Source code for populse_mia.user_interface.data_browser.advanced_search

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module to define the advanced search.

        - AdvancedSearch

# Populse_mia - Copyright (C) IRMaGe/CEA, 2018
# Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL license, as published by
# the CEA-CNRS-INRIA. Refer to the LICENSE file or to
# for details.

import os

# Populse_db imports
from populse_db.database import (

# PyQt5 imports
from PyQt5.QtCore import QObjectCleanupHandler
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (

# Populse_MIA imports
from populse_mia.data_manager.project import COLLECTION_CURRENT, TAG_FILENAME
from populse_mia.software_properties import Config
from populse_mia.user_interface.pop_ups import ClickableLabel

[docs] class AdvancedSearch(QWidget): """Class that manages the widget of the advanced search The advanced search creates a complex query to the database and is a combination of several "query lines" which are linked with AND or OR and all composed of: - A negation or not - A tag name or all visible tags - A condition (==, !=, >, <, >=, <=, CONTAINS, IN, BETWEEN) - A value .. Methods: - add_search_bar: create and define the advanced research bar - apply_filter: apply an opened filter to update the table. - displayConditionRules: set the list of condition choices, depending on the tag type - displayValueRules: update the placeholder text when the condition choice is changed, - get_filters: get the filters in list form - launch_search: start the search and update the table - prepare_filters: prepare the str representation of the filter - refresh_search: refresh the widget - remove_row: remove a row - rows_borders_added: add the links and the added row to the good rows - rows_borders_removed: link and adds row removed from every row - show_search: reset the rows when the Advanced Search button is clicked, - clearLayout: called to clear a layout (not using it resolve issue #72) - rowsContainsWidget: check if the widget is still used """
[docs] def __init__( self, project, data_browser, scans_list=None, tags_list=None, from_pipeline=False, ): """Initialization of the AdvancedSearch class :param project: current project in the software :param data_browser: parent data browser widget :param scans_list: current list of the documents :param tags_list: list of the visualized tags :param from_pipeline: True if the widget is called from the pipeline manager """ super().__init__() if scans_list is None: scans_list = [] if tags_list is None: tags_list = [] self.project = project self.dataBrowser = data_browser self.rows = [] self.scans_list = scans_list self.tags_list = tags_list self.from_pipeline = from_pipeline = QPushButton("Search")
[docs] def apply_filter(self, filter): """Apply an opened filter to update the table. :param filter: Filter object opened to apply """ # Data nots = filter.nots values = filter.values conditions = filter.conditions links = filter.links fields = filter.fields for i in range(0, len(nots)): if i >= len(self.rows): self.add_search_bar() row = self.rows[i] if i > 0: row[0].setCurrentText(links[i - 1]) row[1].setCurrentText(nots[i]) row[2].setCurrentText(fields[i][0]) # Replacing all visualized tags by the current list of visible tags if fields[i][0] == "All visualized tags": fields[i] = self.project.session.get_shown_tags() row[3].setCurrentText(conditions[i]) row[4].setText(str(values[i])) old_rows = self.dataBrowser.table_data.scans_to_visualize # Filter applied only if at least one row if len(nots) > 0: # Result gotten try: filter_query = self.prepare_filters( links, fields, conditions, values, nots, self.scans_list ) result = self.project.session.filter_documents( COLLECTION_CURRENT, filter_query ) # data_browser updated with the new selection result_names = [ getattr(document, TAG_FILENAME) for document in result ] except Exception as e: print(e) # Error message if the search can't be done, # and visualization of all scans in the data_browser msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msg.setText("Error in the search") msg.setInformativeText( "The search has encountered a problem, you can correct it " "and launch it again." ) msg.setWindowTitle("Warning") msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.buttonClicked.connect(msg.close) msg.exec() result_names = self.scans_list # data_browser updated with the new selection self.dataBrowser.table_data.scans_to_visualize = result_names # Otherwise, all the scans are reput else: # data_browser updated with every scan if self.scans_list: self.dataBrowser.table_data.scans_to_visualize = ( self.scans_list ) else: self.dataBrowser.table_data.scans_to_visualize = ( self.project.session.get_documents_names( COLLECTION_CURRENT ) ) self.dataBrowser.table_data.update_visualized_rows(old_rows)
# def clearLayout(self, layout): # """ # Called to clear a layout # # :param layout: layout to clear # """ # if layout is not None: # while layout.count(): # item = layout.takeAt(0) # widget = item.widget() # # We clear the widget only if the row does not exist anymore # if widget is not None and not self.rowsContainsWidget( # widget): # pass # widget.deleteLater() # else: # self.clearLayout(item.layout())
[docs] def displayConditionRules(self, field, condition): """Set the list of condition choices, depending on the tag type :param field: field :param condition: condition """ tag_name = field.currentText() tag_row = self.project.session.get_field(COLLECTION_CURRENT, tag_name) no_operators_tags = [i for i in ALL_TYPES if i.startswith("list_")] no_operators_tags.append(FIELD_TYPE_STRING) no_operators_tags.append(FIELD_TYPE_BOOLEAN) no_operators_tags.append(None) if ( tag_row is not None and tag_row.field_type in no_operators_tags ) or tag_name == "All visualized tags": condition.removeItem(condition.findText("<")) condition.removeItem(condition.findText(">")) condition.removeItem(condition.findText("<=")) condition.removeItem(condition.findText(">=")) condition.removeItem(condition.findText("BETWEEN")) elif tag_row is None or tag_row.field_type not in no_operators_tags: operators_to_reput = ["<", ">", "<=", ">=", "BETWEEN"] for operator in operators_to_reput: is_op_existing = condition.findText(operator) != -1 if not is_op_existing: condition.addItem(operator) if tag_row is not None and tag_row.field_type.startswith("list_"): condition.removeItem(condition.findText("IN")) elif tag_row is None or not tag_row.field_type.startswith("list_"): operators_to_reput = ["IN"] for operator in operators_to_reput: is_op_existing = condition.findText(operator) != -1 if not is_op_existing: condition.addItem(operator) condition.model().sort(0)
[docs] def displayValueRules(self, choice, value): """Update the placeholder text. when the condition choice is changed. :param choice: choice :param value: value """ if choice.currentText() == "BETWEEN": value.setDisabled(False) value.setPlaceholderText( "Please separate the two inclusive borders of the range by a " "semicolon and a space" ) elif choice.currentText() == "IN": value.setDisabled(False) value.setPlaceholderText( "Please separate each list item by a semicolon and a space" ) elif ( choice.currentText() == "HAS VALUE" or choice.currentText() == "HAS NO VALUE" ): value.setDisabled(True) value.setPlaceholderText("") value.setText("") else: value.setDisabled(False) value.setPlaceholderText("")
[docs] def get_filters(self, replace_all_by_fields): """Get the filters in a list :param replace_all_by_fields: to replace All visualized tags by the list of visible fields :return: Lists of filters (fields, conditions, values, links, nots) """ # Lists to get all the data of the search fields = [] conditions = [] values = [] links = [] nots = [] for row in self.rows: for widget in row: if widget is not None: child = widget child_name = child.objectName() if child_name == "link": links.append(child.currentText()) elif child_name == "condition": conditions.append(child.currentText()) elif child_name == "field": if child.currentText() != "All visualized tags": fields.append([child.currentText()]) else: if replace_all_by_fields: fields.append( self.project.session.get_shown_tags() ) else: fields.append([child.currentText()]) elif child_name == "value": values.append(child.displayText()) elif child_name == "not": nots.append(child.currentText()) operators = ["<", ">", "<=", ">=", "BETWEEN"] no_operators_tags = [i for i in ALL_TYPES if i.startswith("list_")] no_operators_tags.append(FIELD_TYPE_STRING) no_operators_tags.append(FIELD_TYPE_BOOLEAN) # Converting BETWEEN and IN values into lists for i in range(0, len(conditions)): if conditions[i] == "BETWEEN" or conditions[i] == "IN": values[i] = values[i].split("; ") if conditions[i] == "IN": for tag in fields[i].copy(): tag_row = self.project.session.get_field( COLLECTION_CURRENT, tag ) if tag_row.type.startswith("list_"): fields[i].remove(tag) elif conditions[i] in operators: for tag in fields[i].copy(): tag_row = self.project.session.get_field( COLLECTION_CURRENT, tag ) if tag_row.type in no_operators_tags: fields[i].remove(tag) return fields, conditions, values, links, nots
[docs] @staticmethod def prepare_filters(links, fields, conditions, values, nots, scans): """Prepare the str representation of the filter :param links: list of links (AND/OR) :param fields: list of fields :param conditions: list of conditions (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, IN, BETWEEN, CONTAINS, HAS VALUE, HAS NO VALUE) :param values: list of values :param nots: list of negations ("" or NOT) :param scans: list of scans to search in :return: str representation of the filter """ row_queries = [] final_query = "" # For each row of constraint for row in range(0, len(fields)): row_fields = fields[row] row_condition = conditions[row] row_value = values[row] row_not = nots[row] row_query = "(" or_to_write = False for row_field in row_fields: if row_condition == "IN": row_field_query = ( "({" + row_field + "} " + row_condition + " " + str(row_value).replace("'", '"') + ")" ) elif row_condition == "BETWEEN": row_field_query = ( "(({" + row_field + '} >= "' + row_value[0] + '") AND (' + row_field + ' <= "' + row_value[1] + '"))' ) elif row_condition == "HAS VALUE": row_field_query = "({" + row_field + "} != null)" elif row_condition == "HAS NO VALUE": row_field_query = "({" + row_field + "} == null)" elif row_condition == "CONTAINS": row_field_query = ( "({" + row_field + '} LIKE "%' + row_value + '%")' ) else: row_field_query = ( "({" + row_field + "} " + row_condition + ' "' + row_value + '")' ) # Putting OR between conditions if several tags to search in if or_to_write: row_field_query = " OR " + row_field_query or_to_write = True row_query += row_field_query row_query += ")" row_queries.append(row_query) # Negation added if needed if row_not == "NOT": row_queries[row] = "(NOT " + row_queries[row] + ")" final_query += row_queries[0] # Putting the link between each row for row in range(0, len(links)): link = links[row] final_query += " " + link + " " + row_queries[row + 1] # Taking into account the list of scans final_query += ( " AND ({" + TAG_FILENAME + "} IN " + str(scans).replace("'", '"') + ")" ) final_query = "(" + final_query + ")" return final_query
[docs] def remove_row(self, row_layout): """Remove a row :param row_layout: Row to remove """ # We remove the row only if there is at least 2 rows, because we # always must keep at least one if len(self.rows) > 1: index = self.rows.index(row_layout) for i in range(0, len(self.rows[-1])): if self.rows[index][i] is not None: self.rows[index][i].setParent(None) self.rows[index][i].deleteLater() self.rows[index][i] = None del self.rows[index] # We refresh the view self.refresh_search()
[docs] def rows_borders_added(self, links): """Add the links and the added row to the good rows :param links: Old links to reput """ # Plus added to the last row sources_images_dir = Config().getSourceImageDir() add_search_bar_label = ClickableLabel() add_search_bar_label.setObjectName("plus") add_search_bar_picture = QPixmap( os.path.relpath(os.path.join(sources_images_dir, "green_plus.png")) ) add_search_bar_picture = add_search_bar_picture.scaledToHeight(20) add_search_bar_label.setPixmap(add_search_bar_picture) add_search_bar_label.clicked.connect(self.add_search_bar) self.rows[len(self.rows) - 1][6] = add_search_bar_label # Link added to every row, except the first one for i in range(1, len(self.rows)): row = self.rows[i] link_choice = QComboBox() link_choice.setObjectName("link") link_choice.addItem("AND") link_choice.addItem("OR") if len(links) >= i: link_choice.setCurrentText(links[i - 1]) row[0] = link_choice
[docs] def rows_borders_removed(self): """Link and add row removed from every row""" # We remove all the links and the add rows for i in range(0, len(self.rows)): # Plus removed from every row if self.rows[i][6] is not None: self.rows[i][6].setParent(None) self.rows[i][6].deleteLater() self.rows[i][6] = None # Link removed from every row if self.rows[i][0] is not None: self.rows[i][0].setParent(None) self.rows[i][0].deleteLater() self.rows[i][0] = None
# def rowsContainsWidget(self, widget): # """Check if the widget is still used # # :param widget: widget to check # :return: True or False # """ # for row in self.rows: # if widget in row: # return True # return False