
A project aimed to provide pipeline calculation tools to the neuroimaging community


Python library to chain algorithms in pipelines


The official bricks library for populse_mia


MRI File Manager allows the reading of some raw and processed data files from MRI Spectrometers:

It also converts MRI images to Nifti-1:


The database API of the populse project


Multiparametric Image Analysis (populse_mia or MIA) is intended to be a complete image processing environment mainly targeted at the analysis and visualisation of large amounts of MRI data. In this environment, a process pipeline can be easily built by sequentially linking a succession of atomic computation (brick). Pipeline metadata as well as input, output or intermediate data are automatically managed by a database integrated into the environment. MIA is written in Python and is mainly based on populse’s API, such as caspul, populse_db or soma_workflow.


Miscellaneous libs for the python environment of Populse / BrainVISA


A unified and simple interface to parallel computing resource

Parallel computing resources are now highly available: multiple core machines, clusters or grids. Soma-workflow is a unified and simple interface to parallel computing resources which aims at making easier the use of parallel resources by non expert users and software.