Source code for populse_mia.user_interface.data_viewer.anatomist.mia_anatomist

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

MIA data viewer implementation based on `Anatomist

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import os

    from anatomist.simpleviewer.anasimpleviewer import AnaSimpleViewer

except ImportError:
        "\nAnatomist seems not to be installed. The data_viewer anatomist "
        "and anatomist_2 will not work...\n"

from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import Qt

from populse_mia.data_manager.project import COLLECTION_CURRENT, TAG_FILENAME
from populse_mia.user_interface.data_browser.data_browser import (

from ..data_viewer import DataViewer

[docs] class MiaViewer(Qt.QWidget, DataViewer): """ :class:`MIA data viewer <populse_mia.user_interface.data_viewer.data_viewer.DataViewer>` # noqa: E501 implementation based on `PyAnatomist <>`_ # noqa: E501 """
[docs] def __init__(self, init_global_handlers=None): """blabla""" super(MiaViewer, self).__init__() self.anaviewer = AnaSimpleViewer(init_global_handlers) # count global number of viewers using anatomist, in order to close it # nicely if not hasattr(DataViewer, "mia_viewers"): DataViewer.mia_viewers = 0 DataViewer.mia_viewers += 1 def findChild(x, y): return Qt.QObject.findChild(x, Qt.QObject, y) awidget = self.anaviewer.awidget toolbar = findChild(awidget, "toolBar") open_action = findChild(awidget, "fileOpenAction") db_action = Qt.QAction(open_action.icon(), "filter", awidget) toolbar.insertAction(open_action, db_action) db_action.triggered.connect(self.filter_documents) layout = Qt.QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(layout) self.anaviewer.awidget.setSizePolicy( Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding ) layout.addWidget(self.anaviewer.awidget) self.project = None self.documents = [] self.displayed = []
[docs] def display_files(self, files): """blabla""" self.displayed += files for filename in files: self.anaviewer.loadObject(filename)
[docs] def displayed_files(self): """blabla""" return self.displayed
[docs] def remove_files(self, files): """blabla""" self.anaviewer.deleteObjectsFromFiles(files) self.files = [doc for doc in self.displayed if doc not in files]
[docs] def set_documents(self, project, documents): """blabla""" if self.project is not project: self.clear() self.project = project self.documents = documents
[docs] def filter_documents(self): """blabla""" dialog = Qt.QDialog() layout = Qt.QVBoxLayout() dialog.setLayout(layout) table_data = TableDataBrowser( self.project, self, self.project.session.get_shown_tags(), False, True, link_viewer=False, ) layout.addWidget(table_data) hlay = Qt.QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(hlay) ok = Qt.QPushButton("Display") hlay.addWidget(ok) ok.clicked.connect(dialog.accept) ok.setDefault(True) cancel = Qt.QPushButton("Cancel") hlay.addWidget(cancel) cancel.clicked.connect(dialog.reject) hlay.addStretch(1) # Reducing the list of scans to selection all_scans = table_data.scans_to_visualize table_data.scans_to_visualize = self.documents table_data.scans_to_search = self.documents table_data.update_visualized_rows(all_scans) res = dialog.exec_() if res == Qt.QDialog.Accepted: points = table_data.selectedIndexes() result_names = [] for point in points: row = point.row() # We get the FileName of the scan from the first row scan_name = table_data.item(row, 0).text() value = self.project.session.get_value( COLLECTION_CURRENT, scan_name, TAG_FILENAME ) value = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(self.project.folder, value) ) result_names.append(value) self.display_files(result_names)
[docs] def close(self): """blabla""" super(MiaViewer, self).close() close_ana = False DataViewer.mia_viewers -= 1 # dec count if DataViewer.mia_viewers == 0: close_ana = True self.anaviewer.closeAll(close_ana)