msg.exec() self.close() # Resetting process_config.yml if process_dic_orig is None: process_dic_orig = {} with open( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "properties", "process_config.yml", ), "w", encoding="utf8", ) as stream: yaml.dump( process_dic_orig, stream, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True, ) # Deleting the extracted files if package_names is None: package_names = [] for package_name in package_names: if os.path.exists( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "processes", package_name ) ): shutil.rmtree( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "processes", package_name, ) ) # If the error comes from a MIA_process update, # the old version is restored if not mia_processes_not_found: distutils.dir_util.copy_tree( os.path.join(tmp_folder4MIA, "mia_processes"), os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "processes", "mia_processes", ), ) if "tmp_folder4MIA" in locals(): shutil.rmtree(tmp_folder4MIA) if "temp_dir" in locals(): shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) else: if self.result_add_package: messg = ( 'The "{0}" library has been ' "correctly installed." ).format(package_name) try: self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(messg) QApplication.processEvents() except AttributeError: self.main_window.status_label.setText(messg) msg = QMessageBox() msg.setWindowTitle("Installation completed") msg.setText( 'The "{0}" package has been correctly ' "installed.".format(package_name) ) msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.buttonClicked.connect(msg.close) msg.exec() self.close() else: messg = ( 'The "{0}" library has not been ' "correctly installed." ).format(package_name) try: self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(messg) QApplication.processEvents() except AttributeError: self.main_window.status_label.setText(messg) msg = QMessageBox() msg.setWindowTitle("Installation completed with error(s)") msg.setText( 'The "{0}" package has not been correctly ' "installed.".format(package_name) ) msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.buttonClicked.connect(msg.close) msg.exec() self.close()
[docs] class Node(object): """Class to handle a package children. .. Methods: - __repr__: Define what should be printed by the class - _recurse_dict: add the name and value of the farthest child in the dictionary - addChild: add a child to the children list - attrs: - child: return a child from its index in the list - childCount: return the number of children - data: return the name or the value of the object - insertChild: insert a child to a specific position - log: return the logs - name: return the name of the object - parent: return the parent of the object - removeChild: remove a specific child - row: return the index of the object in its parent list of children - to_dict: return a dictionary of the children - to_list: return the list of children with their names and values - value: return the value of the object **Contains: Private function:** - fget: get the value - fset: set the value - setData: update the name or the value of the object - resource: return a None """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, parent=None): """Initialization of the Node class.""" self._name = name self._parent = parent self._children = [] self._value = None if parent is not None: parent.addChild(self)
def __repr__(self): """Define what should be printed by the class. :return: the logs """ return self.log() def _recurse_dict(self, d): """Add the name and value of the farthest child in the dictionary. :param d: dictionary """ if self._children: d[] = {} for child in self._children: child._recurse_dict(d[]) else: d[] = self.value
[docs] def addChild(self, child): """Add a child to the children list. :param child: child to add """ self._children.append(child)
[docs] def attrs(self): """ :return: """ classes = self.__class__.__mro__ keyvalued = {} for cls in classes: for key, value in cls.items(): if isinstance(value, property): keyvalued[key] = value.fget(self) return keyvalued
[docs] def child(self, row): """Return a child from its index in the list. :param row: index in the list of children :return: child """ return self._children[row]
[docs] def childCount(self): """Return the number of children. :return: the length of the children list """ return len(self._children)
[docs] def data(self, column): """Return the name or the value of the object. :param column: 0 for name, 1 for value :return: string """ if column == 0: parent = self._parent text = while != "Root": text = + "." + text parent = parent._parent return text # elif column == 1: return self.value
[docs] def insertChild(self, position, child): """Insert a child to a specific position. :param position: position :param child: child :return: boolean, True if the insertion was successful """ if position < 0 or position > len(self._children): return False self._children.insert(position, child) child._parent = self return True
[docs] def log(self, tabLevel=-1): """Return the logs. :param tabLevel: Number of tabulation :return: string """ output = "" tabLevel += 1 for i in range(tabLevel): output += " " output += "".join(("|----", self._name, " = ", "\n")) for child in self._children: output += child.log(tabLevel) tabLevel -= 1 output += "\n" return output
def name(): """Return the name of the object. :return: name """ def fget(self): """Get the name of the object.""" return self._name def fset(self, value): """Set tye name of the object.""" self._name = value return locals() name = property(**name())
[docs] def parent(self): """Return the parent of the object. :return: parent """ return self._parent
[docs] def removeChild(self, position, child): """Remove a specific child. :param position: position of the child :param child: child to remove :return: boolean, True if the child was removed """ if position < 0 or position > len(self._children): return False self._children.pop(position) child._parent = None return True
[docs] def row(self): """Return the index of the object in its parent list of children. :return: index """ if self._parent is not None: return self._parent._children.index(self)
[docs] def to_dict(self, d={}): """Return a dictionary of the children. :param d: dictionary :return: dictionary of children """ for child in self._children: child._recurse_dict(d) return d
[docs] def to_list(self): """Return the list of children with their names and values. :return: list """ output = [] if self._children: for child in self._children: output += [, child.to_list()] else: output += [, self.value] return output
def value(): """Return the value of the object. :return: value """ def fget(self): """Get the value of the object.""" return self._value def fset(self, value): """Set tye value of the object.""" self._value = value return locals() value = property(**value())
[docs] def setData(self, column, value): """Update the name or the value of the object. :param column: 0 for name, 1 for value :param value: new value """ if column == 0: = value if column == 1: self.value = value
[docs] def resource(self): """Return None :return: None """ return None
[docs] class PackageLibrary(QTreeWidget): """Tree that displays the user-added packages and their modules. The user can check or not each module/package. .. Methods: - fill_item: fills the items of the tree recursively - generate_tree: generates the package tree - recursive_checks: checks/unchecks all child items - recursive_checks_from_child: checks/unchecks all parent items - set_module_view: sets if a module has to be enabled or disabled in the process library - update_checks: updates the checks of the tree from an item """
[docs] def __init__(self, package_tree, paths): """Initialization of the PackageLibrary widget. :param package_tree: representation of the packages as a tree-dictionary :param paths: list of paths to add to the system to import the packages """ super(PackageLibrary, self).__init__() self.itemChanged.connect(self.update_checks) self.package_tree = package_tree self.paths = paths self.generate_tree() self.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self.setHeaderLabel("Packages")
[docs] def fill_item(self, item, value): """Fill the items of the tree recursively. :param item: current item to fill :param value: value of the item in the tree """ item.setExpanded(True) if type(value) is dict: for key, val in sorted(value.items()): child = QTreeWidgetItem() child.setText(0, str(key)) item.addChild(child) if type(val) is dict: self.fill_item(child, val) else: if val == "process_enabled": child.setCheckState(0, Qt.Checked) self.recursive_checks_from_child(child) elif val == "process_disabled": child.setCheckState(0, Qt.Unchecked) elif type(value) is list: for val in value: child = QTreeWidgetItem() item.addChild(child) if type(val) is dict: child.setText(0, "[dict]") self.fill_item(child, val) elif type(val) is list: child.setText(0, "[list]") self.fill_item(child, val) else: child.setText(0, str(val)) child.setExpanded(True) else: child = QTreeWidgetItem() child.setText(0, str(value)) item.addChild(child)
[docs] def generate_tree(self): """Generate the package tree""" self.itemChanged.disconnect() self.clear() self.fill_item(self.invisibleRootItem(), self.package_tree) self.itemChanged.connect(self.update_checks)
[docs] def recursive_checks(self, parent): """Check/uncheck all child items. :param parent: parent item """ check_state = parent.checkState(0) if parent.childCount() == 0: self.set_module_view(parent, check_state) for i in range(parent.childCount()): parent.child(i).setCheckState(0, check_state) self.recursive_checks(parent.child(i))
[docs] def recursive_checks_from_child(self, child): """Check/uncheck all parent items. :param child: child item """ check_state = child.checkState(0) if child.childCount() == 0: self.set_module_view(child, check_state) if child.parent(): parent = child.parent() if child.checkState(0) == Qt.Checked: if parent.checkState(0) == Qt.Unchecked: parent.setCheckState(0, Qt.Checked) self.recursive_checks_from_child(parent) else: # checked_children = [] # for child in range(parent.childCount()): # # if child.checkState(0) == Qt.Checked: # checked_children.append() checked_children = [ child for child in range(parent.childCount()) if parent.child(child).checkState(0) == Qt.Checked ] if not checked_children: parent.setCheckState(0, Qt.Unchecked) self.recursive_checks_from_child(parent)
[docs] def set_module_view(self, item, state): """Set if a module has to be enabled or disabled in the process library. :param item: item selected in the current tree :param state: checked or not checked (Qt.Checked == 2. So if val == 2 -> checkbox is checked, and if val == 0 -> checkbox is not checked) """ if state == Qt.Checked: val = "process_enabled" else: val = "process_disabled" list_path = [] list_path.append(item.text(0)) self.top_level_items = [ self.topLevelItem(i) for i in range(self.topLevelItemCount()) ] while item not in self.top_level_items: item = item.parent() list_path.append(item.text(0)) # pkg_iter take only the modules concerning the top package where a # change of status where done. pkg_iter = self.package_tree list_path = list(reversed(list_path)) for element in list_path: if element in pkg_iter.keys(): if element is list_path[-1]: pkg_iter[element] = val else: pkg_iter = pkg_iter[element] else: print("Package not found") break
[docs] def update_checks(self, item, column): """Update the checks of the tree from an item. :param item: item on which to begin :param column: column from the check (should always be 0) """ # Checked state is stored on column 0 if column == 0: self.itemChanged.disconnect() if item.childCount(): self.recursive_checks(item) if item.parent(): self.recursive_checks_from_child(item) self.itemChanged.connect(self.update_checks)
[docs] class PackageLibraryDialog(QDialog): """Dialog that controls which processes to show in the process library. .. Methods: - add_package: add a package and its modules to the package tree - add_package_with_text: add a package from the line edit's text - browse_package: open a browser to select a package - delete_package: delete a package, only available to administrators - delete_package_with_text: delete a package from the line edit's text - install_processes_pop_up: open the install processes pop-up - load_config: update the config and loads the corresponding packages - load_packages: update the tree of the process library - ok_clicked: called when apply changes is clicked - remove_package: remove a package from the package tree - remove_package_with_text: remove the package in the line edit from the package tree - reset_action: called to reset a previous add or remove package action - save: save the tree to the process_config.yml file - save_config: save the current config to process_config.yml - update_config: update the process_config and package_library attributes """ signal_save = Signal()
[docs] def __init__(self, mia_main_window=None, parent=None): """Initialization of the PackageLibraryDialog widget""" super(PackageLibraryDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.main_window = mia_main_window config = Config() if config.get_user_mode(): self.setWindowTitle("Package library manager [user mode]") else: self.setWindowTitle("Package library manager [admin mode]") # True if the path specified in the line edit is a path with '/' self.is_path = False self.process_config = self.load_config() self.load_packages() self.pkg_config = deepcopy(self.packages) self.package_library = PackageLibrary(self.packages, self.paths) self.status_label = QLabel() self.status_label.setText("") self.status_label.setStyleSheet( "QLabel{font-size:10pt;font:italic;text-align: center}" ) self.line_edit = QLineEdit() self.line_edit.setPlaceholderText( "Type a Python package (ex. nipype.interfaces.spm)" ) """push_button_browse = QPushButton() push_button_browse.setText("Browse") push_button_browse.clicked.connect(self.browse_package)""" push_button_add_pkg_file = QPushButton( default=False, autoDefault=False ) push_button_add_pkg_file.setText("Zipfile") push_button_add_pkg_file.clicked.connect( partial(self.install_processes_pop_up, False) ) push_button_add_pkg_folder = QPushButton( default=False, autoDefault=False ) push_button_add_pkg_folder.setText("Folder") push_button_add_pkg_folder.clicked.connect( partial(self.install_processes_pop_up, True) ) push_button_add_pkg = QPushButton(default=False, autoDefault=False) push_button_add_pkg.setText("Add/Update package") push_button_add_pkg.clicked.connect(self.add_package_with_text) push_button_rm_pkg = QPushButton(default=False, autoDefault=False) push_button_rm_pkg.setText("Remove package") push_button_rm_pkg.clicked.connect(self.remove_package_with_text) push_button_del_pkg = QPushButton(default=False, autoDefault=False) push_button_del_pkg.setText("Delete package") # push_button_del_pkg.clicked.connect(self.delete_package) push_button_del_pkg.clicked.connect(self.delete_package_with_text) self.add_dic = {} self.remove_dic = {} self.delete_dic = {} self.add_list = QListWidget() self.remove_list = QListWidget() self.del_list = QListWidget() # using soma: AttributeError: module 'PyQt5.QtGui' has no # attribute 'QAbstractItemView' """ self.add_list.setSelectionMode( QtGui.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.remove_list.setSelectionMode( QtGui.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.del_list.setSelectionMode( QtGui.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) """ # so use QAbstractItemView directly from PyQt5.QtWidgets self.add_list.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.remove_list.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.del_list.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) push_button_save = QPushButton(default=False, autoDefault=False) push_button_save.setText("Apply changes") push_button_save.clicked.connect(partial(self.ok_clicked)) push_button_cancel = QPushButton( "Cancel", default=False, autoDefault=False ) push_button_cancel.setObjectName("pushButton_cancel") push_button_cancel.clicked.connect(self.close) # Layout h_box_line_edit = QHBoxLayout() h_box_line_edit.addWidget(self.line_edit) # h_box_line_edit.addWidget(push_button_add_pkg) # h_box_browse.addWidget(push_button_browse) h_box_install = QHBoxLayout() h_box_install.addWidget(QLabel("Install processes from:")) h_box_install.addStretch(1) h_box_install.addWidget(push_button_add_pkg_file) h_box_install.addWidget(push_button_add_pkg_folder) h_box_label = QHBoxLayout() h_box_label.addStretch(1) h_box_label.addWidget(self.status_label) h_box_label.addStretch(1) h_box_save = QHBoxLayout() h_box_save.addStretch(1) h_box_save.addWidget(push_button_save) h_box_save.addWidget(push_button_cancel) h_box_buttons = QHBoxLayout() h_box_buttons.addWidget(push_button_add_pkg) h_box_buttons.addWidget(push_button_rm_pkg) if config.get_user_mode() is False: h_box_buttons.addWidget(push_button_del_pkg) group_import = QGroupBox("Added packages") group_remove = QGroupBox("Removed packages") group_delete = QGroupBox("Deleted packages") h_box_import = QHBoxLayout() h_box_remove = QHBoxLayout() h_box_delete = QHBoxLayout() h_box_import.addWidget(self.add_list) h_box_remove.addWidget(self.remove_list) h_box_delete.addWidget(self.del_list) cancel_add = QPushButton("Reset", default=False, autoDefault=False) cancel_rem = QPushButton("Reset", default=False, autoDefault=False) cancel_del = QPushButton("Reset", default=False, autoDefault=False) cancel_add.clicked.connect( partial(self.reset_action, self.add_list, True) ) cancel_rem.clicked.connect( partial(self.reset_action, self.remove_list, False) ) cancel_del.clicked.connect( partial(self.reset_action, self.del_list, False) ) h_box_import.addWidget(cancel_add) h_box_remove.addWidget(cancel_rem) h_box_delete.addWidget(cancel_del) group_import.setLayout(h_box_import) group_remove.setLayout(h_box_remove) group_delete.setLayout(h_box_delete) v_box = QVBoxLayout() v_box.addStretch(1) v_box.addLayout(h_box_install) v_box.addStretch(1) v_box.addLayout(h_box_label) v_box.addLayout(h_box_line_edit) v_box.addStretch(1) v_box.addLayout(h_box_buttons) v_box.addStretch(1) v_box.addWidget(group_import) v_box.addStretch(1) v_box.addWidget(group_remove) v_box.addStretch(1) v_box.addWidget(group_delete) v_box.addStretch(1) v_box.addLayout(h_box_save) h_box = QHBoxLayout() h_box.addWidget(self.package_library) h_box.addLayout(v_box) self.setLayout(h_box)
[docs] def add_package( self, module_name, class_name=None, show_error=False, init_package_tree=False, ): """Add a package and its modules to the package tree. :param module_name: name of the module :param class_name: name of the class :param show_error: display error in a message box in case of error. If False, errors are silent and error messages returned at the end of execution :param init_package_tree: boolean to initialize the package tree """ if init_package_tree is True: self.update_config() del self.packages self.packages = self.package_library.package_tree config = Config() if module_name: if ( os.path.join(config.get_properties_path(), "processes") not in sys.path ): sys.path.append( os.path.join(config.get_properties_path(), "processes") ) # Reloading the package if module_name in sys.modules.keys(): del sys.modules[module_name] err_msg = [] try: __import__(module_name) pkg = sys.modules[module_name] # Checking if there are subpackages if hasattr(pkg, "__path__"): for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules( pkg.__path__ ): if ispkg and modname != "__main__": err_msg += self.add_package( str(module_name + "." + modname), class_name, show_error=False, ) for k, v in sorted(list(pkg.__dict__.items())): # Checking each class of in the package if inspect.isclass(v): try: get_process_instance( "%s.%s" % (module_name, v.__name__) ) except Exception as e: print( '\nError during installation of the "{0}" ' "module ...!\nTraceback:".format(module_name) ) print( "".join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__)), end="", ) print("{0}: {1}\n".format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) else: # Updating the tree's dictionary path_list = module_name.split(".") path_list.append(k) pkg_iter = self.packages recurs = False for element in path_list: if element == class_name: recurs = True if ( element in pkg_iter.keys() and element is not path_list[-1] ): pkg_iter = pkg_iter[element] else: if element is path_list[-1]: if ( element == class_name or recurs is True ): print( "\nAdding %s.%s ..." % (module_name, v.__name__) ) pkg_iter[element] = ( "process_enabled" ) elif element in pkg_iter.keys(): pkg_iter = pkg_iter[element] # else: # print( # '\nA not installed pipeline ' # 'was detected in the %s ' # 'library:' % (path_list[0])) # print('- %s.%s ...' % ( # module_name, v.__name__)) # print( # 'This pipeline is now ' # 'installed but disabled ' # '(see File > Package Library ' # 'Manager to enable it) ...') # pkg_iter[ # element] = 'process_disabled' else: pkg_iter[element] = {} pkg_iter = pkg_iter[element] self.package_library.package_tree = self.packages self.package_library.generate_tree() return err_msg except Exception as err: err_msg.append( "in {2}: {0}: {1}.".format(err.__class__, err, module_name) ) if show_error and len(err_msg) != 0: msg = QMessageBox() msg.setText("\n".join(err_msg)) msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msg.exec_() return err_msg else: return "No package selected!"
[docs] def add_package_with_text(self, _2add=False, update_view=True): """Add a package from the line edit's text. :param _2add: name of package :param update_view: boolean to update the QListWidget """ if _2add is False: _2add = self.line_edit.text() if self.is_path: # Currently, the self.is_path = False # (Need to pass by the method browse_package to initialise to # True and the Browse button is commented. # Could be interesting to permit a backdoor to pass # the absolute path in the field for add package, # to be continued... ) path, package = os.path.split(_2add) # Adding the module path to the system path sys.path.append(path) self.add_package(package) self.paths.append(os.path.relpath(path)) else: # self.package_library.package_tree = self.load_config( # )['Packages'] old_status = self.status_label.text() self.status_label.setText("Adding {0}. Please wait.".format(_2add)) QApplication.processEvents() if os.path.splitext(_2add)[1]: part = "" old_part = "" flag = False for content in _2add.split("."): part += content try: __import__(part) except ImportError: try: flag = True if content in dir(sys.modules[old_part]): errors = self.add_package( os.path.splitext(_2add)[0], os.path.splitext(_2add)[1][1:], ) break else: errors = self.add_package(_2add) break except KeyError: errors = ( "No package, module or class " "named {}!".format(_2add) ) break old_part = part part += "." if flag is False: errors = self.add_package( os.path.splitext(_2add)[0], os.path.splitext(_2add)[1][1:], ) else: errors = self.add_package( os.path.splitext(_2add)[0], os.path.splitext(_2add)[0] ) if len(errors) == 0: self.status_label.setText( "{0} added to the Package Library.".format(_2add) ) if update_view: if _2add not in self.add_dic: self.add_list.addItem(_2add) self.add_dic[_2add] = self.add_list.count() - 1 if _2add in self.remove_dic: index = self.remove_dic[_2add] self.remove_list.takeItem(self.remove_dic[_2add]) self.remove_dic.pop(_2add) for key in self.remove_dic: if self.remove_dic[key] > index: self.remove_dic[key] = self.remove_dic[key] - 1 if _2add in self.delete_dic: index = self.delete_dic[_2add] self.del_list.takeItem(self.delete_dic[_2add]) self.delete_dic.pop(_2add) for key in self.delete_dic: if self.delete_dic[key] > index: self.delete_dic[key] = self.delete_dic[key] - 1 # if self.line_edit.text() in self.remove_list: # self.remove_list. else: self.status_label.setText(old_status) msg = QMessageBox() if isinstance(errors, str): msg.setText(errors) elif isinstance(errors, list): msg.setText("\n".join(errors)) msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msg.exec_()
# def browse_package(self): # """Open a browser to select a package.""" # # file_dialog = QFileDialog() # file_dialog.setOption(QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog, True) # # # To select files or directories, we should use a proxy model # # but mine is not working yet... # # # file_dialog.setProxyModel(FileFilterProxyModel()) # file_dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog.Directory) # # file_dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog.Directory | # # QFileDialog.ExistingFile) # # file_dialog.setFilter("Processes (*.py *.xml)") # # if file_dialog.exec_(): # file_name = file_dialog.selectedFiles()[0] # file_name = os.path.abspath(file_name) # self.is_path = True # self.line_edit.setText(file_name)
[docs] def delete_package( self, index=1, to_delete=None, remove=True, loop=False, from_pipeline_manager=False, ): """Delete a package, only available to administrators. Remove the package from the package library tree, update the __init__ file and delete the package directory and files if there are empty. :param index: recursive index to move between modules :param to_delete: the brick (class) do delete (ex. test.Test) :param remove: (boolean) if True, remove the brick(s) from the package tree :param loop: (boolean) to loop silently (if True no confirmation is requested before deletion) :return: the list of deleted brick (class) """ deleted_packages = [] self.packages = self.package_library.package_tree config = Config() if not to_delete: to_delete = self.line_edit.text() if to_delete == "": self.msg = QMessageBox() self.msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) self.msg.setText("Package not found.") self.msg.setInformativeText( "Please write the python path to the package you want to " "delete." ) self.msg.setWindowTitle("Warning") self.msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) self.msg.buttonClicked.connect(self.msg.close) return deleted_packages if to_delete.split(".")[0] in ["nipype", "mia_processes", "capsul"]: if from_pipeline_manager: inform_text = ( "This package belongs to " + to_delete.split(".")[0] + " which is required " "by populse mia.\n You can still hide it in the " "package library manager." ) else: inform_text = ( "This package belongs to " + to_delete.split(".")[0] + " which is required " "by populse_mia.\nTherefore, it has only been " "hidden (removed)." ) self.msg = QMessageBox() self.msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) self.msg.setText("This package can not be deleted.") self.msg.setInformativeText(inform_text) self.msg.setWindowTitle("Error") self.msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) self.msg.buttonClicked.connect(self.msg.close) return deleted_packages if index == 1 and loop is False: msgtext = "Do you really want to delete the package {}?".format( to_delete ) msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) title = "populse_mia - Warning: Delete package" reply = msg.question( self, title, msgtext, QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No ) else: reply = QMessageBox.Yes if reply == QMessageBox.Yes: pkg_list = to_delete.split(".") if index <= len(pkg_list): path = os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "processes", *pkg_list[0:index], ) sub_deleted_packages = self.delete_package( index + 1, to_delete, from_pipeline_manager=from_pipeline_manager, ) for sub_pkg in sub_deleted_packages: if sub_pkg not in deleted_packages: deleted_packages.append(sub_pkg) if os.path.exists(path): del_path = False if (len(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*"))) == 0) or ( index == len(pkg_list) ): del_path = True else: is_import = False for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): if "" in files: with open( os.path.join(root, ""), "r" ) as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if ( not line.startswith("#") and "import" in line ): is_import = True if ( not is_import and os.path.split(path)[-1] != "User_processes" ): del_path = True if del_path: shutil.rmtree(path) self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage( "{0} was " "deleted ({1} library) ...".format( path, os.path.split(path)[-1] ) ) # fmt: off print( "\nDeleting {0} " "...".format( ".".join( path.split(os.sep)[ path.split(os.sep).index("processes") + 1: ] ) ) ) # fmt: on if index > 0 and remove: self.remove_package_with_text( ".".join(pkg_list[0:index]), False ) else: init = os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "processes", *pkg_list[: index - 1], "", ) if os.path.isfile(init): with open(init, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() import_line = False imports_in_init = dict() imports_string = "" for line in lines: if (line.startswith("#") is False) and ( "import" in line ): from_package = line.split(" ")[1] from_package = from_package[1:] imports_in_init[from_package] = [] for line in lines: if (line.startswith("#") is False) and ( ("import" in line) or (import_line is True) ): if "from" in line: from_package = line.split(" ")[1] from_package = from_package[1:] imports_string = "".join( [ imports_string, line.split("import")[1], ] ) elif import_line is True: imports_string = imports_string + line if "(" in line: import_line = True if ")" in line: import_line = False if import_line is False: imports = imports_string.split(",") imports = [ " ".join(i.split()) for i in imports ] for imp in imports: imports_in_init[from_package].append( imp.replace("(", "").replace( ")", "" ) ) imports_string = "" if not imports_in_init: print( "\nThe {} brick seems to be corrupted and is " "not accessible ...".format(to_delete) ) for key in imports_in_init: if pkg_list[index - 1] in imports_in_init[key]: filename = key + ".py" delete_all = True if len(imports_in_init[key]) > 1: msgtext = ( "The brick (class) {0} alone " "cannot be deleted because it " "belongs to {1} module that " "contains following brick(s)" ":".format( pkg_list[index - 1], ".".join( pkg_list[: index - 1] + [key] ), ) ) for brick in imports_in_init[key]: msgtext = msgtext + "\n - " + brick msg = QMessageBox() msg.setText(msgtext) msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) title = ( "populse_mia - Warning: " "Delete package" ) msg.setWindowTitle(title) msg.setStandardButtons( QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No ) button_delete = msg.button( QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes ) button_delete.setText("Delete all") button_cancel = msg.button( QtGui.QMessageBox.No ) button_cancel.setText("Cancel") returnValue = msg.exec() if returnValue == QMessageBox.No: delete_all = False if delete_all is True: dir_init = os.path.split(init)[0] file2del = os.path.join(dir_init, filename) if os.path.isfile(file2del): # fmt: off name = file2del.split(os.sep)[ file2del.split(os.sep).index( "processes" ) + 1:-1 ] # fmt: on name = ".".join(name) for pkg in imports_in_init[key]: deleted_packages.append( ".".join([name, pkg]) ) for pkg in deleted_packages: print( "\nDeleting {0} " "...".format(pkg) ) os.remove(file2del) ( self.main_window.statusBar )().showMessage( "{0} was deleted ({1} " "brick(s)) " "...".format( file2del, ", ".join( imports_in_init[key] ), ) ) if remove: for pkg in deleted_packages: self.remove_package_with_text( pkg, False ) # rewrite to wipe module import_line = False with open(init, "w") as f: for line in lines: if key in line: if "(" in line: import_line = True elif import_line is True: if ")" in line: import_line = False elif import_line is False: f.write(line) # if all packages have been deleted, # cleaning up empty files with open(init, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() is_import = False for line in lines: if ( not line.startswith("#") and "import" in line ): is_import = True if ( not is_import and pkg_list[0] != "User_processes" ): os.remove(init) for elt in os.listdir(dir_init): if elt == "__pycache__": shutil.rmtree( os.path.join( dir_init, elt ), ignore_errors=True, ) if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(dir_init, elt) ): os.remove( os.path.join(dir_init, elt) ) self.package_library.package_tree = self.packages self.package_library.generate_tree() return deleted_packages
[docs] def delete_package_with_text(self, _2del=False, update_view=True): """Delete a package from the line edit's text. :param _2del: name of package :param update_view: boolean to update the QListWidget """ old_status = self.status_label.text() if _2del is False: _2del = self.line_edit.text() self.status_label.setText( "Deleting {0}. Please wait.".format(_2del) ) QApplication.processEvents() if _2del not in self.delete_dic: package_removed = self.remove_package(_2del) else: package_removed = True if package_removed is True: if update_view: if _2del not in self.delete_dic: self.del_list.addItem(_2del) self.delete_dic[_2del] = self.del_list.count() - 1 if _2del in self.add_dic: index = self.add_dic[_2del] self.add_list.takeItem(self.add_dic[_2del]) self.add_dic.pop(_2del) for key in self.add_dic: if self.add_dic[key] > index: self.add_dic[key] = self.add_dic[key] - 1 if _2del in self.remove_dic: index = self.remove_dic[_2del] self.remove_list.takeItem(self.remove_dic[_2del]) self.remove_dic.pop(_2del) for key in self.remove_dic: if self.remove_dic[key] > index: self.remove_dic[key] = self.remove_dic[key] - 1 self.status_label.setText( "{0} deleted from Package Library.".format(_2del) ) else: self.status_label.setText(old_status)
[docs] def install_processes_pop_up(self, folder=False): """Open the install processes pop-up. :param folder: boolean, True if installing from a folder """ self.pop_up_install_processes = InstallProcesses(self, folder=folder) # self.pop_up_install_processes.process_installed.connect( # self.parent.pipeline_manager.processLibrary.update_process_library) self.pop_up_install_processes.process_installed.connect( self.update_config )
[docs] @staticmethod def load_config(): """Update the config and loads the corresponding packages. :return: the config as a dictionary """ # import verCmp only here to prevent circular import issue from populse_mia.utils import verCmp config = Config() with open( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "properties", "process_config.yml", ), "r", ) as stream: try: if verCmp(yaml.__version__, "5.1", "sup"): return yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) else: return yaml.load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc)
[docs] def load_packages(self): """Update the tree of the process library.""" try: self.packages = self.process_config["Packages"] except KeyError: self.packages = {} except TypeError: self.packages = {} try: self.paths = self.process_config["Paths"] except KeyError: self.paths = [] except TypeError: self.paths = []
[docs] def ok_clicked(self): """Called when apply changes is clicked.""" pkg_to_delete = list(self.delete_dic.keys()) reply = None deleted_packages = [] for i in pkg_to_delete: if i not in deleted_packages: if reply is None: msgtext = ( "Do you really want to delete " 'the "{0}" package?'.format(i) ) msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) title = "populse_mia - Warning: Delete package" reply = msg.question( self, title, msgtext, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No | QMessageBox.YesToAll | QMessageBox.NoToAll, ) if reply == QMessageBox.YesToAll or reply == QMessageBox.Yes: sub_deleted_packages = self.delete_package( to_delete=i, remove=False, loop=True ) for sub_pkg in sub_deleted_packages: if sub_pkg not in deleted_packages: deleted_packages.append(sub_pkg) # TODO Do we want to reinitialize the initial state ? elif reply == QMessageBox.NoToAll or reply == QMessageBox.No: self.add_package_with_text(i) if reply == QMessageBox.No or reply == QMessageBox.Yes: reply = None
# def remove_package(self, package, check_flag=True):
[docs] def remove_package(self, package): """Remove a package from the package tree. :param package: module's representation as a string (e.g.: nipype.interfaces.spm) :return: True if the package has been removed correctly """ self.packages = self.package_library.package_tree config = Config() if package: if ( os.path.join(config.get_properties_path(), "processes") not in sys.path ): sys.path.append( os.path.join(config.get_properties_path(), "processes") ) path_list = package.split(".") pkg_iter = self.packages if package in self.remove_dic or package in self.delete_dic: check_flag = True else: check_flag = False for element in path_list: if element in pkg_iter.keys(): if element is not path_list[-1]: pkg_iter = pkg_iter[element] else: del pkg_iter[element] if path_list[: path_list.index(element)]: print( "\nRemoving {0}.{1} ...".format( ".".join( path_list[: path_list.index(element)] ), element, ) ) else: print("\nRemoving {0} ...".format(element)) elif check_flag is True: pass else: msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msg.setWindowTitle( "Warning: Package not found in Package Library" ) msg.setText("Package {0} not found".format(package)) msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.buttonClicked.connect(msg.close) msg.exec() return None else: msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msg.setWindowTitle("Warning: Package not found in Package Library") msg.setText("No package selected!") msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.buttonClicked.connect(msg.close) msg.exec() return False self.package_library.package_tree = self.packages self.package_library.generate_tree() return True
# def remove_package_with_text(self, _2rem=None, update_view=True, # check_flag=True):
[docs] def remove_package_with_text( self, _2rem=None, update_view=True, tree_remove=True ): """Remove the package in the line edit from the package tree. :param _2rem: name of package :param update_view: boolean to update the QListWidget :param tree_remove: boolean, remove from the tree """ old_status = self.status_label.text() if _2rem is False: _2rem = self.line_edit.text() self.status_label.setText( "Removing {0}. Please wait.".format(_2rem) ) QApplication.processEvents() # package_removed = self.remove_package(_2rem, check_flag) if _2rem not in self.delete_dic and tree_remove: package_removed = self.remove_package(_2rem) else: package_removed = True if package_removed is True: if update_view and _2rem not in self.remove_dic: self.remove_list.addItem(_2rem) self.remove_dic[_2rem] = self.remove_list.count() - 1 if _2rem in self.add_dic: index = self.add_dic[_2rem] self.add_list.takeItem(self.add_dic[_2rem]) self.add_dic.pop(_2rem) for key in self.add_dic: if self.add_dic[key] > index: self.add_dic[key] = self.add_dic[key] - 1 if _2rem in self.delete_dic: index = self.delete_dic[_2rem] self.del_list.takeItem(self.delete_dic[_2rem]) self.delete_dic.pop(_2rem) for key in self.delete_dic: if self.delete_dic[key] > index: self.delete_dic[key] = self.delete_dic[key] - 1 self.status_label.setText( "{0} removed from Package Library.".format(_2rem) ) else: self.status_label.setText(old_status)
[docs] def reset_action(self, itemlist, add): """Called to reset a prevous add or remove package action. :param itemlist: the QListWidget from add or remove package :param add: boolean to know which list to update """ for i in itemlist.selectedItems(): if add is True: in_config = True for pkg in i.text().split("."): if pkg in self.pkg_config: self.pkg_config = self.pkg_config[pkg] else: in_config = False if in_config: self.remove_package_with_text( i.text(), update_view=False, tree_remove=False ) else: self.remove_package_with_text(i.text(), update_view=False) else: self.add_package_with_text(i.text(), update_view=False)
[docs] def save(self, close=True): """Save the tree to the process_config.yml file.""" # Updating the packages and the paths according to the # package library tree self.packages = self.package_library.package_tree self.paths = self.package_library.paths if self.process_config: if self.process_config.get("Packages"): del self.process_config["Packages"] if self.process_config.get("Paths"): del self.process_config["Paths"] else: self.process_config = {} self.process_config["Packages"] = self.packages self.process_config["Paths"] = list(set(self.paths)) config = Config() with open( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "properties", "process_config.yml", ), "w", encoding="utf8", ) as configfile: yaml.dump( self.process_config, configfile, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True, ) self.signal_save.emit() if close: self.close()
[docs] def save_config(self): """Save the current config to process_config.yml.""" config = Config() self.process_config["Packages"] = self.packages self.process_config["Paths"] = self.paths with open( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "properties", "process_config.yml", ), "w", encoding="utf8", ) as stream: yaml.dump( self.process_config, stream, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True, )
# self.update_config()
[docs] def update_config(self): """Update the process_config and package_library attributes.""" self.process_config = self.load_config() self.load_packages() self.package_library.package_tree = self.packages self.package_library.paths = self.paths self.package_library.generate_tree()
[docs] class ProcessHelp(QWidget): """A widget that displays information about the selected process. :param process: selected process """
[docs] def __init__(self, process): """Generate the help. :param process: selected process """ super(ProcessHelp, self).__init__() label = QLabel() label.setText(
[docs] class ProcessLibrary(QTreeView): """ Tree to display the available Capsul's processes :param d: dictionary corresponding to the tree (dict) .. Methods: - keyPressEvent: event when the delete key is pressed - load_dictionary: loads a dictionary to the tree - mousePressEvent: event when the mouse is pressed - to_dict: returns a dictionary from the current tree """ item_library_clicked = QtCore.Signal(str)
[docs] def __init__(self, d, pkg_lib): """Initialization of the ProcessLibrary class. :param d: dictionary: dictionary corresponding to the tree :param pkg_lib: an instance of the PackageLibraryDialog class """ super(ProcessLibrary, self).__init__() self.load_dictionary(d) self.pkg_library = pkg_lib
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event): """Event when the delete key is pressed.""" config = Config() if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Delete and not config.get_user_mode(): for idx in self.selectedIndexes(): if idx.isValid(): idx = idx.sibling(idx.row(), 0) node = idx.internalPointer() if node is not None: txt = (self.pkg_library.package_library.package_tree) = ( self.pkg_library.load_config )()["Packages"] self.pkg_library.delete_package( to_delete=txt, from_pipeline_manager=True )
[docs] def load_dictionary(self, d): """Load a dictionary to the tree. :param d: dictionary to load. See the packages attribute in the ProcessLibraryWidget class """ self.dictionary = d self._nodes = node_structure_from_dict(d) self._model = DictionaryTreeModel(self._nodes) self.setModel(self._model)
# there are too many processes in nipype interfaces, opening # all is untractable. # self.expandAll()
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): """Event when the mouse is pressed.""" idx = self.indexAt(event.pos()) # print('idx',dir(idx.model())) config = Config() if idx.isValid: idx = idx.sibling(idx.row(), 0) node = idx.internalPointer() if node is not None: self.setCurrentIndex(idx) txt = path = txt.encode() self.item_library_clicked.emit(path.decode("utf8")) if event.button() == Qt.RightButton: = QMenu(self) self.remove ="Remove package") if config.get_user_mode() is False: self.action_delete = "Delete package" ) else: self.action_delete = False action = if action == self.remove: (self.pkg_library.package_library.package_tree) = ( self.pkg_library.load_config()["Packages"] ) self.pkg_library.remove_package(txt) if action == self.action_delete: (self.pkg_library.package_library.package_tree) = ( self.pkg_library.load_config()["Packages"] ) self.pkg_library.delete_package( to_delete=txt, from_pipeline_manager=True ) # print('dictionary ',path.decode('utf8')) # self.item_library_clicked.emit(model.itemData(idx)[0]) return QTreeView.mousePressEvent(self, event)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return a dictionary from the current tree. :return: the dictionary of the tree """ return self._model.to_dict()
[docs] class ProcessLibraryWidget(QWidget): """ Widget that handles the available Capsul's processes in the software. :param main_window: current main window .. Methods: - load_config: read the config in process_config.yml and return it as a dictionary - load_packages: sets packages and paths to the widget and to the system paths - open_pkg_lib: opens the package library - save_config: saves the current config to process_config.yml - update_config: updates the config and loads the corresponding packages - update_process_library: updates the tree of the process library """
[docs] def __init__(self, main_window=None): """Initialize the ProcessLibraryWidget. :param main_window: current main window """ super(ProcessLibraryWidget, self).__init__(parent=main_window) self.setWindowTitle("Process Library") self.main_window = main_window # Process Config self.update_config() # Package Library self.pkg_library = PackageLibraryDialog( mia_main_window=self.main_window, parent=self.main_window ) self.pkg_library.signal_save.connect(self.update_process_library) # Process Library self.process_library = ProcessLibrary(self.packages, self.pkg_library) self.process_library.setDragDropMode(self.process_library.DragOnly) self.process_library.setAcceptDrops(False) self.process_library.setDragEnabled(True) self.process_library.setSelectionMode( self.process_library.SingleSelection ) # we can't leave all trees open because nipype contains far too many # processes self.process_library.collapseAll() self.process_library.expandToDepth(1) # # Push button to call the package library # push_button_pkg_lib = QPushButton() # push_button_pkg_lib.setText('Package library manager') # push_button_pkg_lib.clicked.connect(self.open_pkg_lib) # Test to see the inputs/outputs of a process self.label_test = QLabel() # Splitter self.splitter = QSplitter(Qt.Horizontal) self.splitter.addWidget(self.label_test) self.splitter.addWidget(self.process_library) # Layout h_box = QVBoxLayout() # h_box.addWidget(push_button_pkg_lib) h_box.addWidget(self.splitter) self.setLayout(h_box)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_config(): """Read the config in process_config.yml and return it as a dictionary. :return: the config as a dictionary """ # import verCmp only here to prevent circular import issue from populse_mia.utils import verCmp config = Config() if not os.path.exists( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "properties", "process_config.yml", ) ): open( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "properties", "process_config.yml", ), "a", ).close() with open( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "properties", "process_config.yml", ), "r", ) as stream: try: if verCmp(yaml.__version__, "5.1", "sup"): return yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) else: return yaml.load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc)
[docs] def load_packages(self): """Set packages and paths to the widget and to the system paths.""" try: self.packages = self.process_config["Packages"] except KeyError: self.packages = {} except TypeError: self.packages = {} try: self.paths = self.process_config["Paths"] except KeyError: self.paths = [] except TypeError: self.paths = [] for path in self.paths: # Adding the module path to the system path # sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(path)) if path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(path)
[docs] def open_pkg_lib(self): """Open the package library."""
[docs] def save_config(self): """Save the current config to process_config.yml.""" config = Config() self.process_config["Packages"] = self.packages self.process_config["Paths"] = self.paths with open( os.path.join( config.get_properties_path(), "properties", "process_config.yml", ), "w", encoding="utf8", ) as stream: yaml.dump( self.process_config, stream, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True, )
[docs] def update_config(self): """Update the config and loads the corresponding packages.""" self.process_config = self.load_config() self.load_packages()
[docs] def update_process_library(self): """Update the tree of the process library.""" self.update_config() self.process_library.package_tree = self.packages self.process_library.load_dictionary(self.packages)
[docs] def import_file(full_name, path): """Import a python module from a path (3.4+ only). Does not call sys.modules[full_name] = path :param full_name: name of the package :param path: path of the package :return: the corresponding module """ from importlib import util spec = util.spec_from_file_location(full_name, path) mod = util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(mod) return mod
[docs] def node_structure_from_dict(datadict, parent=None, root_node=None): """Return a hierarchical node stucture required by the TreeModel. :param datadict: dictionary :param parent: Parent of the node :param root_node: Root of the node """ if not parent: root_node = Node("Root") parent = root_node for name, data in sorted(datadict.items()): if isinstance(data, dict): if True in [ True for value in data.values() if value == "process_enabled" ]: list_name = [ value for value in data.values() if value == "process_enabled" ] else: list_name = [] list_values = [ value for value in data.values() if isinstance(value, dict) ] while list_values: value = list_values.pop() for i in value.values(): if not isinstance(i, dict): list_name.append(i) list_values = list_values + [ i for i in value.values() if isinstance(i, dict) ] # if not list_name: list_name = [i for i in data.values()] if all(item == "process_disabled" for item in list_name): continue node = Node(name, parent) node = node_structure_from_dict(data, node, root_node) elif data == "process_enabled": node = Node(name, parent) node.value = data return root_node
# class FileFilterProxyModel(QSortFilterProxyModel): # """Just a test for the moment. Should be useful to use in # the file dialog. # # .. Methods: # - filterAcceptsRow: # # """ # # def __init__(self): # """Initialization of the FileFilterProxyModel class.""" # super(FileFilterProxyModel, self).__init__() # # def filterAcceptsRow(self, source_row, source_parent): # """ # # :param source_row: # :param source_parent: # :return: boolean # """ # source_model = self.sourceModel() # index0 = source_model.index(source_row, 0, source_parent) # # Always show directories # if source_model.isDir(index0): # return True # # filter files # filename = source_model.fileName(index0) # # filename=self.sourceModel().index(row,0,parent).data().lower() # # return True # if filename.count(".py") + filename.count(".xml") == 0: # return False # else: # return True # # def flags(self, index): # flags = super(FileFilterProxyModel, self).flags(index) # source_model = self.sourceModel() # if source_model.isDir(index): # flags |= Qt.ItemIsSelectable # return flags # # # filter files # filename = source_model.fileName(index) # # if filename.count(".py") + filename.count(".xml") == 0: # flags &= ~Qt.ItemIsSelectable # return flags # else: # flags |= Qt.ItemIsSelectable # return flags if __name__ == "__main__": app = QApplication(sys.argv) print("using Qt backend:", qt_backend.get_qt_backend()) plw = ProcessLibraryWidget() sys.exit(app.exec_())