Source code for capsul.qt_apps.utils.find_pipelines
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# System import
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
import traceback
import os
import json
import sys
from setuptools import find_packages
from inspect import isclass
# CAPSUL import
from capsul.api import Pipeline
from capsul.api import Process
# Define the logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def find_pipelines_from_description(module_name, url=None):
""" Function that list all the pipeline of a module.
module_name: str (mandatory)
the name of the module we want to go through in order to find all
pipeline classes.
url: str (optional)
the url to the module documentation.
structured_pipelines: hierachic dict
each key is a sub module of the module. Leafs contain a list with
the url to the documentation.
pipelines: list
a list a pipeline string descriptions.
# Try to import the module
except ImportError:
logger.error("Can't load module {0}".format(module_name))
return {}, []
# Get the module path
module = sys.modules[module_name]
module_path = module.__path__[0]
# Build the expected pipeline description file
description_file = os.path.join(
module_path, "{0}.capsul".format(module_name))
# Load the description file
if os.path.isfile(description_file):
with open(description_file) as json_file:
pipelines = json.load(json_file)
# Organize the pipeline string description by module names
structured_pipelines = {}
lists2dict([x.split(".") for x in pipelines], url, structured_pipelines)
return structured_pipelines, pipelines
# No description found
return {}, []
def find_pipeline_and_process(module_name):
""" Function that return all the Pipeline and Process classes of a module.
All the mdoule path are scanned recuresively. Any pipeline or process will
be added to the output.
module_name: str (mandatory)
the name of the module we want to go through in order to find all
pipeline classes.
output: dict
a dictionary with a list of pipeline and process string descriptions
found in the module.
# Try to import the module
except ImportError:
logger.error("Can't load module {0}".format(module_name))
return {}, []
# Get the module path
module = sys.modules[module_name]
if hasattr(module, '__path__'):
module_path = module.__path__[0]
module_path = os.path.dirname(module.__file__)
# Use setuptools to go through the module
sub_modules = find_packages(where=module_path, exclude=("doc", ))
sub_modules = [module_name + "." + x for x in sub_modules]
sub_modules.insert(0, module_name)
logger.debug("Modules found with setuptools: '{0}'.".format(sub_modules))
# Shift
shift = len(module_name.split("."))
# Create a set with all pipelines and process
pip_and_proc = [set(), set()]
for sub_module in sub_modules:
# Get the sub module path
sub_module_path = os.path.join(
module_path, *sub_module.split(".")[shift:])
# List all the module in submodule path
sub_sub_module_names = [
sub_module + "." + x[:-3] for x in os.listdir(sub_module_path)
if (x.endswith(".py") and not x.startswith("_"))]
# Try to import the sub sub module
for sub_sub_module_name in sub_sub_module_names:
except ImportError:
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
logger.error("Can't load module "
# Get the module
sub_sub_module = sys.modules[sub_sub_module_name]
# From all the tools, find Pipeline instance
for tool_name in dir(sub_sub_module):
if tool_name.startswith("_"):
tool = getattr(sub_sub_module, tool_name)
# Check all the authorized derived class
parent_classes = [Pipeline, Process]
for cnt, parent_class in enumerate(parent_classes):
if (isclass(tool) and issubclass(tool, parent_class)) \
and tool not in parent_classes:
sub_sub_module_name + "." + tool_name)
# Format output
output = {
"pipeline_descs": list(pip_and_proc[0]),
"process_descs": list(pip_and_proc[1])
return output
def lists2dict(list_of_pipeline_description, url, d):
""" Convert a list of split module names to a hierarchic dictionary with
list leafs that contain the url to the module documentation.
list_of_pipeline_description: list of list of str (mandatory)
the split module names to organize by modules
url: str (mandatory)
the url to the module documentation
d: hierachic dict
each key is a sub module of the module. Leafs contain a list with
the url to the documentation.
# Go through all pipeline descriptions
for l in list_of_pipeline_description:
# Reach a leaf (a pipeline)
if len(l) == 1:
d.setdefault(l[0], []).append(url or "")
# Continue the recursion
if not l[0] in d:
d[l[0]] = lists2dict([l[1:]], url, {})
d[l[0]].update(lists2dict([l[1:]], url, d[l[0]]))
return d