


Result_collector brick

Generates files containing summary data for each region of interest

  • To work correctly, the database entry for the first element of parameter_files must have the PatientName tag filled in.

  • The “PatientName_data/results_aggregation” directory is created to receive the results. If this directory exists at runtime, new results can overwrite old results with the same name.

  • Currently, to work correctly, this brick requires the doublet made up of the two hemispheres to be present in the parameter_files list and each hemisphere to be represented by the letters L (left) and R (right).

    For example:
    [/aPath/ACM_R_mean_spmT_BOLD.txt, /aPat/ACM_L_mean_spmT_BOLD.txt, etc.].

    It would be desirable to develop this brick so that it could also be used to collect a single territory without any notion of hemisphere (in this case, of course, the brick would not generate any laterality indices) => TODO ASAP

Inputs parameters:

  • parameter_files
    A list of files, each containing a parameter value. To work correctly, the name of each file must be exactly like this:
    • roi_ hemi_ calcul_ param_ contrast.txt, where
      • roi: region of interest (ex. ACA)

      • hemi: hemisphere (ex. L)

      • calcul: type of calcul (ex. mean)

      • param: the parameter recorded in the file (ex. spmT)

      • contrast: the type of contrast/effect used (ex. BOLD)

    ex. ['/home/username/data/raw_data/ACA_L_mean_spmT_BOLD.txt',
  • laterality_index
    A Boolean to calculate (True) or not (False) the laterality index:
    (left hemisphere parameter - right hemisphere parameter) / (left hemisphere parameter + right hemisphere parameter)
    ex. True
  • patient_info

    A dictionary whose keys/values correspond to information about the patient.

    e.g. {

    ‘PatientName’: ‘ablair’,
    ‘Pathology’: ‘ACMD’,
    ‘Age’: 64,
    ‘Sex’: ‘M’,
    ‘MR’: ‘3T’,
    ‘Gas’: ‘BACTAL’,
    ‘GasAdmin’: ‘MASK’


    ex. {'PatientName': <undefined>, 'Pathology': <undefined>, 'Age': <undefined>, 'Sex': <undefined>, 'MR': <undefined>, 'Gas': <undefined>, 'GasAdmin': <undefined>}

Outputs parameters:

  • out_files
    A list of .xml files containing a summary of the input parameters. The file names generated are constructed as follows:
    contrast_ calcul_ param.txt (e.g. BOLD_std_beta.xls).
    ex. ['/home/username/data/derived_data/patient-name_data/results_aggregation/BOLD_IL_mean_spmT.xls',