Source code for populse_mia.user_interface.data_browser.mini_viewer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module to define the mini viewer.

        - MiniViewer
# Populse_mia - Copyright (C) IRMaGe/CEA, 2018
# Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL license, as published by
# the CEA-CNRS-INRIA. Refer to the LICENSE file or to
# for details.

import os
import traceback
from functools import partial

import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np  # a N-dimensional array object
import skimage as sk

# Populse_MIA imports
from packaging import version
from PyQt5 import QtCore

# PyQt5 imports
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import QFont, QImage, QPixmap
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (

# from scipy.ndimage import rotate  # to work with NumPy arrays
from skimage.transform import resize

from populse_mia.data_manager.project import COLLECTION_CURRENT
from populse_mia.software_properties import Config
from populse_mia.user_interface.data_browser import data_browser
from populse_mia.user_interface.pop_ups import ClickableLabel, PopUpSelectTag

[docs] class MiniViewer(QWidget): """MiniViewer that allows to rapidly visualize scans either with a single image per scan with cursors to move in five dimensions or with all images of the greater dimension of the scan. When the latter is selected, the displayed images depends on their dimension: - 3D: display all the slices. - 4D: display the middle slice of the third dimension for each time of the fourth dimension. - 5D: display the middle slice of the third dimension for the first time of the fourth dimension for each time of the fifth dimension. Note: - idx corresponds to the index of the displayed image - idx in [0, self.max_scans] - most of the class's attributes are lists of 0 to self.max_scans elements .. Methods: - __init__: initialise the MiniViewer object - boxSlider: create sliders, their connections and thumbnail labels for a selected index - changePosValue: change the value of a cursor for the selected index - check_box_cursors_state_changed: updates the config file - clear: remove the Nibabel images to be able to remove it in the unit tests - clearLayouts: clear the final layout - create_slider: create a slider - createDimensionLabels: create the dimension labels for the selected index - createFieldValue: create a field where will be displayed the position of a cursor - createLayouts: create the layouts - displayPosValue: display the position of each cursor for the selected index - enableSliders: enable each slider of the selected index - image_to_pixmap: create a 2D pixmap from a N-D Nifti image - image2DModifications: apply modifications to the image to display it correctly - indexImage: update the sliders values depending on the size of the selected image - mem_release: reset all object lists to zero in order to preserve memory - navigImage: display the 2D image for the selected index - openTagsPopUp: opens a pop-up to select the legend of the thumbnails - setThumbnail: set the thumbnail tag value under the image frame - show_slices: create the thumbnails from the selected file paths - update_nb_slices: update the config file and the thumbnails - update_visualization_method: update the config file and the thumbnails - verify_slices: verify the number of selected documents """
[docs] def __init__(self, project): """Initialise the MiniViewer object :param project: current project in the software """ super().__init__() self.project = project self.first_time = True # The MiniViewer is set hidden to give more space to the data_browser self.setHidden(True) # Config that allows to read the software preferences self.config = Config() # When multiple selection, limiting the number of thumbnails to # max_scans self.max_scans = self.config.get_max_thumbnails() # Initializing some components of the MiniViewer self.labels = QWidget() self.frame = QFrame() self.scroll_area = QScrollArea() self.scroll_area.setWidget(self.frame) self.frame_final = QFrame() self.label_nb_slices = QLabel() self.label_nb_slices.setText("Maximum number of slices: ") self.line_edit_nb_slices = QLineEdit() self.line_edit_nb_slices.setText(str(self.config.getNbAllSlicesMax())) self.line_edit_nb_slices.returnPressed.connect(self.update_nb_slices) self.label_orientation = QLabel() if self.config.isRadioView() is True: self.label_orientation.setText("Radiological orientation") else: self.label_orientation.setText("Neurological orientation") # All these objects are depending on the number of scans to visualize self.im_2D = [] self.slider_3D = [] self.slider_4D = [] self.slider_5D = [] self.txt_slider_3D = [] self.txt_slider_4D = [] self.txt_slider_5D = [] self.label3D = [] self.label4D = [] self.label5D = [] self.imageLabel = [] self.img = [] self.label_description = [] # Layouts self.createLayouts() self.setLayout(self.v_box_final) # Checkboxes self.check_box_slices = QCheckBox("Show all slices (no cursors)") if self.config.getShowAllSlices() is True: self.check_box_slices.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) else: self.check_box_slices.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) self.check_box_slices.stateChanged.connect( self.update_visualization_method ) self.check_box_cursors = QCheckBox("Chain cursors") self.check_box_cursors.setToolTip( "Allows to connect all cursors " "when selecting multiple documents" ) if self.config.getChainCursors() is True: self.check_box_cursors.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) else: self.check_box_cursors.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) self.check_box_cursors.stateChanged.connect( self.check_box_cursors_state_changed ) self.file_paths = ""
[docs] def boxSlider(self, idx): """Define horizontal sliders connections and thumbnail labels. :param idx: the selected index """ self.slider_3D.insert(idx, self.create_slider(0, 0, 0)) self.slider_4D.insert(idx, self.create_slider(0, 0, 0)) self.slider_5D.insert(idx, self.create_slider(0, 0, 0)) self.slider_3D[idx].valueChanged.connect( partial(self.changePosValue, idx, 1) ) self.slider_4D[idx].valueChanged.connect( partial(self.changePosValue, idx, 2) ) self.slider_5D[idx].valueChanged.connect( partial(self.changePosValue, idx, 3) ) self.txt_slider_3D.insert(idx, self.createFieldValue()) self.txt_slider_4D.insert(idx, self.createFieldValue()) self.txt_slider_5D.insert(idx, self.createFieldValue())
[docs] def check_box_cursors_state_changed(self): """Update the config file. Called when the state of the checkbox to chain the cursors changes. """ if self.check_box_cursors.checkState() == Qt.Checked: self.config.setChainCursors(True) elif self.check_box_cursors.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked: self.config.setChainCursors(False)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Remove the Nibabel images to be able to remove it in the unit tests """ try: delattr(self, "img") except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def clearLayouts(self): """Clear the final layout""" for i in reversed(range(self.v_box_final.count())): if self.v_box_final.itemAt(i).widget() is not None: self.v_box_final.itemAt(i).widget().setParent(None)
[docs] def changePosValue(self, idx, cursor_to_change): """ Change the value of a cursor for the selected index. :param idx: the selected index :param cursor_to_change: the cursor to change (1, 2 or 3) """ # If the "Chain cursors" mode is not selected, there is nothing to do if self.check_box_cursors.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked: self.navigImage(idx) else: # Checking with cursor has been modified if cursor_to_change == 1: cursor = self.slider_3D elif cursor_to_change == 2: cursor = self.slider_4D else: cursor = self.slider_5D # Loop on the thumbnails for idx_loop in range(min(self.max_scans, len(self.file_paths))): # Disconnecting the connection when changing other cursors # values cursor[idx_loop].valueChanged.disconnect() # Do something only when the cursor is not the one that has # been changed by the user if idx_loop != idx: if cursor[idx].value() == cursor[idx].maximum(): value = cursor[idx_loop].maximum() elif cursor[idx].value() == cursor[idx].minimum(): value = cursor[idx_loop].minimum() else: # Updating the new value as the value of the cursor # that has been changed by the user value = round( (cursor[idx_loop].maximum() + 1) * (cursor[idx].value() + 1) / max(1, cursor[idx].maximum() + 1) ) value = min(cursor[idx_loop].maximum(), value - 1) value = max(0, int(value)) cursor[idx_loop].setValue(value) # Changing the image to show self.navigImage(idx_loop) # Reconnecting cursor[idx_loop].valueChanged.connect( partial(self.changePosValue, idx_loop, cursor_to_change) )
[docs] def createDimensionLabels(self, idx): """Create the dimension labels for the selected index. :param idx: the selected index """ font = QFont() font.setPointSize(9) self.label3D.insert(idx, QLabel()) self.label4D.insert(idx, QLabel()) self.label5D.insert(idx, QLabel()) self.label3D[idx].setFont(font) self.label4D[idx].setFont(font) self.label5D[idx].setFont(font) self.label3D[idx].setText("3D: ") self.label4D[idx].setText("4D: ") self.label5D[idx].setText("5D: ")
[docs] def createFieldValue(self): """Create a field where will be displayed the position of a cursor. :return: the corresponding field """ fieldValue = QLineEdit() fieldValue.setEnabled(False) fieldValue.setFixedWidth(65) fieldValue.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) fieldValue.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed) font = QFont() font.setPointSize(9) fieldValue.setFont(font) return fieldValue
[docs] def createLayouts(self): """Create the layouts.""" self.h_box_images = QHBoxLayout() self.h_box_images.setSpacing(10) self.v_box = QVBoxLayout() self.v_box_final = QVBoxLayout() self.h_box_slider_3D = QHBoxLayout() self.h_box_slider_4D = QHBoxLayout() self.h_box_slider_5D = QHBoxLayout() self.v_box_sliders = QVBoxLayout() self.h_box = QHBoxLayout() self.h_box_check_box = QHBoxLayout() self.v_box_thumb = QVBoxLayout() self.h_box_thumb = QHBoxLayout()
[docs] def create_slider(self, maxm=0, minm=0, pos=0): """Generate an horizontal slider. :param maxm: slider's maximum :param minm: slider's minimum :param pos: slider's initial value :return: the slider object """ slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) slider.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) slider.setTickInterval(1) slider.setMaximum(maxm) slider.setMinimum(minm) slider.setValue(pos) slider.setEnabled(False) return slider
[docs] def displayPosValue(self, idx): """Display the position of each cursor for the selected index. :param idx: the selected index """ self.txt_slider_3D[idx].setText( str(self.slider_3D[idx].value() + 1) + " / " + str(self.slider_3D[idx].maximum() + 1) ) self.txt_slider_4D[idx].setText( str(self.slider_4D[idx].value() + 1) + " / " + str(self.slider_4D[idx].maximum() + 1) ) self.txt_slider_5D[idx].setText( str(self.slider_5D[idx].value() + 1) + " / " + str(self.slider_5D[idx].maximum() + 1) )
[docs] def enableSliders(self, idx): """Enable all the horizontal slider. :param idx: the slider's index """ self.slider_3D[idx].setEnabled(True) self.slider_4D[idx].setEnabled(True) self.slider_5D[idx].setEnabled(True)
[docs] def image_to_pixmap(self, im, i): """Create a 2D pixmap from a N-D Nifti image. :param im: Nifti image :param i: index of the slide :return: the corresponding pixmap """ # The image to display depends on the dimension of the image # In the 3D case, each slice is displayed if len(im.shape) == 3: # im_2D = im.get_fdata()[:, :, i].copy() im_2D = np.asarray(im.dataobj)[:, :, i].copy() # In the 4D case, each middle slice of the 3D dimension is displayed # for each time in the 4D dimension elif len(im.shape) == 4: # im_3D = im.get_fdata()[:, :, :, i].copy() im_3D = np.asarray(im.dataobj)[:, :, :, i].copy() middle_slice = int(im_3D.shape[2] / 2) im_2D = im_3D[:, :, middle_slice] # In the 5D case, each first time of the 4D dimension and # its middle slice of the 3D dimension is displayed elif len(im.shape) == 5: # im_4D = im.get_fdata()[:, :, :, :, i].copy() im_4D = np.asarray(im.dataobj)[:, :, :, :, i].copy() im_3D = im_4D[:, :, :, 1] middle_slice = int(im_3D.shape[2] / 2) im_2D = im_3D[:, :, middle_slice] else: im_2D = [0] # Making some pixel modification to display the image correctly im_2D = self.image2DModifications(0, im_2D) w, h = im_2D.shape im_Qt = QImage(, w, h, QImage.Format_Indexed8) pixm = QPixmap.fromImage(im_Qt) return pixm
[docs] def image2DModifications(self, idx, im2D=None): """Apply modifications to display the image correctly. :param idx: the selected index :param im2D: image to modify """ display_size = (128, 128) display_type = np.uint8 # this MUST be an integer data type display_pctl = 0.5 # percentile (0.5%) of values to clip at the # low and high end of intensities. display_max = np.iinfo(display_type).max display_min = np.iinfo(display_type).min im2d_provided = im2D is not None if not im2d_provided: im2D = self.im_2D[idx] # Resize image first, for three reasons: # 1 - it may slightly changes the intensity scale, so re-scaling # should be done after this # 2 - rescaling before rotation is slightly faster, specially for # large images (> display_size). # 3 - rescaling may alter the occurrence of nan or infinite values # (e.g. an image may become all-nan), anti_aliasing keyword is # defined in skimage since version 0.14.0 if version.parse(sk.__version__) >= version.Version("0.14.0"): try: im2D = resize( im2D, display_size, mode="constant", anti_aliasing=False ) except ValueError: im2D = resize( im2D.byteswap().newbyteorder(), display_size, mode="constant", anti_aliasing=False, ) else: try: im2D = resize(im2D, display_size, mode="constant") except ValueError: im2D = resize( im2D.byteswap().newbyteorder(), display_size, mode="constant", ) # Rescale image while handling Nans and infinite values im_mask = np.isfinite(im2D) if np.any(im_mask): # if we have any finite value to work with # shift the lower percentile chosen to 0.0 im2D -= np.percentile(im2D[im_mask], display_pctl) # determine max from upper percentile im_max = np.percentile(im2D[im_mask], 100.0 - display_pctl) if im_max > 0: # avoid dividing by zero # re-scale to display range im2D *= (display_max - display_min) / im_max # shift lowest value to lower limit of display range im2D += display_min # clip all values to display range, remove infinite values np.clip(im2D, display_min, display_max, im2D) # convert to integer display data type. NaNs get converted to 0. im2D = im2D.astype(display_type) # Rotate. Copy array to avoid negative strides (Qt doesn't handle that) if self.config.isRadioView() is True: im2D = np.rot90(im2D.T, 2).copy() # radiological else: im2D = np.rot90(im2D, 1).copy() # neurological if im2d_provided: return im2D else: self.im_2D[idx] = im2D
[docs] def indexImage(self, idx): """Update all slider values according to the size of the current image. :param idx: the selected index """ # Getting the sliders value sl3D = self.slider_3D[idx].value() sl4D = self.slider_4D[idx].value() sl5D = self.slider_5D[idx].value() # Depending on the dimension, reading the image data and # changing the cursors maximum if len(self.img[idx].shape) == 3: self.im_2D.insert( idx, np.asarray(self.img[idx].dataobj)[:, :, sl3D].copy() ) self.slider_3D[idx].setMaximum(self.img[idx].shape[2] - 1) self.slider_4D[idx].setMaximum(0) self.slider_5D[idx].setMaximum(0) if len(self.img[idx].shape) == 4: self.im_2D.insert( idx, np.asarray(self.img[idx].dataobj)[:, :, sl3D, sl4D].copy() ) self.slider_3D[idx].setMaximum(self.img[idx].shape[2] - 1) self.slider_4D[idx].setMaximum(self.img[idx].shape[3] - 1) self.slider_5D[idx].setMaximum(0) if len(self.img[idx].shape) == 5: self.im_2D.insert( idx, np.asarray(self.img[idx].dataobj)[ :, :, sl3D, sl4D, sl5D ].copy(), ) self.slider_3D[idx].setMaximum(self.img[idx].shape[2] - 1) self.slider_4D[idx].setMaximum(self.img[idx].shape[3] - 1) self.slider_5D[idx].setMaximum(self.img[idx].shape[4] - 1)
[docs] def mem_release(self): """Reset all object lists to zero in order to preserve memory""" del self.im_2D[:] del self.slider_3D[:] del self.slider_4D[:] del self.slider_5D[:] del self.txt_slider_3D[:] del self.txt_slider_4D[:] del self.txt_slider_5D[:] del self.label3D[:] del self.label4D[:] del self.label5D[:] del self.imageLabel[:] del self.img[:] del self.label_description[:]
[docs] def navigImage(self, idx): """Display the 2D image for the selected index. :param idx: the selected index """ self.indexImage(idx) self.displayPosValue(idx) self.image2DModifications(idx) w, h = self.im_2D[idx].shape image = QImage(self.im_2D[idx].data, w, h, QImage.Format_Indexed8) pixm = QPixmap.fromImage(image) self.imageLabel[idx].setPixmap(pixm)
[docs] def openTagsPopUp(self): """Open a pop-up to select the legend of the thumbnails.""" self.popUp = PopUpSelectTag(self.project) self.popUp.setWindowTitle("Select the image viewer tag") if self.popUp.exec_(): self.verify_slices(self.file_paths)
[docs] def setThumbnail(self, file_path_base_name, idx): """Set the thumbnail tag value under the image frame. :param file_path_base_name: basename of the selected path :param idx: index of the image """ # Looking for the tag value to display as a legend of the thumbnail for scan in self.project.session.get_documents_names( COLLECTION_CURRENT ): if scan == file_path_base_name: value = self.project.session.get_value( COLLECTION_CURRENT, scan, self.config.getThumbnailTag() ) if value is not None: self.label_description[idx].setText( str(value)[: self.nb_char_max] ) else: self.label_description[idx].setText( data_browser.not_defined_value[: self.nb_char_max] ) self.label_description[idx].setToolTip( os.path.basename(self.config.getThumbnailTag()) )
[docs] def show_slices(self, file_paths): """Creates the thumbnails from the selected file paths. :param file_paths: the selected file paths """ # If it's the first time that this function is called, the MiniViewer # has to be shown if self.first_time: self.setHidden(False) self.first_time = False # If the user has willingly hidden the MiniViewer, the Processes are # not made if self.isHidden(): pass else: self.do_nothing = [False] * len(file_paths) self.file_paths = file_paths self.max_scans = self.config.get_max_thumbnails() self.setMinimumHeight(220) self.clearLayouts() self.frame = QFrame(self) self.frame_final = QFrame(self) # Limiting the legend of the thumbnails self.nb_char_max = 60 font = QFont() font.setPointSize(9) # Reading the images from the file paths for idx, file_path in enumerate(self.file_paths.copy()): try: chk = nib.as_closest_canonical( nib.load(file_path, mmap=False) ) # chk = nib.as_closest_canonical(nib.load(file_path)) # chk = nib.load(file_path) except nib.filebasedimages.ImageFileError as e: print( "Error while trying to display the {} image ...!\n" "Traceback:".format(os.path.abspath(file_path)) ) print( "".join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__)), end="" ) print("{0}: {1}\n".format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) self.file_paths.remove(file_path) chk = False except FileNotFoundError: print( "File " + os.path.abspath(file_path) + " is not existing ..." ) self.file_paths.remove(file_path) chk = False if chk is not False: try: np.asarray(chk.dataobj) except Exception as e: print( "\nError while trying to display the {} " "image ...!\n" "Traceback:".format(os.path.abspath(file_path)) ) print( "".join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__)), end="", ) print("{0}: {1}\n".format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) self.file_paths.remove(file_path) else: self.img.insert(idx, chk) # If we are in the "cursors" display mode if self.check_box_slices.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked: # Layout to aligne each thumbnail (image + cursors) self.h_box_thumb = QHBoxLayout() # idx represents the index of the selected image for idx in range(min(self.max_scans, len(self.file_paths))): if not self.do_nothing[idx]: # Creating sliders and labels self.boxSlider(idx) self.enableSliders(idx) self.createDimensionLabels(idx) # Getting the sliders value and reading the image data self.indexImage(idx) # Making some pixel modification to display the image # correctly self.image2DModifications(idx) self.displayPosValue(idx) w, h = self.im_2D[idx].shape im_Qt = QImage( self.im_2D[idx].data, w, h, QImage.Format_Indexed8 ) pixm = QPixmap.fromImage(im_Qt) file_path_base_name = os.path.basename( self.file_paths[idx] ) # imageLabel is the label where the image is displayed # (as a pixmap) self.imageLabel.insert(idx, QLabel(self)) self.imageLabel[idx].setPixmap(pixm) self.imageLabel[idx].setToolTip(file_path_base_name) self.label_description.insert(idx, ClickableLabel()) self.label_description[idx].setFont(font) self.label_description[idx].clicked.connect( self.openTagsPopUp ) # Looking for the tag value to display as a # legend of the thumbnail file_path_base_name = os.path.relpath( self.file_paths[idx], self.project.folder ) self.setThumbnail(file_path_base_name, idx) # Layout that corresponds to the 3D dimension self.h_box_slider_3D = QHBoxLayout() self.h_box_slider_3D.addWidget(self.label3D[idx]) self.h_box_slider_3D.addWidget(self.txt_slider_3D[idx]) self.h_box_slider_3D.addWidget(self.slider_3D[idx]) # Layout that corresponds to the 4D dimension self.h_box_slider_4D = QHBoxLayout() self.h_box_slider_4D.addWidget(self.label4D[idx]) self.h_box_slider_4D.addWidget(self.txt_slider_4D[idx]) self.h_box_slider_4D.addWidget(self.slider_4D[idx]) # Layout that corresponds to the 5D dimension self.h_box_slider_5D = QHBoxLayout() self.h_box_slider_5D.addWidget(self.label5D[idx]) self.h_box_slider_5D.addWidget(self.txt_slider_5D[idx]) self.h_box_slider_5D.addWidget(self.slider_5D[idx]) # Layout for the three sliders self.v_box_sliders = QVBoxLayout() self.v_box_sliders.addLayout(self.h_box_slider_3D) self.v_box_sliders.addLayout(self.h_box_slider_4D) self.v_box_sliders.addLayout(self.h_box_slider_5D) # Layout that corresponds to the image + the sliders self.h_box = QHBoxLayout() self.h_box.addWidget(self.imageLabel[idx]) self.h_box.addLayout(self.v_box_sliders) # Layout that corresponds to the image and sliders + # the description self.v_box_thumb = QVBoxLayout() self.v_box_thumb.addLayout(self.h_box) self.v_box_thumb.addWidget(self.label_description[idx]) # Layout that will contain all the thumbnails self.h_box_thumb.addLayout(self.v_box_thumb) self.frame.setLayout(self.h_box_thumb) # If we are in the "all slices" display mode else: self.h_box_images = QHBoxLayout() self.h_box_images.setSpacing(10) self.v_box_scans = QVBoxLayout() # idx represents the index of the selected image for idx in range(len(self.file_paths)): file_path_base_name = os.path.relpath( self.file_paths[idx], self.project.folder ) self.label_description.insert(idx, ClickableLabel()) self.label_description[idx].setFont(font) self.label_description[idx].clicked.connect( self.openTagsPopUp ) # Looking for the tag value to display as a legend # of the thumbnail self.setThumbnail(file_path_base_name, idx) # Depending of the dimension of the image, # the legend of each image and the number of images to # display will change if not self.do_nothing[idx]: if len(self.img[idx].shape) == 3: nb_slices = self.img[idx].shape[2] txt = "Slice n°" elif len(self.img[idx].shape) == 4: nb_slices = self.img[idx].shape[3] txt = "Time n°" elif len(self.img[idx].shape) == 5: nb_slices = self.img[idx].shape[4] txt = "Study n°" else: nb_slices = 0 # Limiting the number of images to the number # chosen by the user for i in range( min( nb_slices, int(self.line_edit_nb_slices.text()) ) ): pixm = self.image_to_pixmap(self.img[idx], i) self.v_box = QVBoxLayout() # label corresponds to the label where one image # is displayed label = QLabel(self) label.setPixmap(pixm) label.setToolTip( os.path.basename(self.file_paths[idx]) ) # Legend of the image (depends on the number # of dimensions) label_info = QLabel() label_info.setFont(font) label_info.setText(txt + str(i + 1)) label_info.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.v_box.addWidget(label) self.v_box.addWidget(label_info) # This layout allows to chain each image self.h_box_images.addLayout(self.v_box) self.v_box_scans.addLayout(self.h_box_images) self.v_box_scans.addWidget(self.label_description[idx]) self.frame.setLayout(self.v_box_scans) # Adding a scroll area if the thumbnails are too large self.scroll_area = QScrollArea() self.scroll_area.setWidget(self.frame) self.h_box_check_box = QHBoxLayout() if self.check_box_slices.isChecked(): self.h_box_check_box.addStretch(1) self.h_box_check_box.addWidget(self.label_orientation) self.h_box_check_box.addStretch(1) self.label_nb_slices.setHidden(False) self.line_edit_nb_slices.setHidden(False) self.h_box_check_box.addWidget(self.label_nb_slices) self.h_box_check_box.addWidget(self.line_edit_nb_slices) self.check_box_cursors.setHidden(True) else: self.check_box_cursors.setHidden(False) self.h_box_check_box.addWidget(self.check_box_cursors) self.h_box_check_box.addStretch(1) self.h_box_check_box.addWidget(self.label_orientation) self.h_box_check_box.addStretch(1) self.label_nb_slices.setHidden(True) self.line_edit_nb_slices.setHidden(True) self.h_box_check_box.addWidget(self.check_box_slices) self.v_box_final.addLayout(self.h_box_check_box) self.v_box_final.addWidget(self.scroll_area)
[docs] def update_nb_slices(self): """Update the config file and the thumbnails. Called when the number of slices to visualize changes. """ nb_slices = self.line_edit_nb_slices.text() self.config.setNbAllSlicesMax(nb_slices) self.verify_slices(self.file_paths)
[docs] def update_visualization_method(self): """Update the config file and the thumbnails. Called when the state of the checkbox to show all slices changes. """ if self.check_box_slices.checkState() == Qt.Checked: self.config.setShowAllSlices(True) elif self.check_box_slices.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked: self.config.setShowAllSlices(False) self.verify_slices(self.file_paths)
[docs] def verify_slices(self, file_paths): """Make 'Show all slices' checkbox unclickable if len(file_paths) > 1. :param file_paths: the selected documents """ # Updating the config self.config = Config() self.mem_release() if len(file_paths) > 1: self.config.setShowAllSlices(False) self.check_box_slices.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) self.check_box_slices.setCheckable(False) else: self.check_box_slices.setCheckable(True) self.show_slices(file_paths) if self.config.isRadioView() is True: self.label_orientation.setText("Radiological orientation") else: self.label_orientation.setText("Neurological orientation")
# def check_differences(self, file_paths): # old_to_new = [] # self.do_nothing = [False, False, False] # for idx_old, file_path in enumerate(self.file_paths): # if file_path in file_paths: # idx_new = file_paths.index(file_path) # old_to_new.append((idx_old, idx_new)) # #if idx_new == idx_old: # self.do_nothing[idx_new] = True # # for tp in old_to_new: # idx_old = tp[0] # idx_new = tp[1] # self.shift_thumbnail(idx_old, idx_new) # # def shift_thumbnail(self, idx_old, idx_new): # # self.im_2D[idx_new] = self.im_2D[idx_old] # # self.slider_3D[idx_new].setMaximum(self.slider_3D[idx_old].maximum()) # self.slider_4D[idx_new].setMaximum(self.slider_4D[idx_old].maximum()) # self.slider_5D[idx_new].setMaximum(self.slider_5D[idx_old].maximum()) # # self.slider_3D[idx_new].setValue(self.slider_3D[idx_old].value()) # self.slider_4D[idx_new].setValue(self.slider_4D[idx_old].value()) # self.slider_5D[idx_new].setValue(self.slider_5D[idx_old].value())""" # # def clear_layout(self, layout): # while layout.count() > 0: # item = layout.takeAt(0) # if not item: # continue # # w = item.widget() # if w: # w.deleteLater()"""