Source code for populse_mia.user_interface.pipeline_manager.iteration_table

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Module that handles pipeline iteration.

        - IterationTable


# Populse_mia - Copyright (C) IRMaGe/CEA, 2018
# Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL license, as published by
# the CEA-CNRS-INRIA. Refer to the LICENSE file or to
# for details.

import os

# PyQt5 imports
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (

from populse_mia.data_manager.project import COLLECTION_CURRENT, TAG_FILENAME
from populse_mia.software_properties import Config

# MIA imports
from populse_mia.user_interface.pipeline_manager.process_mia import ProcessMIA
from populse_mia.user_interface.pop_ups import (

[docs] class IterationTable(QWidget): """Widget that handles pipeline iteration. .. Methods: - add_tag: adds a tag to visualize in the iteration table - emit_iteration_table_updated: emits a signal when the iteration scans have been updated - fill_values: fill values_list depending on the visualized tags - refresh_layout: updates the layout of the widget - remove_tag: removes a tag to visualize in the iteration table - select_iterated_tag: opens a pop-up to let the user select on which tag to iterate - select_visualized_tag: opens a pop-up to let the user select which tag to visualize in the iteration table - update_iterated_tag: updates the widget - update_table: updates the iteration table - update_selected_tag: updates the selected tag for current pipeline manager tab """ iteration_table_updated = pyqtSignal(list, list)
[docs] def __init__(self, project, scan_list, main_window): """ Initialization of the IterationTable widget. :param project: current project in the software :param scan_list: list of the selected database files :param main_window: software's main_window """ QWidget.__init__(self) # Necessary for using MIA bricks ProcessMIA.project = project self.project = project if not scan_list: self.scan_list = self.project.session.get_documents_names( COLLECTION_CURRENT ) else: self.scan_list = scan_list self.main_window = main_window # values_list will contain the different values of each selected tag self.values_list = [[], []] self.all_tag_values = [] # Checkbox to choose to iterate the pipeline or not self.check_box_iterate = QCheckBox("Iterate pipeline") self.check_box_iterate.stateChanged.connect( self.emit_iteration_table_updated ) # Label "Iterate over:" self.label_iterate = QLabel("Iterate over:") # Label that displays the name of the selected tag self.iterated_tag_label = QLabel("Select a tag") # Push button to select the tag to iterate self.iterated_tag_push_button = QPushButton("Select") self.iterated_tag_push_button.clicked.connect( self.select_iteration_tag ) # QComboBox self.combo_box = QComboBox() self.combo_box.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.update_table) # filter self.filter_button = QPushButton("Filter") self.filter_button.clicked.connect(self.filter_values) # QTableWidget self.iteration_table = QTableWidget() # Label tag self.label_tags = QLabel("Tags to visualize:") # Each push button will allow the user to visualize a tag in # the iteration browser push_button_tag_1 = QPushButton() push_button_tag_1.setText("SequenceName") push_button_tag_1.clicked.connect( lambda: self.select_visualized_tag(0) ) push_button_tag_2 = QPushButton() push_button_tag_2.setText("AcquisitionDate") push_button_tag_2.clicked.connect( lambda: self.select_visualized_tag(1) ) # The list of all the push buttons # (the user can add as many as he or she wants) self.push_buttons = [] self.push_buttons.insert(0, push_button_tag_1) self.push_buttons.insert(1, push_button_tag_2) # Labels to add/remove a tag (a push button) self.add_tag_label = ClickableLabel() self.add_tag_label.setObjectName("plus") sources_images_dir = Config().getSourceImageDir() add_tag_picture = QPixmap( os.path.relpath(os.path.join(sources_images_dir, "green_plus.png")) ) add_tag_picture = add_tag_picture.scaledToHeight(15) self.add_tag_label.setPixmap(add_tag_picture) self.add_tag_label.clicked.connect(self.add_tag) self.remove_tag_label = ClickableLabel() remove_tag_picture = QPixmap( os.path.relpath(os.path.join(sources_images_dir, "red_minus.png")) ) remove_tag_picture = remove_tag_picture.scaledToHeight(20) self.remove_tag_label.setPixmap(remove_tag_picture) self.remove_tag_label.clicked.connect(self.remove_tag) # Layout self.v_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(self.v_layout) self.refresh_layout()
[docs] def add_tag(self): """Add a tag to visualize in the iteration table. Used only for tests """ idx = len(self.push_buttons) push_button = QPushButton() push_button.setText("Tag n°" + str(len(self.push_buttons) + 1)) push_button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.select_visualized_tag(idx)) self.push_buttons.insert(len(self.push_buttons), push_button) self.refresh_layout()
[docs] def emit_iteration_table_updated(self): """Emit a signal when the iteration scans have been updated.""" if self.check_box_iterate.checkState(): if hasattr(self, "scans"): self.iteration_table_updated.emit( self.iteration_scans, self.all_iterations_scans ) else: self.iteration_table_updated.emit( self.scan_list, [self.scan_list] ) else: self.iteration_table_updated.emit(self.scan_list, [self.scan_list])
[docs] def fill_values(self, idx): """ Fill values_list depending on the visualized tags :param idx: Index of the tag """ tag_name = self.push_buttons[idx].text() values = [] for scan in self.project.session.get_documents_names( COLLECTION_CURRENT ): current_value = self.project.session.get_value( COLLECTION_CURRENT, scan, tag_name ) if current_value is not None: values.append(current_value) idx_to_fill = len(self.values_list) while len(self.values_list) <= idx: self.values_list.insert(idx_to_fill, []) idx_to_fill += 1 if self.values_list[idx] is not None: self.values_list[idx] = [] for value in values: if value not in self.values_list[idx]: self.values_list[idx].append(value)
[docs] def refresh_layout(self): """Update the layout of the widget. Called in widget's initialization and when a tag push button is added or removed. """ first_v_layout = QVBoxLayout() first_v_layout.addWidget(self.check_box_iterate) second_v_layout = QVBoxLayout() second_v_layout.addWidget(self.label_iterate) second_v_layout.addWidget(self.iterated_tag_label) third_v_layout = QVBoxLayout() third_v_layout.addWidget(self.iterated_tag_push_button) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(self.combo_box) hbox.addWidget(self.filter_button) third_v_layout.addLayout(hbox) top_layout = QHBoxLayout() top_layout.addLayout(first_v_layout) top_layout.addLayout(second_v_layout) top_layout.addLayout(third_v_layout) self.v_layout.addLayout(top_layout) self.v_layout.addWidget(self.iteration_table) self.h_box = QHBoxLayout() self.h_box.setSpacing(10) self.h_box.addWidget(self.label_tags) for tag_label in self.push_buttons: self.h_box.addWidget(tag_label) self.h_box.addWidget(self.add_tag_label) self.h_box.addWidget(self.remove_tag_label) self.h_box.addStretch(1) self.v_layout.addLayout(self.h_box)
[docs] def remove_tag(self): """Remove a tag to visualize in the iteration table.""" if len(self.push_buttons) >= 1: push_button = self.push_buttons[-1] push_button.deleteLater() push_button = None del self.push_buttons[-1] del self.values_list[-1] self.refresh_layout() self.update_table()
[docs] def select_iteration_tag(self): """Open a pop-up to let the user select on which tag to iterate.""" # fmt: off ui_select = PopUpSelectTagCountTable( self.project, self.project.session.get_fields_names(COLLECTION_CURRENT), self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs. get_current_editor().iterated_tag, ) # fmt: on if ui_select.exec_(): # fmt: off if ( self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs. get_current_editor().iterated_tag is None and ui_select.selected_tag is None ): # fmt: on pass else: (self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs. get_current_editor)().iterated_tag = ui_select.selected_tag # Retrieve tag values self.update_selected_tag(ui_select.selected_tag)
[docs] def filter_values(self): """blabla""" # fmt: off iterated_tag = ( self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs. get_current_editor().iterated_tag ) tag_values = ( self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs. get_current_editor().all_tag_values_list ) # fmt: on ui_iteration = PopUpSelectIteration(iterated_tag, tag_values) if ui_iteration.exec_(): tag_values_list = [ t.replace("&", "") for t in ui_iteration.final_values ] # fmt: off ( self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs. get_current_editor )().tag_values_list = tag_values_list # fmt: on self.combo_box.clear() self.combo_box.addItems(tag_values_list) self.update_table()
[docs] def select_visualized_tag(self, idx): """Open a pop-up to let the user select which tag to visualize in the iteration table. :param idx: index of the clicked push button """ popUp = PopUpSelectTagCountTable( self.project, self.project.session.get_fields_names(COLLECTION_CURRENT), self.push_buttons[idx].text(), ) if popUp.exec_() and popUp.selected_tag is not None: self.push_buttons[idx].setText(popUp.selected_tag) self.fill_values(idx) self.update_table()
[docs] def update_iterated_tag(self, tag_name=None): """ Update the widget when the iterated tag is modified. :param tag_name: name of the iterated tag """ if len(self.main_window.pipeline_manager.scan_list) > 0: self.scan_list = self.main_window.pipeline_manager.scan_list else: self.scan_list = self.project.session.get_documents_names( COLLECTION_CURRENT ) self.combo_box.clear() if tag_name is None: self.iterated_tag_push_button.setText("Select") self.iterated_tag_label.setText("Select a tag") self.iteration_table.clear() self.iteration_table.setColumnCount(len(self.push_buttons)) else: self.iterated_tag_push_button.setText(tag_name) self.iterated_tag_label.setText(tag_name + ":") # duplicate the values list to have the initial, unfiltered, one # fmt: off self.all_tag_values = list( self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs. get_current_editor().all_tag_values_list ) self.combo_box.addItems( self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs. get_current_editor().tag_values_list ) # fmt: on self.update_table()
[docs] def update_table(self): """ Update the iteration table. """ # Updating the scan list if not self.scan_list: self.scan_list = self.project.session.get_documents_names( COLLECTION_CURRENT ) # Clearing the table and preparing its columns self.iteration_table.clear() self.iteration_table.setColumnCount(len(self.push_buttons)) # fmt: off if ( self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs. get_current_editor().iterated_tag is not None ): # fmt: on # Headers for idx in range(len(self.push_buttons)): # FIXME should not use GUI text values !! header_name = self.push_buttons[idx].text().replace("&", "") if header_name not in self.project.session.get_fields_names( COLLECTION_CURRENT ): print("{0} not in the project's tags".format(header_name)) return item = QTableWidgetItem() item.setText(header_name) self.iteration_table.setHorizontalHeaderItem(idx, item) # Searching the database scans that correspond to # iterated tag value # fmt: off filter_query = ( "({" + str( self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs. get_current_editor().iterated_tag ) + "} " + "==" + ' "' + str(self.combo_box.currentText()).replace("&", "") + '")' ) # fmt: on scans_list = self.project.session.filter_documents( COLLECTION_CURRENT, filter_query ) scans_res = [ getattr(document, TAG_FILENAME) for document in scans_list ] # Taking the intersection between the found database scans and the # user selection in the data_browser self.iteration_scans = list( set(scans_res).intersection(self.scan_list) ) self.iteration_table.setRowCount(len(self.iteration_scans)) # Filling the table cells row = -1 for scan_name in self.iteration_scans: row += 1 for idx in range(len(self.push_buttons)): tag_name = self.push_buttons[idx].text().replace("&", "") item = QTableWidgetItem() item.setText( str( self.project.session.get_value( COLLECTION_CURRENT, scan_name, tag_name ) ) ) self.iteration_table.setItem(row, idx, item) all_iterations_scans = [] # fmt: off for ( tag_value ) in ( self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs. get_current_editor().tag_values_list ): # Searching the database scans that correspond to # iterated tag value filter_query = ( "({" + str( self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs. get_current_editor().iterated_tag ) + "} " + "==" + ' "' + str(tag_value) + '")' ) # fmt: on scans_list = self.project.session.filter_documents( COLLECTION_CURRENT, filter_query ) scans_res = [ getattr(document, TAG_FILENAME) for document in scans_list ] all_iterations_scans.append( list(set(scans_res).intersection(self.scan_list)) ) self.all_iterations_scans = all_iterations_scans # self.scans = True # This will change the scans list in the current # Pipeline Manager tab self.iteration_table_updated.emit( self.iteration_scans, self.all_iterations_scans )
[docs] def update_selected_tag(self, selected_tag): """blabla""" tag_values_list = [] scans_names = self.project.session.get_documents_names( COLLECTION_CURRENT ) if not self.scan_list: self.scan_list = scans_names scans_names = list(set(scans_names).intersection(self.scan_list)) for scan_name in scans_names: tag_value = self.project.session.get_value( COLLECTION_CURRENT, scan_name, selected_tag ) if str(tag_value) not in tag_values_list: tag_values_list.append(str(tag_value)) # fmt: off ( self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs. get_current_editor )().tag_values_list = tag_values_list ( self.main_window.pipeline_manager.pipelineEditorTabs. get_current_editor )().all_tag_values_list = tag_values_list # fmt: on self.update_iterated_tag(selected_tag)