


ConvertXFM brick

Modify transformation matrix using convert_xfm (FSL)

Mandatory inputs parameters:

  • in_transfo (a string representing an existing file)

    Input transformation matrix (valid extensions: [.mat]).

    ex. '/home/username/data/raw_data/epi2struct.mat'

Optional inputs with default value parameters:

  • output_type (‘NIFTI’ or ‘NIFTI_GZ’, optional, default value is NIFTI)
    Format of the output image (one of NIFTI, NIFTI_GZ).
    - NIFTI: *.nii
    - NIFTI_GZ: *.nii.gz
    ex. NIFTI
  • invert_xfm (a boolean, optional, default value is False)

    Invert input transformation (exclusive with fix_scale_skew, concat_xfm)

    ex. False
  • concat_xfm (a boolean, optional, default value is False)

    Write joint transformation of two input matrices (exclusive with fix_scale_skew, invert_xfm). in_trasfo_2 parameter should be used for the second matrix.

    ex. False
  • fix_scale_skew (a boolean, optional, default value is False)

    Use secondary matrix to fix scale and skew. (exclusive with concat_xfm, invert_xfm). in_trasfo_2 parameter should be used for the second matrix.

    ex. False

Optional inputs :

  • in_transfo_2 (a string representing an existing file, optional)

    Second input transformation matrix (valid extensions: [.mat]).

    ex. '/home/username/data/raw_data/struc2mni.mat'

Outputs parameters:

  • out_file (a pathlike object or string representing a file)

    Final transformation matrix

    ex. '/home/username/data/derived_data/epi2struct_concate_struc2mni.mat

Usefull links:

FSL convert_xfm

FSL ConvertXFM - nipype