Source code for populse_mia.user_interface.data_browser.count_table

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module to define CountTable popup.

        - CountTable

# Populse_mia - Copyright (C) IRMaGe/CEA, 2018
# Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL license, as published by
# the CEA-CNRS-INRIA. Refer to the LICENSE file or to
# for details.

import operator
import os
from functools import reduce  # Valid in Python 2.6+, required in Python 3

# PyQt5 imports
import PyQt5.QtCore as QtCore
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import QFont, QIcon, QPixmap
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (

from populse_mia.data_manager.project import COLLECTION_CURRENT, TAG_FILENAME

# Populse_MIA imports
from populse_mia.software_properties import Config
from populse_mia.user_interface.pop_ups import (

[docs] class CountTable(QDialog): """ Tool to precisely verify the scans of the project. It is composed of push buttons on its top, each one corresponding to a tag selected by the user. When, the "Count scans" button is clicked, a table is created with all the combinations possible for the values of the first n-1 tags. Then, the m values that can take the last tag are displayed in the header of the m last columns of the table. The cells are then filled with a green plus or a red cross depending on if there is at least a scan that has all the tags values or not. .. Methods: - add_tag: adds a tag to visualize in the count table - count_scans: counts the number of scans depending on the selected tags and displays the result in the table - fill_first_tags: fills the cells of the table corresponding to the (n-1) first selected tags - fill_headers: fills the headers of the table depending on the selected tags - fill_last_tag: fills the cells corresponding to the last selected tag - fill_values: fill values_list depending on the visualized tags - prepare_filter: prepares the filter in order to fill the count table - refresh_layout: updates the layout of the widget - remove_tag: removes a tag to visualize in the count table - select_tag: opens a pop-up to select which tag to visualize in the count table :Example: Assume that the current project has scans for two patients (P1 and P2) and three time points (T1, T2 and T3). For each (patient, time point), several sequences have been made (two RARE, one MDEFT and one FLASH). Selecting [PatientName, TimePoint, SequenceName] as tags, the table will be: +-------------+-----------+------+-------+-------+ | PatientName | TimePoint | RARE | MDEFT | FLASH | +=============+===========+======+=======+=======+ | P1 | T1 | v(2) | v(1) | v(1) | +-------------+-----------+------+-------+-------+ | P1 | T2 | v(2) | v(1) | v(1) | +-------------+-----------+------+-------+-------+ | P1 | T3 | v(2) | v(1) | v(1) | +-------------+-----------+------+-------+-------+ | P2 | T1 | v(2) | v(1) | v(1) | +-------------+-----------+------+-------+-------+ | P2 | T2 | v(2) | v(1) | v(1) | +-------------+-----------+------+-------+-------+ | P2 | T3 | v(2) | v(1) | v(1) | +-------------+-----------+------+-------+-------+ with v(n) meaning that n scans corresponds of the selected values for (PatientName, TimePoint,SequenceName). If no scans corresponds for a triplet value, a red cross will be displayed. For example, if the user forgets to import one RARE for P1 at T2 and one FLASH for P2 at T3. The table will be: +-------------+-----------+------+-------+-------+ | PatientName | TimePoint | RARE | MDEFT | FLASH | +=============+===========+======+=======+=======+ | P1 | T1 | v(2) | v(1) | v(1) | +-------------+-----------+------+-------+-------+ | P1 | T2 | v(1) | v(1) | v(1) | +-------------+-----------+------+-------+-------+ | P1 | T3 | v(2) | v(1) | v(1) | +-------------+-----------+------+-------+-------+ | P2 | T1 | v(2) | v(1) | v(1) | +-------------+-----------+------+-------+-------+ | P2 | T2 | v(2) | v(1) | v(1) | +-------------+-----------+------+-------+-------+ | P2 | T3 | v(2) | v(1) | x | +-------------+-----------+------+-------+-------+ Thus, thanks to the CountTable tool, he or she directly knows if some scans are missing. """
[docs] def __init__(self, project): """ Initialization of the Count Table :param project: current project in the software """ super().__init__() self.project = project # Issue #147: Allow to interact with database while the popup is open # self.setModal(True) self.setWindowTitle("Count table") # Font self.font = QFont() self.font.setBold(True) # values_list will contain the different values of each selected tag self.values_list = [[], []] self.label_tags = QLabel("Tags: ") # Each push button will allow the user to add a tag to the count table push_button_tag_1 = QPushButton() push_button_tag_1.setText("Tag n°1") push_button_tag_1.clicked.connect(lambda: self.select_tag(0)) push_button_tag_2 = QPushButton() push_button_tag_2.setText("Tag n°2") push_button_tag_2.clicked.connect(lambda: self.select_tag(1)) # The list of all the push buttons # (the user can add as many as he or she wants) self.push_buttons = [] self.push_buttons.insert(0, push_button_tag_1) self.push_buttons.insert(1, push_button_tag_2) # Labels to add/remove a tag (a push button) sources_images_dir = Config().getSourceImageDir() self.remove_tag_label = ClickableLabel() remove_tag_picture = QPixmap( os.path.relpath(os.path.join(sources_images_dir, "red_minus.png")) ) remove_tag_picture = remove_tag_picture.scaledToHeight(20) self.remove_tag_label.setPixmap(remove_tag_picture) self.remove_tag_label.clicked.connect(self.remove_tag) self.add_tag_label = ClickableLabel() self.add_tag_label.setObjectName("plus") add_tag_picture = QPixmap( os.path.relpath(os.path.join(sources_images_dir, "green_plus.png")) ) add_tag_picture = add_tag_picture.scaledToHeight(15) self.add_tag_label.setPixmap(add_tag_picture) self.add_tag_label.clicked.connect(self.add_tag) # Push button that is pressed to launch the computations self.push_button_count = QPushButton() self.push_button_count.setText("Count scans") self.push_button_count.clicked.connect(self.count_scans) # The table that will be filled self.table = QTableWidget() # Layouts self.v_box_final = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(self.v_box_final) self.refresh_layout()
[docs] def add_tag(self): """ Adds a tag to visualize in the count table """ idx = len(self.push_buttons) push_button = QPushButton() push_button.setText("Tag n°" + str(len(self.push_buttons) + 1)) push_button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.select_tag(idx)) self.push_buttons.insert(len(self.push_buttons), push_button) self.refresh_layout()
[docs] def count_scans(self): """Counts the number of scans depending on the selected tags and displays the result in the table """ for tag_values in self.values_list: if len(tag_values) == 0: return if ( self.project.session.get_field( COLLECTION_CURRENT, self.push_buttons[-1].text() ) is None ): return # Clearing the table self.table.clear() # nb_values will contain, for each index, the number of # different values that a tag can take self.nb_values = [] for values in self.values_list: self.nb_values.append(len(values)) # The number of rows will be the multiplication of all these # values self.nb_row = reduce(operator.mul, self.nb_values[:-1], 1) # The number of columns will be the addition of the number of # selected tags (minus 1) and the number of different values # that can take the last selected tag self.nb_col = len(self.values_list) - 1 + self.nb_values[-1] self.table.setRowCount(self.nb_row) self.table.setColumnCount(self.nb_col) self.fill_headers() self.fill_first_tags() self.fill_last_tag() self.table.resizeColumnsToContents()
[docs] def fill_first_tags(self): """Fills the cells of the table corresponding to the (n-1) first selected tags """ # import set_item_data only here to prevent circular import issue from populse_mia.utils import set_item_data cell_text = [] for col in range(len(self.values_list) - 1): # cell_text will contain the n-1 element to display cell_text.append(self.values_list[col][0]) # Filling the last "Total" column item = QTableWidgetItem() item.setText(str(self.nb_values[col])) item.setFont(self.font) self.table.setItem(self.nb_row, col, item) # Filling the cells of the n-1 first tags for row in range(self.nb_row): for col in range(len(self.values_list) - 1): item = QTableWidgetItem() tag_name = self.push_buttons[col].text() tag_type = self.project.session.get_field( COLLECTION_CURRENT, tag_name ).field_type set_item_data(item, cell_text[col], tag_type) self.table.setItem(row, col, item) # Looping from the (n-1)th tag col_checked = len(self.values_list) - 2 # Flag up will be True when all values of the tag # have been iterated flag_up = False while col_checked >= 0: if flag_up: # In this case, the value of the right column has # reach its last value # This value has been reset to the first value if ( cell_text[col_checked] == self.values_list[col_checked][-1] ): # If the value that has been displayed is the # last one, the flag stays the same, the value of # the column on the left has to be changed cell_text[col_checked] = self.values_list[col_checked][ 0 ] else: # Else we iterate on the next value idx = self.values_list[col_checked].index( cell_text[col_checked] ) cell_text[col_checked] = self.values_list[col_checked][ idx + 1 ] flag_up = False if (col_checked > 0 and len(self.values_list) - 1 > 1) or ( len(self.values_list) - 1 == 1 ): if ( cell_text[col_checked] == self.values_list[col_checked][-1] ): # If the value that has been displayed is the last one, # the flag is set to True, the value of the column # on the left has to be changed cell_text[col_checked] = self.values_list[col_checked][ 0 ] flag_up = True else: # Else we iterate on the next value and reset the flag idx = self.values_list[col_checked].index( cell_text[col_checked] ) cell_text[col_checked] = self.values_list[col_checked][ idx + 1 ] flag_up = False if not flag_up: # If there is nothing to do, we quit the loop break col_checked -= 1
[docs] def fill_headers(self): """ Fills the headers of the table depending on the selected tags """ # import set_item_data only here to prevent circular import issue from populse_mia.utils import set_item_data idx_end = 0 # Headers for idx in range(len(self.values_list) - 1): header_name = self.push_buttons[idx].text() item = QTableWidgetItem() item.setText(header_name) self.table.setHorizontalHeaderItem(idx, item) idx_end = idx # idx_last_tag corresponds to the index of the (n-1)th tag self.idx_last_tag = idx_end last_tag = self.push_buttons[len(self.values_list) - 1].text() last_tag_type = self.project.session.get_field( COLLECTION_CURRENT, last_tag ).field_type for header_name in self.values_list[-1]: idx_end += 1 item = QTableWidgetItem() set_item_data(item, header_name, last_tag_type) self.table.setHorizontalHeaderItem(idx_end, item) # Adding a "Total" row and to count the scans self.table.insertRow(self.nb_row) item = QTableWidgetItem() item.setText("Total") item.setFont(self.font) self.table.setVerticalHeaderItem(self.nb_row, item)
[docs] def fill_last_tag(self): """ Fills the cells corresponding to the last selected tag """ # import table_to_database only here to prevent circular import issue from populse_mia.utils import table_to_database # Cells of the last tag for col in range(self.idx_last_tag + 1, self.nb_col): nb_scans_ok = 0 # Creating a tag_list that will contain # couples tag_name/tag_value that # will then querying the Database for row in range(self.nb_row): tag_list = [] for idx_first_columns in range(self.idx_last_tag + 1): tag_name = self.table.horizontalHeaderItem( idx_first_columns ).text() tag_type = self.project.session.get_field( COLLECTION_CURRENT, tag_name ).field_type value_str = self.table.item(row, idx_first_columns).data( Qt.EditRole ) value_database = table_to_database(value_str, tag_type) tag_list.append([tag_name, value_database]) tag_last_columns = self.push_buttons[-1].text() tag_last_columns_type = self.project.session.get_field( COLLECTION_CURRENT, tag_last_columns ).field_type value_last_columns_str = self.table.horizontalHeaderItem( col ).data(Qt.EditRole) value_last_columns_database = table_to_database( value_last_columns_str, tag_last_columns_type ) tag_list.append( [tag_last_columns, value_last_columns_database] ) item = QTableWidgetItem() item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) # Getting the list of the scans that corresponds to the couples # tag_name/tag_values generator_scans = self.project.session.filter_documents( COLLECTION_CURRENT, self.prepare_filter(tag_list) ) # List of scans created, given the generator list_scans = [ getattr(scan, TAG_FILENAME) for scan in generator_scans ] sources_images_dir = Config().getSourceImageDir() if list_scans: icon = QIcon( os.path.join(sources_images_dir, "green_v.png") ) length = len(list_scans) nb_scans_ok += length text = str(length) item.setText(text) tool_tip = "" # Setting as tooltip all the corresponding scans for tpl in list_scans: tool_tip += tpl + "\n" tool_tip = tool_tip[:-1] item.setToolTip(tool_tip) else: icon = QIcon( os.path.join(sources_images_dir, "red_cross.png") ) item.setIcon(icon) self.table.setItem(row, col, item) item = QTableWidgetItem() item.setText(str(nb_scans_ok)) item.setFont(self.font) self.table.setItem(self.nb_row, col, item)
[docs] def fill_values(self, idx): """ Fill values_list depending on the visualized tags :param idx: index of the select tag """ tag_name = self.push_buttons[idx].text() values = [] for scan in self.project.session.get_documents_names( COLLECTION_CURRENT ): current_value = self.project.session.get_value( COLLECTION_CURRENT, scan, tag_name ) if current_value is not None: values.append(current_value) idx_to_fill = len(self.values_list) while len(self.values_list) <= idx: self.values_list.insert(idx_to_fill, []) idx_to_fill += 1 if self.values_list[idx] is not None: self.values_list[idx] = [] for value in values: if value not in self.values_list[idx]: self.values_list[idx].append(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def prepare_filter(couples): """ Prepares the filter in order to fill the count table :param couples: (tag, value) couples :return: Str query of the corresponding filter """ query = "" and_to_write = False for couple in couples: tag = couple[0] value = couple[1] # No AND for the first condition if and_to_write: query += " AND " and_to_write = True if isinstance(value, list): query += "({" + tag + "} == " + str(value) + ")" else: query += "({" + tag + '} == "' + str(value) + '")' query = "(" + query + ")" return query
[docs] def refresh_layout(self): """ Updates the layout of the widget """ self.h_box_top = QHBoxLayout() self.h_box_top.setSpacing(10) self.h_box_top.addWidget(self.label_tags) for tag_label in self.push_buttons: self.h_box_top.addWidget(tag_label) self.h_box_top.addWidget(self.add_tag_label) self.h_box_top.addWidget(self.remove_tag_label) self.h_box_top.addWidget(self.push_button_count) self.h_box_top.addStretch(1) self.v_box_final.addLayout(self.h_box_top) self.v_box_final.addWidget(self.table)
[docs] def remove_tag(self): """ Removes a tag to visualize in the count table """ push_button = self.push_buttons[-1] push_button.deleteLater() push_button = None del self.push_buttons[-1] del self.values_list[-1] self.refresh_layout()
[docs] def select_tag(self, idx): """ Opens a pop-up to select which tag to visualize in the count table :param idx: the index of the selected push button """ pop_up = PopUpSelectTagCountTable( self.project, self.project.session.get_fields_names(COLLECTION_CURRENT), self.push_buttons[idx].text(), ) if pop_up.exec_(): if pop_up.selected_tag is not None: self.push_buttons[idx].setText(pop_up.selected_tag) self.fill_values(idx)