FWHMx brick¶
Computes FWHMs using AFNI FWHMx¶
This brick computes FWHMs for all sub-bricks (3D volumes for each TR) in the input dataset, each one separately.
Mandatory inputs parameters:
- in_file (a string representing an existing file)
Input image.
ex. '/home/username/data/derived_data/mean_reg_func_valid.nii'
Optional inputs with default value parameters:
- combine (a boolean, optional, default value is True)
Combine the final measurements along each axis.
ex. True
- detrend (a boolean or an integer, optional, default value is True)
Detrend to the specified order.
ex. True
- out_prefix (a string, optional, default value is ‘fwhm’)
Specify the string to be prepended to the filename of the output file.
ex. 'fwhm_'
Optional inputs:
- args (a string representing an existing file, optional)
Add an option as ‘-ShowMeClassicFWHM’ (use old classic method to compute FWHM)
ex. '-ShowMeClassicFWHM'
- mask_file (a string representing an existing file, optional)
Mask image.
ex. '/home/username/data/derived_data/automask_mean_reg_func_valid.nii'
Outputs parameters:
- out_file (a strings representing a file)
Out file.
ex. '/home/username/data/derived_data/fwhm_mean_reg_func_valid.out'
Useful links: