


Input_Filter brick

To filter the content of the Data Browser tab or the output data of another brick

Inputs parameters:

  • input

    A list corresponding to the data from the Data Browser or the output data from another brick.

    ex. ['/home/username/data/Anat.nii', '/home/username/data/Func.nii']

Outputs parameters:

  • output

    A list with the result of the filter applied.

    ex. ['/home/username/data/Func.nii']

NOTE: To run properly, this process (node, brick) needs that, on the one hand, in the DataBrowser, the “send documents to the Pipeline Manager” button was clicked previously (with a selection of data made, or not), and on the other hand, at the input_filter brick level, that a right click then the selection of the option “Export to database_scans” has been made. Finally, a right click on the input_filter brick will allow to filter the input data by selecting “open filter”.