Source code for capsul.engine.settings

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module provides classes to store CapsulEngine settings for several execution environment and choose a configuration for a given execution environment. Setting management in Capsul has several features that makes it different from classical ways to deal with configuration:

* CapsulEngine must be able to deal with several configurations for the same software. For instance, one can configure both SPM 8 and SPM 12 and choose later the one to use.
* A single pipeline may use various configurations of a software. For instance a pipeline could compare the results of SPM 8 and SPM 12.
* Settings definition must be modular. It must be possible to define possible settings values either in Capsul (for well known for instance) or in external modules that can be installed separately.
* Capsul must deal with module dependencies. For instance the settings of SPM may depends on the settings of Matlab. But this dependency exists only if a non standalone SPM version is used. Therefore, dependencies between modules may depends on settings values.
* CapsulEngine settings must provide the possibility to express a requirement on settings. For instance a process may require to have version of SPM greater or equal to 12.
* The configuration of a module can be defined for a specific execution environment. Settings must allow to deal with several executions environments (e.g. a local machine and a computing cluster). Each environment may have a different configuration (for instance the SPM installation directory is not the same on the local computer and on a computing cluster).

To implement all these features, it was necessary to have a settings storage system providing a query language to express requirements such as ``spm.version >= 12``. Populse_db was thus chosen as the storage and query system for settings. Some of the settings API choices have been influenced by populse_db API.

CapsulEngine settings are organized in modules. Each module defines and documents the schema of values that can be set for its configuration. Typically, a module is dedicated to a software. For instance the module for SPM accepts confiurations containing a version (a string), an install directory (a string), a standalone/matlab flag (a boolean), etc. This schema is used to record configuration documents for the module. There can be several configuration documents per module. Each document corresponds to a full configuration of the module (for instance a document for SPM 8 configuration and another for SPM 12, or one for SPM 12 standalone and another for SPM 12 with matlab).

Settings cannot be used directly to configure the execution of a software. It is necessary to first select a single configuration document for each module. This configurations selection step is done by the :meth:`Settings.select_configurations` method.


# Questions about settings
# How to automatically build a GUI to input settings values ?
# * default values
# * mandatory / optional settings
# * dependencies between settings
# all these were "simple" using Controllers but are in a way "too free" now,
# and "too constrained" in another way (table columns: not dicts or structures)
# config modules might provide validation functions (check consistency,
# completeness of config values), and maybe a Controller to build a GUI ?
# How to store additional data indirectly linked with settings values ?
# Some modules were using objects shared through StudyConfig.modules_data
# (or CapsulEngine).
# doc on modules activation / use ?

import importlib
from uuid import uuid4
import sys

[docs] class Settings: ''' Main class for the management of CapsulEngine settings. Since these settings are always stored in a populse_db database, it is necessary to activate a settings session in order to read or modify settings. This is done by using a with clause:: from capsul.api import capsul_engine # Create a CapsulEngine ce = capsul_engine() with ce.settings as settings: # Read or modify settings here conf = settings.new_config('spm', 'global', {'version': '12', 'standalone': True}) # modify value = '/usr/local/spm12-standalone' ''' global_environment = 'global' collection_prefix = 'settings/' environment_field = 'config_environment' config_id_field = 'config_id' def __init__(self, populse_db): ''' Create a settings instance using the given populse_db instance ''' self.populse_db = populse_db self.module_notifiers = {} def __enter__(self): ''' Starts a session to read or write settings ''' dbs = self.populse_db.__enter__() return SettingsSession(dbs, module_notifiers=self.module_notifiers) def __exit__(self, *args): self.populse_db.__exit__(*args)
[docs] @staticmethod def module_name(module_name): ''' Return a complete module name (which must be a valid Python module name) given a possibly abbreviated module name. This method must be used whenever a module name is written by a user (for instance in a configuration file. This method add the prefix `'capsul.engine.module.'` if the module name does not contain a dot. ''' if '.' not in module_name: module_name = 'capsul.engine.module.' + module_name return module_name
[docs] def select_configurations(self, environment, uses=None, check_invalid_mods=False): ''' Select a configuration for a given environment. A configuration is a dictionary whose keys are module names and values are configuration documents. The returned set of configuration per module can be activaded with `capsul.api.activate_configuration()`. The `uses` parameter determine which modules must be included in the configuration. If not given, this method considers all configurations for every module defined in settings. This parameter is a dictionary whose keys are a module name and values are populse_db queries used to select module. The environment parameter defines the execution environment in which the configurations will be used. For each module, configurations are filtered with the query. First, values are searched in the given environment and, if no result is found, the `'global'` environment (the value defined in `Settings.global_environment`) is used. If `check_invalid_mods` is True, then each selected config module is checked for missing values and discarded if there are. example ------- To select a SPM version greater than 8 for an environment called `'my_environment'` one could use the following code:: config = ce.select_configurations('my_environment', uses={'spm': 'version > 8'}) ''' configurations = {} with self as settings: if uses is None: uses = {} for collection in (i.collection_name for i in settings._dbs.get_collections()): if collection.startswith(Settings.collection_prefix): module_name = \ collection[len(Settings.collection_prefix):] uses[module_name] = 'ALL' uses_stack = list(uses.items()) while uses_stack: module, query = uses_stack.pop(-1) # append environment to config_id if it is given in the filter if 'config_id=="' in query: i = query.index('config_id=="') i = query.index('"', i+12) query = '%s-%s%s' % (query[:i], environment, query[i:]) module = self.module_name(module) if module in configurations: continue configurations.setdefault('capsul_engine', {}).setdefault('uses', {})[module] = query selected_config = None query_env = environment full_query = '%s == "%s" AND (%s)' % ( Settings.environment_field, environment, ( 'ALL' if query == 'any' else query)) collection = '%s%s' % (Settings.collection_prefix, module) if settings._dbs.get_collection(collection): docs = list(settings._dbs.filter_documents(collection, full_query)) else: docs = [] if check_invalid_mods: # filter out invalid configs doc_t = docs docs = [] for doc in doc_t: mod = sys.modules[module] invalid = [] if hasattr(mod, 'check_notably_invalid_config'): invalid = mod.check_notably_invalid_config(doc) if len(invalid) == 0: docs.append(doc) if len(docs) == 1: selected_config = docs[0] elif len(docs) > 1: if query == 'any': selected_config = docs[0] else: raise EnvironmentError('Cannot create configurations ' 'for environment "%s" because settings returned ' '%d instances for module %s' % (environment, len(docs), module)) else: full_query = '%s == "%s" AND (%s)' % (Settings.environment_field, Settings.global_environment, ('ALL' if query == 'any' else query)) query_env = Settings.global_environment if settings._dbs.get_collection(collection): docs = list(settings._dbs.filter_documents(collection, full_query)) else: docs = [] if check_invalid_mods: # filter out invalid configs doc_t = docs docs = [] for doc in doc_t: mod = sys.modules[module] invalid = [] if hasattr(mod, 'check_notably_invalid_config'): invalid = mod.check_notably_invalid_config(doc) if len(invalid) == 0: docs.append(doc) if len(docs) == 1: selected_config = docs[0] elif len(docs) > 1: if query == 'any': selected_config = docs[0] else: raise EnvironmentError('Cannot create ' 'configurations for environment "%s" because ' 'global settings returned %d instances for ' 'module %s' % (query_env, len(docs), module)) if selected_config: # Remove values that are None items = getattr(selected_config, '_items', None) if items is None: # older populse_db 1.x items = selected_config.items selected_config = dict(items()) if 'config_id' in selected_config: selected_config['config_id'] \ = selected_config['config_id'][ :-len(query_env)-1] for k, v in list(items()): if v is None: del selected_config[k] configurations[module] = selected_config python_module = importlib.import_module(module) config_dependencies = getattr(python_module, 'config_dependencies', None) if config_dependencies: d = config_dependencies(selected_config) if d: uses_stack.extend( [(Settings.module_name(k), v) for k, v in d.items()]) return configurations
def export_config_dict(self, environment=None): conf = {} if environment is None: environment = self.get_all_environments() elif isinstance(environment, str): environment = [environment] with self as session: modules = [] for collection in (i.collection_name for i in session._dbs.get_collections()): if collection.startswith(Settings.collection_prefix): module_name = \ collection[len(Settings.collection_prefix):] modules.append(module_name) for env in environment: env_conf = {} for module in modules: mod_conf = {} for config in session.configs(module, env): id = '%s-%s' % (config._id, env) doc = session._dbs.get_document( session.collection_name(module), id) items = dict(doc._items()) if 'config_id' in items: items['config_id'] \ = items['config_id'][:-len(env)-1] mod_conf[config._id] = items if mod_conf: env_conf[module] = mod_conf env_conf['capsul_engine'] = {'uses': {m: 'ALL' for m in modules}} conf[env] = env_conf return conf
[docs] def import_configs(self, environment, config_dict, cont_on_error=False): ''' Import config values from a dictionary as given by :meth:`select_configurations`. Compared to :meth:`CapsulEngine.import_configs` this method (at :class:`Settings` level) does not load the required modules. ''' modules = config_dict.get('capsul_engine', {}).get('uses', {}) with self as session: for module in modules: mod_dict = config_dict.get(module, {}) if mod_dict: if 'config_id' in mod_dict: # select_configurations() shape: 1 config per module mod_dict = {mod_dict['config_id']: mod_dict} # otherwise several config are indexed by their config_id for config_id, config in mod_dict.items(): conf = session.config( module, environment, 'config_id == "%s"' % config_id) try: if conf: values = {k: v for k, v in config.items() if k not in ('config_id', 'config_environment')} conf.set_values(values) else: session.new_config(module, environment, config) except Exception as e: if not cont_on_error: raise print(e) print('Capsul config import fails for ' 'environment:', environment, ', module:', module, ', config:', config, file=sys.stderr)
[docs] def get_all_environments(self): ''' Get all environment values in the database ''' with self as session: return session.get_all_environments()
[docs] class SettingsSession: ''' Settings use/modifiction session, returned by "with settings as session:" ''' def __init__(self, populse_session, module_notifiers=None): ''' SettingsSession are created with Settings.__enter__ using a `with` statement. ''' self._dbs = populse_session if module_notifiers is None: self.module_notifiers = {} else: self.module_notifiers = module_notifiers
[docs] @staticmethod def collection_name(module): ''' Return the name of the populse_db collection corresponding to a settings module. The result is the full name of the module prefixed by Settings.collection_prefix (i.e. `'settings/'`). ''' module = Settings.module_name(module) collection = '%s%s' % (Settings.collection_prefix, module) return collection
[docs] def ensure_module_fields(self, module, fields): ''' Make sure that the given module exists in settings and create the given fields if they do not exist. `fields` is a list of dictionaries with three items: - name: the name of the key - type: the data type of the field (in populse_db format) - description: the documentation of the field ''' collection = self.collection_name(module) if self._dbs.get_collection(collection) is None: self._dbs.add_collection(collection, Settings.config_id_field) self._dbs.add_field(collection, Settings.environment_field, 'string', index=True) for field in fields: name = field['name'] if self._dbs.get_field(collection, name) is None: self._dbs.add_field(collection, name=name, field_type=field['type'], description=field['description']) return collection
[docs] def new_config(self, module, environment, values): ''' Creates a new configuration document for a module in the given environment. Values is a dictionary used to set values for the document. The document mut have a unique string identifier in the `Settings.config_id_field` (i.e. `'config_id'`), if None is given in `values` a unique random value is created (with `uuid.uuid4()`). ''' document = { Settings.environment_field: environment} document.update(values) id = document.get(Settings.config_id_field) if id is None: id = str(uuid4()) document[Settings.config_id_field] = '%s-%s' % (id, environment) collection = self.collection_name(module) self._dbs.add_document(collection, document) config = SettingsConfig( self._dbs, collection, id, environment, notifiers=self.module_notifiers.get(Settings.module_name(module), [])) config.notify() return config
[docs] def remove_config(self, module, environment, config_id): ''' Removes a configuration (document in the database) for a given module / environment, identified by its `Settings.config_id_field` value. ''' collection = self.collection_name(module) id = '%s-%s' % (config_id, environment) self._dbs.remove_document(collection, id)
[docs] def configs(self, module, environment, selection=None): ''' Returns a generator that iterates over all configuration documents created for the given module and environment. ''' collection = self.collection_name(module) if self._dbs.get_collection(collection) is not None: if selection: if 'config_id' in selection: x = selection.find('config_id') x = selection.find('"', x + 9) x = selection.find('"', x + 1) selection = '%s-%s%s'% (selection[:x], environment, selection[x:]) full_query = '%s == "%s" AND (%s)' % ( Settings.environment_field, environment, selection) docs = self._dbs.filter_documents(collection, full_query) else: docs = self._dbs.filter_documents( collection, '%s=="%s"' % (Settings.environment_field, environment)) for d in docs: id = d[Settings.config_id_field] id = id[:-len(environment)-1] yield SettingsConfig( self._dbs, collection, id, environment, notifiers=self.module_notifiers.get(Settings.module_name( module), []))
[docs] def config(self, module, environment, selection=None, any=True): ''' Selects configurations (like in :meth:`configs`) and ensures at most one one is selected Parameters ---------- module: str module name environment: str environment id ('global' etc) selection: str (optional) to select the configuration any: bool (optional) When more than one config is found, if ``any`` is True (default), return any of them (the first one). If ``any`` is False, return None. Returns ------- config: SettingsConfig instance or None None if no matching config is found or more than one if any is False ''' configs = list(self.configs(module, environment, selection)) if len(configs) == 0: return None if len(configs) == 1 or any: return configs[0] return None
[docs] def get_all_environments(self): ''' Get all environment values in the database ''' # TODO FIXME # this function uses low-level SQL requests on the sql engine of # populse_db 2, because I don't know how to perform requests with the # "DISTINCT" keyword using the high level requests language. It will # not work using populse_db 1 nor using another (non-SQL) # implementation of the database engine. environments = set() for collection in (i.collection_name for i in self._dbs.get_collections()): if collection.startswith(Settings.collection_prefix): #collection = collection[len(Settings.collection_prefix):] table = self._dbs.engine.collection_table[collection] #full_query = '%s == "%s"' % ( #Settings.environment_field, environment) #docs = self._dbs.filter_documents(collection, full_query) query = 'SELECT DISTINCT %s FROM "%s"' \ % (Settings.environment_field, table) res = self._dbs.engine.cursor.execute(query) environments.update([r[0] for r in res]) return environments
class SettingsConfig(object): def __init__(self, populse_session, collection, id, environment, notifiers=[]): super(SettingsConfig, self).__setattr__('_dbs', populse_session) super(SettingsConfig, self).__setattr__('_collection', collection) super(SettingsConfig, self).__setattr__('_environment', environment) super(SettingsConfig, self).__setattr__('_id', id) super(SettingsConfig, self).__setattr__('_notifiers', notifiers) def __setattr__(self, name, value): id = '%s-%s' % (super(SettingsConfig, self).__getattribute__('_id'), super(SettingsConfig, self).__getattribute__('_environment')) if getattr(self, name) != value: self._dbs.set_value(self._collection, id, name, value) # notify change for listeners self.notify(name, value) def __getattr__(self, name): if name in ('_id', '_environment'): return super(SettingsConfig, self).__getattribute__(name) value = self._dbs.get_value(self._collection, '%s-%s' % (self._id, self._environment), name) if name == 'config_id': return value[:-len(self._environment)-1] return value def set_values(self, values): id = '%s-%s' % (self._id, self._environment) old = self._dbs.get_document(self._collection, id, fields=values.keys(), as_list=True) mod_values = {k: v for o, (k, v) in zip(old, values.items()) if o != v} if mod_values: self._dbs.set_values(self._collection, id, mod_values) for name, value in mod_values.items(): self.notify(name, value) def notify(self, name=None, value=None): for notifier in self._notifiers: notifier(name, value)