Source code for populse_mia.user_interface.pipeline_manager.node_controller

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Module to handle the node of a pipeline and its plugs.

        - PlugFilter (must be declared before AttributesFilter)
        - AttributesFilter
        - CapsulNodeController
        - FilterWidget
        - NodeController


# Populse_mia - Copyright (C) IRMaGe/CEA, 2018
# Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL license, as published by
# the CEA-CNRS-INRIA. Refer to the LICENSE file or to
# for details.

import os
import sys
from functools import partial

import sip

# capsul imports
from capsul.attributes.completion_engine import ProcessCompletionEngine
from capsul.pipeline.pipeline_nodes import PipelineNode
from capsul.pipeline.process_iteration import ProcessIteration
from capsul.qt_gui.widgets.attributed_process_widget import (
from matplotlib.backends.qt_compat import QtWidgets

# PyQt5 imports
from PyQt5 import Qt
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal
from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (

# soma-base imports
from soma.controller import trait_ids
from traits.api import TraitError, Undefined

# Populse_MIA imports
from populse_mia.data_manager.filter import Filter
from populse_mia.data_manager.project import (
from populse_mia.software_properties import Config
from populse_mia.user_interface.data_browser.advanced_search import (
from populse_mia.user_interface.data_browser.data_browser import (
from populse_mia.user_interface.data_browser.rapid_search import RapidSearch
from populse_mia.user_interface.pipeline_manager.process_mia import ProcessMIA
from populse_mia.user_interface.pop_ups import (

from . import type_editors

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    unicode = str

    def values(d):

        return list(d.values())


[docs] def values(d): """blabla""" return d.values()
[docs] class PlugFilter(QWidget): """Filter widget used on a node plug. The widget displays a browser with the selected files of the database, a rapid search and an advanced search to filter these files. Once the filtering is done, the result (as a list of files) is set to the plug. .. Methods: - ok_clicked: set the new value to the node plug and closes the widget - reset_search_bar: reset the search bar of the rapid search - search_str: update the files to display in the browser - set_plug_value: emit a signal to set the file names to the node plug - update_tag_to_filter: update the tag to Filter - update_tags: update the list of visualized tags """ plug_value_changed = pyqtSignal(list)
[docs] def __init__( self, project, scans_list, process, node_name, plug_name, node_controller, main_window, ): """ Initialization of the PlugFilter widget :param project: current project in the software :param scans_list: list of database files to filter :param process: process instance of the selected node :param node_name: name of the current node :param plug_name: name of the selected node plug :param node_controller: parent node controller :param main_window: parent main window """ super(PlugFilter, self).__init__(None) from populse_mia.data_manager.project import COLLECTION_CURRENT from populse_mia.user_interface.data_browser.rapid_search import ( RapidSearch, ) self.project = project self.node_controller = node_controller self.main_window = main_window self.process = process self.plug_name = plug_name # If the filter is saved in the node plug (not the case now) # if hasattr(self.process, 'filters'): # if self.plug_name in self.process.filters.keys(): # print("Already a filter for {0} plug of {1} process".format( # self.plug_name, # # TODO: fill the advanced search with the corresponding # filter:orphan: # Verifying that the scan names begin not with a "/" or a "\" doc_list = [] for brick in self.main_window.pipeline_manager.brick_list: doc = self.project.session.get_document(COLLECTION_BRICK, brick) if doc is not None: for key in doc["Output(s)"]: if isinstance(doc["Output(s)"][key], str): if doc["Output(s)"][key] != "": doc_delete = os.path.relpath( doc["Output(s)"][key], self.project.folder ) doc_list.append(doc_delete) if scans_list: scans_list_copy = [] for scan in scans_list: scan_no_pfolder = scan.replace(self.project.folder, "") if scan_no_pfolder[0] in ["\\", "/"]: scan_no_pfolder = scan_no_pfolder[1:] if scan_no_pfolder not in doc_list: scans_list_copy.append(scan_no_pfolder) self.scans_list = scans_list_copy # If there is no element in scans_list, this means that all the scans # of the database needs to be taken into account else: self.scans_list = self.project.session.get_documents_names( COLLECTION_CURRENT ) self.setWindowTitle("Filter - " + node_name + " - " + plug_name) # Graphical components self.table_data = TableDataBrowser( self.project, self, self.node_controller.visibles_tags, False, True, link_viewer=False, ) # Reducing the list of scans to selection all_scans = self.table_data.scans_to_visualize self.table_data.scans_to_visualize = self.scans_list self.table_data.scans_to_search = self.scans_list self.table_data.update_visualized_rows(all_scans) search_bar_layout = QHBoxLayout() self.rapid_search = RapidSearch(self) self.rapid_search.textChanged.connect(partial(self.search_str)) sources_images_dir = Config().getSourceImageDir() self.button_cross = QToolButton() self.button_cross.setStyleSheet("background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);") self.button_cross.setIcon( QIcon(os.path.join(sources_images_dir, "gray_cross.png")) ) self.button_cross.clicked.connect(self.reset_search_bar) search_bar_layout.addWidget(self.rapid_search) search_bar_layout.addWidget(self.button_cross) self.advanced_search = AdvancedSearch( self.project, self, self.scans_list, self.node_controller.visibles_tags, from_pipeline=True, ) self.advanced_search.show_search() push_button_tags = QPushButton("Visualized tags") push_button_tags.clicked.connect(self.update_tags) self.push_button_tag_filter = QPushButton(TAG_FILENAME) self.push_button_tag_filter.clicked.connect(self.update_tag_to_filter) push_button_ok = QPushButton("OK") push_button_ok.clicked.connect(self.ok_clicked) push_button_cancel = QPushButton("Cancel") push_button_cancel.clicked.connect(self.close) # Layout buttons_layout = QHBoxLayout() buttons_layout.addWidget(push_button_tags) buttons_layout.addWidget(self.push_button_tag_filter) buttons_layout.addStretch(1) buttons_layout.addWidget(push_button_ok) buttons_layout.addWidget(push_button_cancel) main_layout = QVBoxLayout() main_layout.addLayout(search_bar_layout) main_layout.addWidget(self.advanced_search) main_layout.addWidget(self.table_data) main_layout.addLayout(buttons_layout) self.setLayout(main_layout) screen_resolution = QApplication.instance().desktop().screenGeometry() width, height = screen_resolution.width(), screen_resolution.height() self.setMinimumWidth(round(0.6 * width)) self.setMinimumHeight(round(0.8 * height))
[docs] def ok_clicked(self): """Set the new value to the node plug and closes the widget.""" # To use if the filters are set on plugs, which is not the case # if isinstance(self.process, ProcessMIA): # (fields, conditions, values, links, nots) = # self.advanced_search.get_filters(False) # # # plug_filter = Filter(None, nots, values, fields, # links, conditions, "") # self.process.filters[self.plug_name] = plug_filter self.set_plug_value() self.close()
[docs] def search_str(self, str_search): """Update the files to display in the browser. :param str_search: string typed in the rapid search """ old_scan_list = self.table_data.scans_to_visualize # Every scan taken if empty search if str_search == "": return_list = self.table_data.scans_to_search else: # Scans with at least a not defined value if str_search == not_defined_value: filter = self.prepare_not_defined_filter( self.project.session.get_shown_tags() ) # Scans matching the search else: filter = self.rapid_search.prepare_filter( str_search, self.project.session.get_shown_tags(), self.table_data.scans_to_search, ) generator = self.project.session.filter_documents( COLLECTION_CURRENT, filter ) # Creating the list of scans return_list = [getattr(scan, TAG_FILENAME) for scan in generator] self.table_data.scans_to_visualize = return_list self.advanced_search.scans_list = return_list # Rows updated self.table_data.update_visualized_rows(old_scan_list)
[docs] def set_plug_value(self): """Emit a signal to set the file names to the node plug.""" result_names = [] points = self.table_data.selectedIndexes() # If the user has selected some items if points: for point in points: row = point.row() tag_name = self.push_button_tag_filter.text() if tag_name.startswith("&"): tag_name = tag_name[1:] # We get the FileName of the scan from the first row scan_name = self.table_data.item(row, 0).text() value = self.project.session.get_value( COLLECTION_CURRENT, scan_name, tag_name ) if tag_name == TAG_FILENAME: value = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(self.project.folder, value) ) result_names.append(value) else: filter = self.table_data.get_current_filter() for i in range(len(filter)): scan_name = filter[i] tag_name = self.push_button_tag_filter.text() value = self.project.session.get_value( COLLECTION_CURRENT, scan_name, tag_name ) if tag_name == TAG_FILENAME: value = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(self.project.folder, value) ) result_names.append(value) self.plug_value_changed.emit(result_names)
[docs] def update_tag_to_filter(self): """Update the tag to Filter.""" popUp = PopUpSelectTagCountTable( self.project, self.node_controller.visibles_tags, self.push_button_tag_filter.text(), ) if popUp.exec_(): self.push_button_tag_filter.setText(popUp.selected_tag)
[docs] def update_tags(self): """Update the list of visualized tags.""" dialog = QDialog() visualized_tags = PopUpVisualizedTags( self.project, self.node_controller.visibles_tags ) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(visualized_tags) buttons_layout = QHBoxLayout() buttons = QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel ) buttons.accepted.connect(dialog.accept) buttons.rejected.connect(dialog.reject) buttons_layout.addWidget(buttons) layout.addLayout(buttons_layout) dialog.setLayout(layout) dialog.setMinimumHeight(600) dialog.setMinimumWidth(600) if dialog.exec(): new_visibilities = [] for x in range(visualized_tags.list_widget_selected_tags.count()): visible_tag = visualized_tags.list_widget_selected_tags.item( x ).text() new_visibilities.append(visible_tag) new_visibilities.append(TAG_FILENAME) self.table_data.update_visualized_columns( self.node_controller.visibles_tags, new_visibilities ) self.node_controller.visibles_tags = new_visibilities for row in self.advanced_search.rows: fields = row[2] fields.clear() for visible_tag in new_visibilities: fields.addItem(visible_tag) fields.model().sort(0) fields.addItem("All visualized tags")
[docs] class AttributesFilter(PlugFilter): """Filter widget used on an attributes set for completion. The widget displays a browser with the selected files of the database, a rapid search and an advanced search to filter these files. Once the filtering is done, the result (as a list of files) is set to the plug. .. Methods: - ok_clicked: close the widget """ attributes_selected = pyqtSignal(dict)
[docs] def ok_clicked(self): """Close the widget""" self.close() attributes = {} points = self.table_data.selectedIndexes() # If the user has selected some items if points: for point in points: row = point.row() for tag_name in self.project.session.get_fields_names( COLLECTION_CURRENT ): # We get the FileName of the scan from the first row scan_name = self.table_data.item(row, 0).text() value = self.project.session.get_value( COLLECTION_CURRENT, scan_name, tag_name ) attributes.setdefault(tag_name, []).append(value) else: filter = self.table_data.get_current_filter() for i in range(len(filter)): scan_name = filter[i] for tag_name in self.project.session.get_fields_names( COLLECTION_CURRENT ): value = self.project.session.get_value( COLLECTION_CURRENT, scan_name, tag_name ) attributes.setdefault(tag_name, []).append(value) self.attributes_selected.emit(attributes)
# Node controller V2 style
[docs] class CapsulNodeController(QWidget): """ Implementation of NodeController using Capsul AttributedProcessWidget widget. .. Methods: - display_parameters: display the parameters of the selected node - static_release: remove notification - release_process: remove notification from process - update_parameters: update the parameters values - parameters_changed: emit the value_changed signal - update_node_name: change the name of the selected node and updates the pipeline - rename_subprocesses: change the name of a node - filter_attributes: display a filter widget - update_attributes_from_filter: update attributes from filter widget """ value_changed = pyqtSignal(list)
[docs] def __init__(self, project, scan_list, pipeline_manager_tab, main_window): super().__init__() self.project = project self.scan_list = scan_list self.main_window = main_window self.node_name = "" self.visibles_tags = [] self.pipeline = ( pipeline_manager_tab.pipelineEditorTabs.get_current_pipeline() ) # Layouts v_box_final = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(v_box_final) self.process_widget = None # Node name hlayout = QHBoxLayout() label_node_name = QLabel() label_node_name.setText("Node name:") self.line_edit_node_name = QLineEdit() hlayout.addWidget(label_node_name) hlayout.addWidget(self.line_edit_node_name) v_box_final.addLayout(hlayout)
[docs] def display_parameters(self, node_name, process, pipeline): """Display the parameters of the selected node. The node parameters are read and line labels/line edits/push buttons are created for each of them. This methods consists mainly in widget and layout organization. :param node_name: name of the node :param process: process of the node :param pipeline: current pipeline """ self.node_name = node_name self.pipeline = pipeline # The pipeline global inputs and outputs node name cannot be modified if self.node_name not in ("inputs", "outputs"): self.line_edit_node_name.setText(self.node_name) self.line_edit_node_name.setReadOnly(False) self.line_edit_node_name.returnPressed.connect( self.update_node_name ) else: self.line_edit_node_name.setText("Pipeline inputs/outputs") self.line_edit_node_name.setReadOnly(True) if self.process_widget: # item = self.layout().takeAt(1) self.static_release( self.process_widget.attributed_process, self.parameters_changed ) self.process_widget.deleteLater() # del item self.process_widget = None # get the list of inputs connected from outputs of upstream nodes # in order to disable their "filter" file button node = pipeline.nodes.get(node_name) connected_inputs = set() if node is not None: for plug_name, plug in node.plugs.items(): if not plug.output and plug.links_from: connected_inputs.add(plug_name) userlevel = Config().get_user_level() self.process = process # force initializing the completion engine ProcessCompletionEngine.get_completion_engine(process) # fmt: off self.process_widget = AttributedProcessWidget( process, override_control_types={ "File": type_editors.PopulseFileControlWidget, "Directory": type_editors.PopulseDirectoryControlWidget, "List_File": type_editors. PopulseOffscreenListFileControlWidget, "Undefined": type_editors.PopulseUndefinedControlWidget, }, separate_outputs=True, user_data={ "project": self.project, "scan_list": self.scan_list, "main_window": self.main_window, "node_controller": self, "connected_inputs": connected_inputs, }, scroll=False, userlevel=userlevel, ) # fmt: on if hasattr(process, "completion_engine"): compl = process.completion_engine atts = compl.get_attribute_values() if len(atts.user_traits()) != 0: btn = QPushButton("Filter") btn.setSizePolicy(Qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed, Qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed) btn.clicked.connect(self.filter_attributes) self.process_widget.attrib_widget.layout().insertWidget(0, btn) self.layout().addWidget(self.process_widget) self.process.on_trait_change(self.parameters_changed, dispatch="ui")
# this cannot be done in __del__ since the C++ part will be already # destroyed by then. # However this signal seems never to be emitted, and I don't understand # why. So release_process() has to be called manually from the # pipeline manager. Sigh. # self.process_widget.destroyed.connect(partial( # self.static_release, # process, # self.parameters_changed))
[docs] @staticmethod def static_release(process, param_changed): """Remove notification""" process.on_trait_change(param_changed, remove=True)
[docs] def release_process(self): """Remove notification from process""" if hasattr(self, "process"): self.process.on_trait_change(self.parameters_changed, remove=True) try: if not sip.isdeleted(self): self.value_changed.disconnect() except TypeError: pass # it was not connected: OK
[docs] def update_parameters(self, process=None): """Update the parameters values. Does nothing any longer since the controller widget already reacts to changes in the process parameters. :param process: process of the node """ pass
[docs] def parameters_changed(self, _, plug_name, old_value, new_value): """Emit the value_changed signal.""" # plug_name_type = type(plug_name) plug_type = type(new_value) self.value_changed.emit( [ "plug_value", self.node_name, old_value, plug_name, plug_type, new_value, ] )
[docs] def update_node_name( self, new_node_name=None, old_node_name=None, from_undo=False, from_redo=False, ): """Change the name of the selected node and updates the pipeline. Because the nodes are stored in a dictionary, we have to create a new node that has the same traits as the selected one and create new links that are the same than the selected node. :param new_node_name: new node name (is None except when this method is called from an undo/redo) :param old_node_name: old node name (is None except when this method is called from an undo/redo) :param from_undo: boolean, True if the action has been made using an undo :param from_redo: boolean, True if the action has been made using a redo """ if not new_node_name: new_node_name = self.line_edit_node_name.text() if not old_node_name: old_node_name = self.node_name if isinstance(self.process, ProcessIteration): if not new_node_name.startswith("iterated_"): new_node_name = "iterated_" + new_node_name self.line_edit_node_name.setText(new_node_name) if new_node_name in list(self.pipeline.nodes.keys()): print( "\nUpdate of the node name from '{0}' to '{1}': impossible, " "the node '{1}' already exists !".format( old_node_name, new_node_name ) ) else: self.pipeline.rename_node(old_node_name, new_node_name) self.rename_subprocesses( self.pipeline.nodes[new_node_name], new_node_name ) # Updating the node_name attribute self.node_name = new_node_name self.pipeline.update_nodes_and_plugs_activation() # To undo/redo self.value_changed.emit( [ "node_name", self.pipeline.nodes[new_node_name], new_node_name, old_node_name, ] ) # For history history_maker = ["update_node_name"] if from_undo: # TODO: next line is strange! history_maker.append else: history_maker.append(self.pipeline.nodes[new_node_name]) history_maker.append(new_node_name) history_maker.append(old_node_name) # fmt:off ( self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs. get_current_editor().update_history )(history_maker, from_undo, from_redo) # fmt: on self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage( 'Node name "{0}" has been changed to "{1}".'.format( old_node_name, new_node_name ) )
[docs] def rename_subprocesses(self, node, parent_node_name): """Change the name of a node.""" if ( getattr(node.process, "context_name", "." )[0] == "Pipeline" ): if ( len( getattr( node.process, "context_name", ).split(".") ) >= 3 ): node.process.context_name = ( "Pipeline." + parent_node_name + "." + ".".join( getattr( node.process, "context_name", ).split(".")[2:] ) ) else: node.process.context_name = "Pipeline." + parent_node_name else: node.process.context_name = parent_node_name if isinstance(node, PipelineNode): for name, subnode in node.process.nodes.items(): if name == "": continue else: self.rename_subprocesses(subnode, parent_node_name)
[docs] def filter_attributes(self): """Display a filter widget.""" self.pop_up = AttributesFilter( self.project, self.scan_list, self.process, self.node_name, "attributes", self, self.main_window, ) self.pop_up.attributes_selected.connect( self.update_attributes_from_filter )
[docs] def update_attributes_from_filter(self, attributes): """Update attributes from filter widget""" compl = self.process.completion_engine atts = compl.get_attribute_values() num_set = 0 for name, value in attributes.items(): if atts.trait(name): if isinstance(getattr(atts, name), list): setattr(atts, name, value) else: setattr(atts, name, value[0]) num_set += 1 if num_set == 0 and len(attributes) != 0: mbox_icon = QMessageBox.Information mbox_title = "Unmatching tags / attributes" mbox_text = ( "The selected data tags do not match the expected " "attributes set for process parameters completion" ) mbox = QMessageBox(mbox_icon, mbox_title, mbox_text) Qt.QTimer.singleShot(2000, mbox.accept) mbox.exec()
[docs] class FilterWidget(QWidget): """Filter widget used on a Input_Filter process. The widget displays a browser with the selected files of the database, a rapid search and an advanced search to filter these files. Once the filtering is done, the filter is saved in the process. .. Methods: - layout_view: create the layout - ok_clicked: set the filter to the process and closes the widget - reset_search_bar: reset the search bar of the rapid search - search_str: update the files to display in the browser - update_tag_to_filter: update the tag to Filter - update_tags: update the list of visualized tags """
[docs] def __init__(self, project, node_name, node, main_window): """Initialization of the Filter Widget. :param project: current project in the software :param node_name: name of the current node :param node: instance of the corresponding Input_Filter node :param main_window: parent main window """ super(FilterWidget, self).__init__(None) self.setWindowTitle("Filter - " + node_name) self.project = project self.visible_tags = self.project.session.get_shown_tags() self.node = node self.process = node.process self.main_window = main_window scan_list = [] # The scan list to filter corresponds to the input of the Input Filter if self.process.input and self.process.input is not Undefined: for scan in self.process.input: path, file_name = os.path.split(scan) path, second_folder = os.path.split(path) first_folder = os.path.basename(path) database_file = os.path.join( first_folder, second_folder, file_name ) scan_list.append(database_file) self.scan_list = scan_list # Graphical components self.table_data = TableDataBrowser( self.project, self, self.visible_tags, False, False ) # Reducing the list of scans to selection all_scans = self.table_data.scans_to_visualize self.table_data.scans_to_visualize = self.scan_list self.table_data.scans_to_search = self.scan_list self.table_data.update_visualized_rows(all_scans) # Filter information filter_to_apply = node.process.filter # Search self.rapid_search = RapidSearch(self) if filter_to_apply.search_bar: self.rapid_search.setText(filter_to_apply.search_bar) self.rapid_search.textChanged.connect(partial(self.search_str)) self.advanced_search = AdvancedSearch( self.project, self, self.scan_list, self.visible_tags, from_pipeline=True, ) self.advanced_search.show_search() self.advanced_search.apply_filter(filter_to_apply) # Initialize Qt objects self.button_cross = QToolButton() self.push_button_tag_filter = QPushButton(TAG_FILENAME) self.layout_view()
[docs] def layout_view(self): """Create the layout.""" sources_images_dir = Config().getSourceImageDir() self.button_cross.setStyleSheet("background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);") self.button_cross.setIcon( QIcon(os.path.join(sources_images_dir, "gray_cross.png")) ) self.button_cross.clicked.connect(self.reset_search_bar) search_bar_layout = QHBoxLayout() search_bar_layout.addWidget(self.rapid_search) search_bar_layout.addWidget(self.button_cross) push_button_tags = QPushButton("Visualized tags") push_button_tags.clicked.connect(self.update_tags) self.push_button_tag_filter.clicked.connect(self.update_tag_to_filter) push_button_ok = QPushButton("OK") push_button_ok.clicked.connect(self.ok_clicked) push_button_cancel = QPushButton("Cancel") push_button_cancel.clicked.connect(self.close) # Layout buttons_layout = QHBoxLayout() buttons_layout.addWidget(push_button_tags) buttons_layout.addWidget(self.push_button_tag_filter) buttons_layout.addStretch(1) buttons_layout.addWidget(push_button_ok) buttons_layout.addWidget(push_button_cancel) main_layout = QVBoxLayout() main_layout.addLayout(search_bar_layout) main_layout.addWidget(self.advanced_search) main_layout.addWidget(self.table_data) main_layout.addLayout(buttons_layout) self.setLayout(main_layout) screen_resolution = QApplication.instance().desktop().screenGeometry() width, height = screen_resolution.width(), screen_resolution.height() self.setMinimumWidth(round(0.6 * width)) self.setMinimumHeight(round(0.8 * height))
[docs] def ok_clicked(self): """Set the filter to the process and closes the widget.""" if isinstance(self.process, ProcessMIA): ( fields, conditions, values, links, nots, ) = self.advanced_search.get_filters(False) filt = Filter( None, nots, values, fields, links, conditions, self.rapid_search.text(), ) self.process.filter = filt # self.set_output_value() self.close()
[docs] def search_str(self, str_search): """Update the files to display in the browser. :param str_search: string typed in the rapid search """ old_scan_list = self.table_data.scans_to_visualize # Every scan taken if empty search if str_search == "": return_list = self.table_data.scans_to_search else: # Scans with at least a not defined value if str_search == not_defined_value: filter = self.prepare_not_defined_filter( self.project.session.get_shown_tags() ) # Scans matching the search else: filter = self.rapid_search.prepare_filter( str_search, self.project.session.get_shown_tags(), old_scan_list, ) generator = self.project.session.filter_documents( COLLECTION_CURRENT, filter ) # Creating the list of scans return_list = [getattr(scan, TAG_FILENAME) for scan in generator] self.table_data.scans_to_visualize = return_list self.advanced_search.scans_list = return_list # Rows updated self.table_data.update_visualized_rows(old_scan_list)
# def set_output_value(self): # """Set the output of the filter to the output of the node.""" # # result_names = [] # filter = self.table_data.get_current_filter() # for i in range(len(filter)): # scan_name = filter[i] # tag_name = self.push_button_tag_filter.text().replace('&', '') # value = self.project.session.get_value(COLLECTION_CURRENT, # scan_name, tag_name) # if tag_name == TAG_FILENAME: # value = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.project.folder, # value)) # result_names.append(value) # # result_files = [] # for result_name in result_names: # full_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.project.folder, # result_name)) # result_files.append(full_path) # # self.node.set_plug_value("output", result_files)
[docs] def update_tag_to_filter(self): """Update the tag to Filter.""" pop_up = PopUpSelectTagCountTable( self.project, self.visible_tags, self.push_button_tag_filter.text() ) if pop_up.exec_(): self.push_button_tag_filter.setText(pop_up.selected_tag)
[docs] def update_tags(self): """Update the list of visualized tags.""" dialog = QDialog() visualized_tags = PopUpVisualizedTags(self.project, self.visible_tags) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(visualized_tags) buttons_layout = QHBoxLayout() buttons = QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel ) buttons.accepted.connect(dialog.accept) buttons.rejected.connect(dialog.reject) buttons_layout.addWidget(buttons) layout.addLayout(buttons_layout) dialog.setLayout(layout) dialog.setMinimumHeight(600) dialog.setMinimumWidth(600) if dialog.exec(): new_visibilities = [] for x in range(visualized_tags.list_widget_selected_tags.count()): visible_tag = visualized_tags.list_widget_selected_tags.item( x ).text() new_visibilities.append(visible_tag) new_visibilities.append(TAG_FILENAME) self.table_data.update_visualized_columns( self.visible_tags, new_visibilities ) # self.node_controller.visibles_tags = new_visibilities for row in self.advanced_search.rows: fields = row[2] fields.clear() for visible_tag in new_visibilities: fields.addItem(visible_tag) fields.model().sort(0) fields.addItem("All visualized tags")
# Node controller V1 style
[docs] class NodeController(QWidget): """ Allow to change the input and output values of a pipeline node .. Methods: - clearLayout: clear the layouts of the widget - display_filter: display a filter widget - display_parameters: display the parameters of the selected node - get_index_from_plug_name: return the index of the plug label. - update_node_name: update the name of the selected node - rename_subprocesses: change the name of a node - update_parameters: update the parameters values - update_plug_value: update the value of a node plug - update_plug_value_from_filter: update the plug value from a filter result - release_process: remove notification from process (not implemented) """ value_changed = pyqtSignal(list)
[docs] def __init__(self, project, scan_list, pipeline_manager_tab, main_window): """ Initialization of the Node Controller :param project: current project in the software :param scan_list: list of the selected database files :param pipeline_manager_tab: parent widget :param main_window: main window of the software """ super(NodeController, self).__init__(pipeline_manager_tab) self.project = project self.scan_list = scan_list self.main_window = main_window self.node_name = "" self.pipeline = ( pipeline_manager_tab.pipelineEditorTabs.get_current_pipeline() ) # Layouts self.v_box_final = QVBoxLayout() self.h_box_node_name = QHBoxLayout()
[docs] def clearLayout(self, layout): """Clear the layouts of the widget. :param layout: widget with a layout """ for i in reversed(range(len(layout.children()))): if type(layout.layout().itemAt(i)) == QtWidgets.QWidgetItem: layout.layout().itemAt(i).widget().setParent(None) if ( type(layout.layout().itemAt(i)) == QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout or type(layout.layout().itemAt(i)) == QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout ): layout.layout().itemAt(i).deleteLater() for j in reversed(range(len(layout.layout().itemAt(i)))): layout.layout().itemAt(i).itemAt(j).widget().setParent( None ) if layout.layout() is not None: sip.delete(layout.layout())
[docs] def display_filter(self, node_name, plug_name, parameters, process): """Display a filter widget. :param node_name: name of the node :param plug_name: name of the plug :param parameters: tuple containing the index of the plug, the current pipeline instance and the type of the plug value :param process: process of the node """ self.pop_up = PlugFilter( self.project, self.scan_list, process, node_name, plug_name, self, self.main_window, ) self.pop_up.plug_value_changed.connect( partial(self.update_plug_value_from_filter, plug_name, parameters) )
# def display_parameters(self, node_name: object, # process: object, pipeline: object) -> object:
[docs] def display_parameters(self, node_name, process, pipeline): """Display the parameters of the selected node. The node parameters are read and line labels/line edits/push buttons are created for each of them. This methods consists mainly in widget and layout organization. :param node_name: name of the node :param process: process of the node :param pipeline: current pipeline """ self.node_name = node_name self.current_process = process self.line_edit_input = [] self.line_edit_output = [] self.labels_input = [] self.labels_output = [] # Refreshing the layouts if len(self.children()) > 0: self.clearLayout(self) self.v_box_final = QVBoxLayout() # Node name label_node_name = QLabel() label_node_name.setText("Node name:") self.line_edit_node_name = QLineEdit() self.pipeline = pipeline # The pipeline global inputs and outputs node name cannot be modified if self.node_name not in ("inputs", "outputs"): self.line_edit_node_name.setText(self.node_name) self.line_edit_node_name.returnPressed.connect( self.update_node_name ) else: self.line_edit_node_name.setText("Pipeline inputs/outputs") self.line_edit_node_name.setReadOnly(True) self.h_box_node_name = QHBoxLayout() self.h_box_node_name.addWidget(label_node_name) self.h_box_node_name.addWidget(self.line_edit_node_name) # Inputs self.button_group_inputs = QGroupBox("Inputs") self.v_box_inputs = QVBoxLayout() idx = 0 for name, trait in process.user_traits().items(): if name == "nodes_activation": continue if trait.userlevel is not None and trait.userlevel > 0: continue if not trait.output: label_input = QLabel() label_input.setText(str(name)) self.labels_input.insert(idx, label_input) try: value = getattr(process, name) except TraitError: value = Undefined trait_type = trait_ids(process.trait(name)) self.line_edit_input.insert(idx, QLineEdit()) self.line_edit_input[idx].setText(str(value)) self.line_edit_input[idx].returnPressed.connect( partial( self.update_plug_value, "in", name, pipeline, type(value), ) ) h_box = QHBoxLayout() h_box.addWidget(label_input) h_box.addWidget(self.line_edit_input[idx]) # Adding the possibility to filter pipeline global # inputs except if the input is "database_scans" # which means that the scans will be filtered with InputFilter if self.node_name == "inputs" and name != "database_scans": if ( "File" in trait_type or "List_File" in trait_type or "Any" in trait_type ): parameters = (idx, pipeline, type(value)) push_button = QPushButton("Filter") push_button.clicked.connect( partial( self.display_filter, self.node_name, name, parameters, process, ) ) h_box.addWidget(push_button) self.v_box_inputs.addLayout(h_box) idx += 1 self.button_group_inputs.setLayout(self.v_box_inputs) # Outputs self.button_group_outputs = QGroupBox("Outputs") self.v_box_outputs = QVBoxLayout() idx = 0 for name, trait in process.traits(output=True).items(): if trait.userlevel is not None and trait.userlevel > 0: continue label_output = QLabel() label_output.setText(str(name)) self.labels_output.insert(idx, label_output) value = getattr(process, name) trait_type = trait_ids(process.trait(name)) self.line_edit_output.insert(idx, QLineEdit()) self.line_edit_output[idx].setText(str(value)) self.line_edit_output[idx].returnPressed.connect( partial( self.update_plug_value, "out", name, pipeline, type(value) ) ) h_box = QHBoxLayout() h_box.addWidget(label_output) h_box.addWidget(self.line_edit_output[idx]) self.v_box_outputs.addLayout(h_box) idx += 1 self.button_group_outputs.setLayout(self.v_box_outputs) self.v_box_final.addLayout(self.h_box_node_name) self.v_box_final.addWidget(self.button_group_inputs) self.v_box_final.addWidget(self.button_group_outputs) # fmt: off ( self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs. get_current_editor )().node_parameters_tmp[node_name] = {} ( self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs. get_current_editor )().node_parameters_tmp[node_name]["inputs"] = [ x.text() for x in self.line_edit_input ] ( self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs. get_current_editor )().node_parameters_tmp[node_name]["outputs"] = [ x.text() for x in self.line_edit_output ] if ( "outputs" in self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs. get_current_editor().node_parameters_tmp ): del ( self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs. get_current_editor().node_parameters_tmp["outputs"] ) # fmt: on # Commented on January, 4th 2020 # if self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs\ # .get_current_editor().node_parameters_tmp == \ # self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs\ # .get_current_editor().node_parameters and \ # self.main_window.pipeline_manager.test_init and \ # self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs\ # .get_current_editor().initialized: # self.main_window.pipeline_manager.run_pipeline_action \ # .setDisabled(False) # else: # self.main_window.pipeline_manager.run_pipeline_action\ # .setDisabled(True) # if self.main_window.pipeline_manager.iterationTable\ # .check_box_iterate.isChecked(): # self.main_window.pipeline_manager.run_pipeline_action\ # .setDisabled(False) self.main_window.pipeline_manager.run_pipeline_action.setDisabled( False ) # End - commented on January, 4th 2020 self.setLayout(self.v_box_final)
[docs] def get_index_from_plug_name(self, plug_name, in_or_out): """Return the index of the plug label. :param plug_name: name of the plug :param in_or_out: "in" if the plug is an input plug, "out" else :return: the corresponding index """ if in_or_out == "in": for idx, label in enumerate(self.labels_input): if label.text() == plug_name: return idx else: for idx, label in enumerate(self.labels_output): if label.text() == plug_name: return idx
[docs] def update_node_name(self, new_node_name=None): """Change the name of the selected node and updates the pipeline. Because the nodes are stored in a dictionary, we have to create a new node that has the same traits as the selected one and create new links that are the same than the selected node. :param new_node_name: new node name (is None except when this method is called from an undo/redo) """ # Copying the old node old_node_name = self.node_name if not new_node_name: new_node_name = self.line_edit_node_name.text() if isinstance( self.pipeline.list_process_in_pipeline[0], ProcessIteration ): if not new_node_name.startswith("iterated_"): new_node_name = "iterated_" + new_node_name self.line_edit_node_name.setText(new_node_name) if new_node_name in list(self.pipeline.nodes.keys()): print("Node name already in pipeline") else: self.pipeline.rename_node(old_node_name, new_node_name) self.rename_subprocesses( self.pipeline.nodes[new_node_name], new_node_name ) # Updating the node_name attribute self.node_name = new_node_name # To undo/redo self.value_changed.emit( [ "node_name", self.pipeline.nodes[new_node_name], new_node_name, old_node_name, ] ) self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage( 'Node name "{0}" has been changed to "{1}".'.format( old_node_name, new_node_name ) )
[docs] def rename_subprocesses(self, node, parent_node_name): """Change the name of a node.""" if ( getattr(node.process, "context_name", "." )[0] == "Pipeline" ): if ( len( getattr( node.process, "context_name", ).split(".") ) >= 3 ): node.process.context_name = ( "Pipeline." + parent_node_name + "." + ".".join( getattr( node.process, "context_name", ).split(".")[2:] ) ) else: node.process.context_name = "Pipeline." + parent_node_name else: node.process.context_name = parent_node_name if isinstance(node, PipelineNode): for name, subnode in node.process.nodes.items(): if name == "": continue else: self.rename_subprocesses(subnode, parent_node_name)
[docs] def update_parameters(self, process=None): """Update the parameters values. :param process: process of the node """ # commented on January, 4th 2020 # self.main_window.pipeline_manager.run_pipeline_action.setDisabled( # True) if process is None: try: process = self.current_process except AttributeError: # if no node has been clicked, no need to update the widget return idx = 0 for name, trait in process.user_traits().items(): if name == "nodes_activation": continue if not trait.output: try: value = getattr(process, name) except TraitError: value = Undefined if idx < len(self.line_edit_input): self.line_edit_input[idx].setText(str(value)) idx += 1 idx = 0 for name, trait in process.traits(output=True).items(): value = getattr(process, name) if idx < len(self.line_edit_output): self.line_edit_output[idx].setText(str(value)) idx += 1
# self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs\ # .update_current_node()
[docs] def update_plug_value( self, in_or_out, plug_name, pipeline, value_type, new_value=None ): """Update the value of a node plug. :param in_or_out: "in" if the plug is an input plug, "out" else :param plug_name: name of the plug :param pipeline: current pipeline :param value_type: type of the plug value :param new_value: new value for the plug (is None except when this method is called from an undo/redo) """ index = self.get_index_from_plug_name(plug_name, in_or_out) # Reading the value from the plug's line edit if not new_value: if in_or_out == "in": new_value = self.line_edit_input[index].text() elif in_or_out == "out": new_value = self.line_edit_output[index].text() else: new_value = None try: new_value = eval(new_value) # We try to handle the undefined value with the eval() function # See FixME below. except SyntaxError: new_value = new_value.replace("<undefined>", "'<undefined>'") try: new_value = eval(new_value) except Exception as err: print("{0}: {1}.".format(err.__class__, err)) except NameError: pass except Exception as err: print("{0}: {1}.".format(err.__class__, err)) # except NameError: # print("NameError for value {0}".format(new_value)) # except SyntaxError: # pass # print("SynthaxError for value {0}".format(new_value)) if value_type not in [float, int, str, list]: value_type = str if self.node_name in ["inputs", "outputs"]: node_name = "" else: node_name = self.node_name old_value = pipeline.nodes[node_name].get_plug_value(plug_name) try: # FIXME:Since we replace, above, "<undefined>" with "<undefined>" # in order to handle syntax error with eval() we should handle # all cases here (big job). # For the moment we manage only the dictionary if isinstance(new_value, dict): new_value = { k: Undefined if v == "<undefined>" else v for k, v in new_value.items() } pipeline.nodes[node_name].set_plug_value(plug_name, new_value) except (TraitError, OSError) as err: msg = QMessageBox() msg.setText("{}".format(err)) msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msg.setWindowTitle(err.__class__.__name__) msg.exec_() if in_or_out == "in": self.line_edit_input[index].setText(str(old_value)) elif in_or_out == "out": self.line_edit_output[index].setText(str(old_value)) return # Update pipeline to "propagate" the node value pipeline.update_nodes_and_plugs_activation() if in_or_out == "in": self.line_edit_input[index].setText(str(new_value)) elif in_or_out == "out": self.line_edit_output[index].setText(str(new_value)) # To undo/redo self.value_changed.emit( [ "plug_value", self.node_name, old_value, plug_name, value_type, new_value, ] ) self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage( 'Plug "{0}" of node "{1}" has been changed to "{2}".'.format( plug_name, node_name, new_value ) )
[docs] def update_plug_value_from_filter( self, plug_name, parameters, filter_res_list ): """Update the plug value from a filter result. :param plug_name: name of the plug :param parameters: tuple containing the index of the plug, the current pipeline instance and the type of the plug value :param filter_res_list: list of the filtered files """ pipeline = parameters[1] value_type = parameters[2] # If the list contains only one element, setting # this element as the plug value len_list = len(filter_res_list) if len_list > 1: res = filter_res_list elif len_list == 1: res = filter_res_list[0] else: res = [] self.update_plug_value("in", plug_name, pipeline, value_type, res)
[docs] def release_process(self): """ Remove notification from process """ # only implemented in CapsulNodeController pass